The queryMed package purpose is to provide to pharmaco-epidemiologists easiest ways of accessing and linking medical and pharmacological knowledges to electronic health record.
The package leverages the Semantic Web technologies and the Linked Data to retrieve pharmacological and medical annotations, and to link it to the main medical nomenclatures. For example, queryMed allows to search for drug contraindications, indications and interactions in a database of electronic health records.
queryMed is released as an open source software available on github.
To install it from github, first install the devtools package and then run devtools::install_github("yannrivault/queryMed/queryMed")
To cite queryMed in publications, please use:
Y Rivault, O Dameron, N Le Meur; queryMed: Semantic Web functions for linking pharmacological and medical knowledge to data, Bioinformatics, btz034,
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
author = {Yann Rivault and Olivier Dameron and Nolwenn {Le Meur}},
title = {queryMed: Semantic Web functions for linking pharmacological and medical knowledge to data},
publisher = {Bioinformatics},
year = {2019},
doi = {},