Arbel Firebase Orm is an ORM that can run in NodeJS, Browser, Cordova, PhoneGap, Ionic, React Native, NativeScript, Expo, and Electron platforms and can be used with TypeScript and JavaScript (ES5, ES6, ES7, ES8).
Firebase ORM supports only Active Record pattern for now.
Some Arbel Firebase Orm features:
- supports ActiveRecord
- allow to specify the Firestore database sturcture as Orm
- easy way to keep the Firestore nosql sturcture orginazied and easy to managed
- fetching list and data in real-time (Firesotre feature)
- store created time and updated time automaticly
And more...
With Firebase ORM your models look like this:
import { Field, BaseModel, Model } from "@arbel/firebase-orm";
reference_path: "websites/:website_id/members",
path_id: "member_id"
export class Member extends BaseModel {
is_required: true
public name!: string;
is_required: true,
field_name: "photo_url"
public photoUrl!: string;
And your domain logic looks like this:
const member = new Member(); = "Timber";
member.photoUrl = "";
//To access the data in hierarchy
//Get the website google from the database
const google = await Website.findOne('domain','==','');
//Get the linkes under google website
const links = await google.getModel(Link).getAll();
//Using sql to find links inside google model
const list = await google.sql("select * from links where name = 'some link'");
//Get all members
const allMembers = await Member.getAll();
//Get all members with age > 3 and weight > 30
const list = await Member.query().where('age','>','3').where('weight','>','30').get();
//Get all members with age > 3 or age < 3 limit 10
const list = await Member.query().where('age','>','3').orWhere('age','<','3').limit(10).get();
//Get the member tom
const tom = await Member.findOne('firstName','==','Tom');
//Listen to changes in tom data in real time
var unsubscribe = tom.on(()=>{
//Do something
//Get all the list in real time
var unsubscribe = Member.onList((member) => {
//Do someting with the meber
//Get all the list in real time when new meber is addedd
var unsubscribe = Member.onList((member) => {
//Do someting with the meber
var unsubscribe = Member.onModeList({
* Listen to add new objects from now
added?: CallableFunction;
* Listen to removed objects
removed? : CallableFunction
* Listen to modify objects
modified? : CallableFunction
* Listen to init loading objects
init? : CallableFunction
//Kill the listen process
Install the npm package:
npm install @arbel/firebase-orm firebase rxfire moment --save
Also, make sure you are using TypeScript compiler version 3.3 or greater,
and you have enabled the following settings in tsconfig.json
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"strictPropertyInitialization" : false,
You may also need to enable es6
in the lib
section of compiler options, or install es6-shim
from @types
1.Create global connection
import * as app from "firebase";
import { FirestoreOrmRepository } from "@arbel/firebase-orm";
var firebaseApp = FirestoreOrmRepository.initializeApp(config);
2.Create global path id - (optinal)
import { FirestoreOrmRepository } from "@arbel/firebase-orm";
FirestoreOrmRepository.initGlobalPath("user_id", 50);
3.Create new object
import { Member } from "model/member";
const member = new Member(); = "Timber";
member.photoUrl = "";;
- only varibales with the decorator @Field will save in the database
- every model must to include path_id attribute that need to be unique
- reference_path is the path of the model data inside the dataabse
1.Add the flag is_text_indexing
to @Field decorator
import { Field, BaseModel, Model } from "@arbel/firebase-orm";
reference_path: "websites/:website_id/members",
path_id: "member_id"
export class Member extends BaseModel {
is_text_indexing: true
public name!: string;
is_required: true
public age!: number;
is_required: true
public weight!: number;
- save new value inside the variable.
- use like operator as you need
//Get all members with age > 3 and weight > 30 and name conatin `Dav`
const list = await Member.query()
.where("age", ">", "3")
.where("weight", ">", "30")
.like("name", "%Dav%")
1.Add firebase function with onWrite trigger
import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import { Client } from "@elastic/elasticsearch";
const client = new Client({
cloud: {
id: "xxxxxxx",
username: "xxxxx",
password: "xxxxxxx"
export const elasticsearchProductsSync = functions.firestore
.onWrite((snap, context) => {
const productId = context.params.productId;
const newData =;
// ...or the previous value before this update
const previousData =;
if (newData) { = productId;
if (!previousData) {
printLog("create new product - ", productId);
index: "products",
type: "_doc",
id: productId,
body: newData
.catch(e => {
var error =
e.meta && e.meta.body && e.meta.body.error ? e.meta.body : e;
console.error("Elasticsearch error - ", error);
} else {
printLog("update product - ", productId);
method: "POST",
path: "/products/_doc/" + productId,
body: newData
.catch(e => {
var error =
e.meta && e.meta.body && e.meta.body.error ? e.meta.body : e;
console.error("Elasticsearch error - ", error);
} else {
printLog("delete product - ", productId);
index: "products",
type: "_doc",
id: productId
.catch(e => {
var error =
e.meta && e.meta.body && e.meta.body.error ? e.meta.body : e;
console.error("Elasticsearch error - ", error);
return true;
- set global elasticsearch url
- fetch the data as sql
var result: any = await Product.elasticSql("WHERE qty > 0", 3);
//Total rows
var totalCount = await result.count();
var current = 0;
while ( {
var result = await;
- or to use binding sql
var result: any = await Product.elasticSql([
"WHERE name in (:options) and cost > :cost",
options: ["a", "b", "c"],
cost: 9
//Total rows
var totalCount = await result.count();
var current = 0;
while ( {
var result = await;
1.Initilize firebase storage connection
var firebaseApp: any = firebase.initializeApp(config.api.firebase);
var storage =;
- Get the storage reference of the wanted field
var product = new Product(); = "test product";
var storageRef = product.getStorageFile("photoUrl");
- Upload file
var product = new Product();
await product.getStorageFile("photoUrl").uploadFile(file);;
- Upload file from string
var product = new Product();
await product.getStorageFile("photoUrl").uploadString(file,'base64');;
- Upload file from url (copy file to storage)
var product = new Product();
await product.getStorageFile("photoUrl").uploadFromUrl(url);;
- Get file firebase storage ref
var product = new Product();
var ref = product.getStorageFile("photoUrl").getRef();
- Track progress
var product = new Product(); = "test product";
var storageRef = product.getStorageFile("photoUrl");
await storageRef.uploadFromUrl(
function(snapshot: any) {
// Observe state change events such as progress, pause, and resume
// Get task progress, including the number of bytes uploaded and the total number of bytes to be uploaded
var progress = (snapshot.bytesTransferred / snapshot.totalBytes) * 100;
switch (snapshot.state) {
case // or 'paused'
case // or 'running'
function(error: any) {
// Handle unsuccessful uploads
function(task: any) {
// Handle successful uploads on complete
// For instance, get the download URL:
task.snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL().then(function(downloadURL: any) {
printLog("File available at", downloadURL);