Gramaddict web UI interface for a single device allow you to see the logs in real time, start and stop the bot all from your browser.
Intended to be used on a single device attached to a controlling machine (e.g. raspberry pi with ADB over USB).
Generate binary make binary
move it to your $PATH
or add a new entry in your $PATH
Set it to run on reboot using cronjob (replace env vars):
@reboot ACC="ACCOUNT_NAME" GH="PATH_TO_GRAMADDICT" gramaddict_helper
Then, add a cronjob to execute your bot based on your required time (an example for everyday at 07:00 in the morning):
0 07 * * * curl localhost:8080/start
based on your timing needs.
[Mandaotory] Instagram account name
[Optional] Gramaddict installation directory (default to '$HOME/gramaddict')
[Optional] Used to determine if the process running by filtering the processes (default to '')
[Optional] Path to gramaddict account log file (default to '$HOME/gramaddict/logs/$INSTAGRAM_ACCOUNT.log