Install Bower packages. Smartly.
If you haven't used grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide.
Please note, this plugin works only with grunt 0.4+. If you are using grunt 0.3.x then consider an upgrade to 0.4.
From the same directory as your project's Gruntfile and package.json, install this plugin with the following command:
npm install grunt-bower-task --save-dev
Once that's done, add this line to your project's Gruntfile:
If the plugin has been installed correctly, running grunt --help
at the command line should list the newly-installed plugin's task or tasks. In addition, the plugin should be listed in package.json as a devDependency
, which ensures that it will be installed whenever the npm install
command is run.
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named bower
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
bower: {
install: {
//just run 'grunt bower:install' and you'll see files from your Bower packages in lib directory
Type: String
Default value: ./lib
A directory where you want to keep your Bower packages.
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
Whether you want to run bower install task itself (e.g. you might not want to do this each time on CI server).
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Whether you want to run bower prune task itself (e.g. you might not want to do this each time on CI server).
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Will clean target dir before running install.
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Will remove bower's dir after copying all needed files into target dir.
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Copy Bower packages to target directory.
Type: boolean
Default value: undefined
NOTE: If set to true or false then both cleanBowerDir
& cleanTargetDir
are set to the value of cleanup
Type: string
or function
Default value: byType
There are two built-in named layouts: byType
and byComponent
layout will produce the following structure:
|-- js
| |- bootstrap
| \- require
|-- css
\- bootstrap
where js
, css
come from exportsOverride
section described below.
will group assets by type under component name:
|-- bootstrap
| |- js
| \- css
|-- require
\- js
If you need to support custom layout then you can specify layout
as a function of type
, component
and source
var path = require('path');
bower: {
install: {
options: {
layout: function(type, component, source) {
var renamedType = type;
if (type == 'js') renamedType = 'javascripts';
else if (type == 'css') renamedType = 'stylesheets';
return path.join(component, renamedType);
You can use source
parameter value in order to produce more flexible layout based on the resource file name.
Take a look at PR #114 as an example.
Type: boolean
Default value: false
The task will provide more (debug) output when this option is set to true
. You can also use --verbose
when running task for same effect.
Type: Object
Default value: {}
An options object passed through to the bower.install
api, possible options are as follows:
forceLatest: true|false, // Force latest version on conflict
production: true|false, // Do not install project devDependencies
Default options are good enough if you want to install Bower packages and keep only "main"
files (as specified by package's bower.json
) in separate directory.
bower: {
install: {
options: {
copy: false,
targetDir: './lib',
layout: 'byType',
install: true,
verbose: false,
prune: false,
cleanTargetDir: false,
cleanBowerDir: false,
bowerOptions: {}
In this initial version there are no more options in plugin itself. BUT!
At this point of time "Bower package" = "its git repository". It means that package includes tests, licenses, etc. Bower's community actively discusses this issue (GitHub issues #46,#88, on Google Groups) That's why you can find such tools like blittle/bower-installer which inspired this project.
Okay, if you want more than "main"
files in ./lib
directory then put "exportsOverride"
section into your bower.json
"name": "simple-bower",
"version": "0.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "~1.8.3",
"bootstrap-sass": "*",
"requirejs": "*"
"exportsOverride": {
"bootstrap-sass": {
"js": "js/*.js",
"scss": "lib/*.scss",
"img": "img/*.png"
"requirejs": {
"js": "require.js"
will do the rest:
- If Bower package has defined
files then they will be copied to./lib/<package>/
. - If
files are empty then the whole package directory will be copied to./lib
. - When you define
only asset types and files specified by you will be copied to./lib
For the example above you'll get the following files in .lib
If you have the same override rules for multiple Bower components you can make use of simple wildcard:
"exportsOverride": {
"bootstrap-*": { // will match 'bootstrap-modal', 'bootstrap-notify', etc.
"js": "**/*.js",
"css": "**/*.css"
"*": { // will match everything else
"js": "**/*.js",
"css": "**/*.css"
You can use syntax which mirrors native JavaScript RegExp literal syntax, e.g. /bootstrap.+/
or even /\\d{1}).\\w{1}/
if you have complex matching rules.
Usage example in bower.json
"exportsOverride": {
"/\\d{1}).\\w{1}/": { // will match '', 'jquery_date_v1_2'
"js": "js/*.js"
- An evaluation order depends on the order of entries in
section in yourbower.json
. - Pay attention to what characters you use in RegExp overrides - '.' and '*' has special meaning in regular expressions.
- If you put
as the first entry inexportsOverride
, it'll match everything, so other rules will be skipped.
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Ivan Yatskevich
Licensed under the MIT license.