This is a simulation calculating the Mandelbrot set. Number crunching code is done in OpenCL, which is then called in Python and visualized using pyqtgraph.
You will need an installation of OpenCL. For Intel CPUs/GPUs on Ubuntu you can follow this post on askubuntu. For other distributions and Nvidia or AMD GPUs you can follow Andreas Klöckner's wiki.
You also need python 3.x with the following packages:
I suggest installing virtualenv & virtualenvwrapper, so you don't clutter your system python installation with additional packages.
Clone the git repository
git clone
Then install the required python packages (best in your virtualenv)
cd mandelbrot_opencl
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the widget
python src/
Basic controls:
- W/A/S/D - move around
- E - zoom in
- Q - zoom out
- C - set number of color steps
- I - set number of iterations to calculate
- R - recenter and zoom out
- Esc - quit app