A local deployment for development purpose on centos 7 with vagrant over virtualbox.
There is an option to download on the fly hadoop and hbase or provide your own files
For an offline deployment you will need to provide the following 3 files and ammend the vagrantfile:
- CentOS-7-x86_64-Vagrant-1801_02.VirtualBox.box
- hbase-1.2.6-bin.tar.gz
- hadoop-2.8.3.tar.gz
- Vagrant 2+
- Virtualbox 5+ (with support for 64bit)
Make sure that you've enough resources to allocate, Otherwise, you will need to ammend the vagrantfile.
- 4 Cores
- 4G Ram
In a command line
deploy: vagrant up
destroy: vagrant destroy
vagrant up
you will be asked to choose ethernet card for network bridge - it's usually number 1
The process won't continue unless you choose and confirm.
Once vagrant finish it thing, you will be able to see the mahcine's IP in the console output,
use that IP to access your machine.
HBASE WebUI is available at port : 16010
Hadoop HDFS Health WebUI is available at port : 50070
Hadoop cluster WebUI is available at port : 8088