Plug-and-play react package for OAuth2 Authorization Code flow with PKCE
Adhering to the RFCs recommendations, cryptographically sound, and with zero dependencies!
Short version;
The modern and secure way to do authentication for mobile and web applications!
Long version;
- Authorization server agnostic, works equally well with all OAuth2 auth servers following the OAuth2 spec
- Supports OpenID Connect (idTokens)
- Pre- and Post login callbacks
- Silently refreshes short lived access tokens in the background
- Decodes JWT's
- A total of ~440 lines of code, easy for anyone to audit.
import React, { useContext } from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { AuthContext, AuthProvider, TAuthConfig } from "react-pkce-oauth2"
const authConfig: TAuthConfig = {
clientId: 'myClientID',
authorizationEndpoint: 'myAuthEndpoint',
tokenEndpoint: 'myTokenEndpoint',
// Whereever your application is running. Must match configuration on authorization server
redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/',
// Optional
scope: 'someScope openid',
// Optional
logoutEndpoint: '',
// Optional
logoutRedirect: '',
// Example to redirect back to original path after login has completed
preLogin: () => localStorage.setItem('preLoginPath', location.pathname),
postLogin: () => location.replace(localStorage.getItem('preLoginPath')),
// Whether or not to try and decode the access token.
// Stops errors from being printed in the console for non-JWT access tokens, etc. from Github
decodeToken: true
function LoginInfo() {
const { tokenData, token, logOut, error, loginInProgress } = useContext(AuthContext)
// Stops the webpage from flickering while logging in
if (loginInProgress) return null
if (error) {
return (
<div style={{ color: 'red' }}>An error occurred during authentication: {error}</div>
<button onClick={() => logOut()}>Logout</button>
if (!token)
return (
<div style={{ backgroundColor: 'red' }}>You are not logged in</div>
<button onClick={() => window.location.reload()}>Login</button>
return (
<h4>Access Token (JWT)</h4>
<h4>Login Information from Access Token (Base64 decoded JWT)</h4>
<pre>{JSON.stringify(tokenData, null, 2)}</pre>
<AuthProvider authConfig={authConfig}>
</div>, document.getElementById('root'),
The package is available on here;
npm install react-pkce-oauth2
and import
import { AuthContext, AuthProvider } from "react-pkce-oauth2"
- Update the 'authConfig' object in
with config from your authorization server and application - Install node_modules ->
$ yarn install
- Run ->
$ yarn start
You are welcome to create issues and pull requests :)