This smart contract is designed for Dutch auctions creating. Anyone can create a new auction and anyone can buy an item. Owner of smart contract gets 10% for every purchase.
The smart contract is written using Solidity for the Ethereum blockchain. I used to hardhat as a development environment framework.
- First you need to clone this repo to your machine:
git clone
- Then you need to install all requirements from package.json:
npm install
- After that you need to check that you have an installed hardhat framework:
npx hardhat
- The last one is just compiling the contract!:
npx hardhat compile
If you have got Compiled 6 Solidity files successfully
output that's mean that everything is okay, and you can use Vote
Smart Contract!
This contract has a lot of unit-test with 100% coverage. You can run these using:
npx hardhat test
Also, you may want to check coverage. You can do it using:
npx hardhat coverage
This command will print the result in the standard output. You also may check it using coverage/index.html file.
It's just a study work. If you have any proposals or remarks please feel free and let me know about it.