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Francisco Santos committed Sep 16, 2021
1 parent e4abb4a commit 7df5aa3
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Showing 6 changed files with 711 additions and 9 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/ydata_quality/data_relations/
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Tools to check dataset for data relations.
from ydata_quality.data_relations.engine import DataRelationsDetector

__all__ = [
160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions src/ydata_quality/data_relations/
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Implementation of DataRelationsDetector engine to run data relations analysis.
from typing import Optional, Tuple, List

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ydata_quality.core import QualityEngine, QualityWarning
from ydata_quality.utils.correlations import correlation_matrix, partial_correlation_matrix, correlation_plotter, vif_collinearity, chi2_collinearity
from ydata_quality.utils.modelling import infer_dtypes
from ydata_quality.utils.auxiliary import standard_normalize

class DataRelationsDetector(QualityEngine):
"""Main class to run data relations analysis.

def __init__(self):
return # Override the base class init method

def tests(self):
return ["_confounder_detection", "_collider_detection", "_feature_importance", "_inflated_variance_detection"]

def dtypes(self):
return self._dtypes

def dtypes(self, df_dtypes: Tuple[pd.DataFrame, dict]):
df, dtypes = df_dtypes
if not isinstance(dtypes, dict):
raise ValueError("Property 'dtypes' should be a dictionary.")
assert all(col in df.columns for col in dtypes), "All dtypes keys \
must be columns in the dataset."
supported_dtypes = ['numerical', 'categorical']
assert all(dtype in supported_dtypes for dtype in dtypes.values()), "Assigned dtypes\
must be in the supported broad dtype list: {}.".format(supported_dtypes)
df_col_set = set(df.columns)
dtypes_col_set = set(dtypes.keys())
missing_cols = df_col_set.difference(dtypes_col_set)
if missing_cols:
_dtypes = infer_dtypes(df, skip=df_col_set.difference(missing_cols))
for col, dtype in _dtypes.items():
dtypes[col] = dtype
self._dtypes = dtypes

def evaluate(self, df: pd.DataFrame, dtypes: Optional[dict] = None, label: str=None, corr_th: float=0.8, vif_th: float=5, p_th: float=0.05) -> dict:
"""Runs tests to the validation run results and reports based on found errors.
df (pd.DataFrame): The Pandas DataFrame on which you want to perform data relations analysis.
dtypes (Optional[dict]): A dictionary mapping df column names to numerical/categorical dtypes.
If a full map is not provided it will be determined/completed via inference method.
label (Optional[str]): A string identifying the label feature column
corr_th (float): Absolute threshold for high correlation detection. Defaults to 0.8.
vif_th (float): Variance Inflation Factor threshold for numerical independence test, typically 5-10 is recommended. Defaults to 5.
p_th (float): Fraction of the right tail of the chi squared CDF defining threshold for categorical independence test. Defaults to 0.05.
assert label in df.columns or not label, "The provided label name does not exist as a column in the dataset"
self._warnings = set() # reset the warnings to avoid duplicates
if not dtypes:
dtypes = {}
self.dtypes = (df, dtypes) # Consider refactoring QualityEngine dtypes (df as argument of setter)
df = standard_normalize(df, dtypes)
results = {}
corr_mat, _ = correlation_matrix(df, self.dtypes)
p_corr_mat = partial_correlation_matrix(corr_mat)
results['Confounders'] = self._confounder_detection(corr_mat, p_corr_mat, corr_th)
results['Colliders'] = self._collider_detection(corr_mat, p_corr_mat, corr_th)
if label:
results['Feature Importance'] = self._feature_importance(corr_mat, p_corr_mat, label, corr_th)
results['High Collinearity'] = self._high_collinearity_detection(df, self.dtypes, label, vif_th, p_th=p_th)
correlation_plotter(corr_mat, title='Correlations', symmetric=True)
correlation_plotter(p_corr_mat, title='Partial Correlations', symmetric=True)
return results

