Helps you to export your cluster's kube-bench reports to remote targets like multiple Amazon S3 buckets, Azure blob storage, etc. in one-go with ease.
Disclaimer: As of now, it can only export the kube-bench reports to S3 buckets. Functionality around exporting to Azure Blob Store is Work-in-progress.
Kube-bench runs CIS Benchmark Tests over your kubernetes cluster and exports the results to stdout but it doesn't have a native support to exporting those same results to a remote storage like an Amazon S3 bucket.
Hence, with this kube-bench-exporter you can do that and that too to multiple S3 buckets (or Azure Blob storage) concurrently in one-go.
kube-bench-exporter works on the idea of sidecar pattern (kinda) where the sidecar container is the kube-bench-exporter container which is delegated to export your kube-bench reports.
The main kube-bench container remains untouched and up-to-date with kube-bench upstream and it simply runs the way it usually runs and exports the reports to a local .txt file via piping through stdout, and exits.
The only difference here is that, behind the scenes, the exported report will be mounted on a shared volume and this report will be read by our kube-bench-exporter sidecar container which it will upload to all the user-specified targets like S3 buckets.
And that too, it performs all the uploads to all the targets concurrently in one-go in a manner of Asynchronous fan-out instead of uploading to each target one-by-one. This is done to ensures two things:
- Avoiding convoy effect: If a certain upload is taking time to get processed, other uploads don't end up waiting for it to complete. (The go-scheduler context switches from the upload which is stuck to other upload tasks so as to ensure minimal amount of waiting time).
- Avoiding Single-point-of-failure: If a certain upload fails due to an error, then still other uploads asynchronously happen without being affected.
Say, you want to export your kube-bench reports to 2 of your S3 buckets.
- First of all, create a secret containing credentials to an IAM user having enough access to upload files to those 2 S3 buckets.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: aws-creds ### DO NOT TOUCH THIS
namespace: kube-system ### DO NOT TOUCH THIS
AWS_ACCESS_KEY: <access key of your IAM user>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: <secret access key of your IAM user>
- Now, create a configmap containing the details of the S3 buckets in which you want your kube-bench reports to exported. kube-bench-exporter will export (fan-out) to all the below targets concurrently.
Say, there are two targets:
- A bucket named "bucket1" in the region "us-east-1" and you want the reports to be uploaded under the folder "sample-folder/kube-bench-reports".
- A bucket named "bucket2" in the region "ap-southeast-1" and you want the reports to be uploaded at root directory in that bucket.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: target-config ### DO NOT TOUCH THIS
namespace: kube-system ### DO NOT TOUCH THIS
target-config.yaml: | ### DO NOT TOUCH THIS
"type": "s3",
"config": {
"bucket": "bucket1",
"region": "us-east-1",
"prefix": "sample-folder/kube-bench-reports"
"type": "s3",
"config": {
"bucket": "bucket2",
"region": "ap-southeast-1"
- Finally, use the following manifest for all the hardwork of running, generating and exporting your kube-bench reports periodically. You don't have to mess around with the below manifest. DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING IN THE BELOW MANIFEST. Just update the field which are commented in the manifest with "UPDATE:"
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: kube-bench-exporter
namespace: kube-system
hostPID: true
- name: kube-bench
image: aquasec/kube-bench:latest
command: ["/bin/sh"]
args: ["-c", "kube-bench -v 3 --logtostderr --benchmark eks-1.0 > /export/kube-bench/report.txt"] ## UPDATE: Tweak this according to the kind of k8s cluster you have. For reference: checkout
- name: var-lib-kubelet
mountPath: /var/lib/kubelet
readOnly: true
- name: etc-systemd
mountPath: /etc/systemd
readOnly: true
- name: etc-kubernetes
mountPath: /etc/kubernetes
readOnly: true
- name: published-report
mountPath: /export/kube-bench/
- name: kube-bench-exporter-sidecar
image: yashvardhankukreja/kube-bench-exporter:v0.0.1
imagePullPolicy: Never
- secretRef:
name: aws-creds
- name: published-report
mountPath: /export/kube-bench/
readOnly: true
- name: target-config
mountPath: /etc/config/
restartPolicy: Never
- name: var-lib-kubelet
path: "/var/lib/kubelet"
- name: etc-systemd
path: "/etc/systemd"
- name: etc-kubernetes
path: "/etc/kubernetes"
- name: target-config
name: target-config
- name: published-report
emptyDir: {}
PS: Checkout examples
Say, the above Job ran on 16/09/2021, then the report will be uploaded to the user-provided targets with the name: 16-09-2021-kube-bench-report.txt
Specifically, in the above example, the report will be at the following places:
- For "bucket1" (region: us-east-1) -
- For "bucket2" (region: ap-southeast-1) -
(in the root itself)