Powershell Cmdlets to work with Apache.Avro files
Install-Module AvroTools (run as admin)
Read-Avro c:\weather.avro
station time temp
------- ---- ----
011990-99999 -619524000000 0
011990-99999 -619506000000 22
011990-99999 -619484400000 -11
012650-99999 -655531200000 111
012650-99999 -655509600000 78
Read-Avro -Path c:\weather.avro | where {$_.name -like "012*"}
Read-Avro -Path c:\weather.avro | select -first 10
Read-Avro -Path c:\weather.avro | select station, temp
Read-avro c:\weather.avro | Export-Csv -Path weather.csv
(Read-AvroSchema -Path c:\weather.avro).ToString()
Writing Avro is currently limited to simple schemas. Write-Avro writes PSObjects to Avro file. The schema is infered from the first item.
$myObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = 'Kevin' Age = 1 }, [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = 'Dunkun' Age = 2 }
$myObject | Write-Avro -Path c:\temp\newAvro.avro -Verbose