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Mathias Gelhausen edited this page Nov 21, 2016 · 1 revision

Welcome to the StackoverflowApi wiki!

Branching model

There are three main branches in this repository

  • master
    is the branch where the stable releases are. Each one tagged with a proper version.

  • next
    is the branch where all the changes for the next upcoming stable releases are.
    Might be tagged with a pre-release version.
    This branch should be stable.

  • stage
    is the Continuous Integration branch. It's meant to test and will most certainly contain highly unstable and sometimes broken code.


  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a branch based on master and code happily.
    If your collaboration depends on code currently only available in the next branch, you are allowed to base your branch on next.
  3. Optionally merge your branch to stage to see, if the building process and tests are working or to test if your implementation causes side effects with other features or whatever.
  4. Once your work is finished, open a pull request against next
  5. When the changes are approved (or any requested changes are made and then approved) by an admin, your work will be merged.
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