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A collection of LaTeX preprint templates

We have three different flavours of template:

  1. a one-column pre-print template resembling machine learning journals (predoc.cls and predoc2.cls, the latter of which is more activiely developed);
  2. a two-column pre-print template resembling some conference (and journal) styles (procdoc.cls and procdoc2.cls, again the latter of which is more activiely developed); and,
  3. a one-column, formatted more inline with traditional mathematics journals (mathdoc.cls).

The *doc2.cls templates were borne from a desire to make the titling ragged-right, which we found to be more modern. Following the realisation that this was nicer, development on *doc.cls templates was left behind. If you would like centred titling, please use mathdoc.cls.


Loading the templates

Users should load the templates as follows:

\pdfoutput=1 % ensure pdflatex for arXiv

However, it is easiest to simply copy and paste one of the *-sample.tex documents so that you are not starting from scratch.

Automatically-imported packages

All three main class files (those being predoc2.cls, procdoc2.cls, and mathdoc.cls) use the authblk package for author and institutions, pre-load the natbib, hyperref, and amsmath and amsthm packages (in order to define custom theorem styles).

Front matter

Alongside authors and institutions, one can add keywords and thanks to their front matter. In predoc2.cls and procdoc2.cls, this is done through the keywords environment after the \begin{document} command, e.g.

% imports etc. go before \begin{document} command

    This is my abstract
    first topic; another keyword; and a third.

In mathdoc.cls, this is done before the \begin{document} command alongside title and authors, e.g.

\title{Sample document}
\keywords{keyword 1; phrase 2.} % keywords are optional in all classes
\author[1]{First Author\thanks{This is a thanks footnote.}} % this is how you add a thanks footnote
\author[2]{Second Author}
\affil[1]{Department One, Institution One, Address One}
\affil[2]{Department Two, Institution Two, Address Two}

Running title and authors

Across all classes, one can add running titles and authors with the following (placed before the \begin{document} command)

% authors and institutions go above

% set running title and authors
\def\runauthor{F. Author and S. Author}
\def\runtitle{Running title}

% \begin{document} goes below

or if you would like to automatically use your full title as the running title, use

% authors and institutions go above

% set running title and authors
\def\runauthor{F. Author and S. Author}

% \begin{document} goes below


A collection of LaTeX preprint templates






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