Releases: yasirkula/UnityInspectPlus
Releases Β· yasirkula/UnityInspectPlus
- Fixed inspected scene object not persisting when entering play mode on at least Unity 2022.3
- Fixed inspected TypeWrapper (that shows a Type's static variables) not persisting between scenes
- "Window-Inspect+-Inspect Type" can now inspect the first Object instance of the entered Type if an asterisk is put at the end of the type name
- InspectPlusSettings asset is now saved in UserSettings folder to avoid conflicts in multi-user projects
- UX improvements to saving/manipulating scene objects in BasketWindow
- BasketWindow now deprecates SceneFavoritesHolder which was used to store favorite scene objects but since it was saved in scene, it wasn't user-specific whereas BasketWindow is
- BasketWindows are now saved in UserSettings folder (same as InspectPlusSettings asset)
- Double clicking a folder in CustomProjectWindow will expand that folder (same as Unity's Project window)