def _confounder_detection(self, corr_mat: pd.DataFrame, par_corr_mat: pd.DataFrame, corr_th: float) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
"""Detects pairwise variable relationships potentially affected by confounder effects of other covariates.
Taking the zero order correlations (i.e. without controlling for the influence of any other feature), all
candidate pairs are compared against the full order partial correlations.
Zero order coefficient above threshold and partial coefficient below threshold indicate existence of confounding effects."""
mask = np.ones(corr_mat.shape, dtype='bool')
mask[np.tril(mask)] = False # Drop pairs below diagonal
mask[corr_mat.abs()<=corr_th] = False # Drop pairs with zero order correlation below threshold
mask[par_corr_mat.abs()>corr_th] = False # Drop pairs with correlation after controling all other covariates
confounded_pairs = [(corr_mat.index[i], corr_mat.columns[j]) for i, j in np.argwhere(mask)]
if len(confounded_pairs)>0:
test='Confounded correlations', category='Data Relations', priority=2, data = confounded_pairs,
description="Found {} independently correlated variable pairs that disappeared after controling\
for the remaining variables. This is an indicator of potential confounder effects in the dataset.".format(len(confounded_pairs))))
return confounded_pairs

def _collider_detection(self, corr_mat: pd.DataFrame, par_corr_mat: pd.DataFrame, corr_th: float) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
"""Detects pairwise variable relationships potentially creating colliding effects with other covariates.
Taking the zero order correlations (i.e. without controlling for the influence of any other feature), all
candidate pairs are compared against the full order partial correlations.
Zero order coefficient below threshold and partial coefficient above threshold indicate existence of collider effects."""
mask = np.ones(corr_mat.shape, dtype='bool')
mask[np.tril(mask)] = False # Drop pairs below diagonal
mask[corr_mat.abs()>corr_th] = False # Drop pairs with zero order correlation above threshold
mask[par_corr_mat.abs()<=corr_th] = False # Drop pairs with correlation after controling all other covariates
colliding_pairs = [(corr_mat.index[i], corr_mat.columns[j]) for i, j in np.argwhere(mask)]
if len(colliding_pairs)>0:
test='Collider correlations', category='Data Relations', priority=2, data = colliding_pairs,
description="Found {} independently uncorrelated variable pairs that showed correlation after\
controling for the remaining variables. This is an indicator of potential colliding bias with other covariates.".format(len(colliding_pairs))))
return colliding_pairs

def _feature_importance(self, corr_mat: pd.DataFrame, par_corr_mat: pd.DataFrame, label: str, corr_th: float) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Identifies features with high importance.
Returns all features with absolute correlation to the label higher than corr_th.
This method returns a summary of all detected important features.
The summary contains zero, full order partial correlation and a note regarding potential confounding."""
assert label in corr_mat.columns, "The provided label {} does not exist as a column in the DataFrame.".format(label)
label_corrs = corr_mat.loc[label].drop(label)
label_pcorrs = par_corr_mat.loc[label].drop(label)
mask = np.ones(label_corrs.shape, dtype='bool')
mask[label_corrs.abs()<=corr_th] = False # Drop pairs with zero order correlation below threshold
important_feats = [label_corrs.index[i] for i in np.argwhere(mask)]
summary = "[FEATURE IMPORTANCE] No important features were found in explaining {}. You might want to try lowering corr_th.".format(label)
if len(important_feats)>0:
summary = pd.DataFrame(data={'Correlations': label_corrs.loc[important_feats], 'Partial Correlations': label_pcorrs.loc[important_feats]})
summary['Note'] = 'OK'
summary.loc[summary['Partial Correlations'].abs()<corr_th, 'Note'] = 'Potential confounding detected'
summary.sort_values(by='Correlations', ascending=False, inplace=True, key=abs)
return summary

def _high_collinearity_detection(self, df: pd.DataFrame, dtypes: dict, label: str=None, vif_th: float= 10., p_th: float=0.05) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Detects independent variables with high collinearity. Categorical vars and continuous vars are studied as independent sets of variables.
Variance Inflation Factors are used to study continuous vars collinearity.
Chi-squared tests are used to test categorical vars collinearity.
Results are ranked from highest collinearity to lowest and segregated on type of variable.
vif_scores = vif_collinearity(df, dtypes, p_th, label)
inflated = vif_scores.loc[vif_scores>vif_th]
chi2_tests = chi2_collinearity(df, dtypes, p_th,label)
unique_cats = list(set(list(chi2_tests['Var1'].unique())+list(chi2_tests['Var2'].unique())))
cat_coll_scores = [(c, chi2_tests[(c == chi2_tests[['Var1','Var2']]).any(axis=1)]['Adjusted Chi2'].mean()) for c in unique_cats]
cat_coll_scores = [c[0] for c in sorted(cat_coll_scores, key= lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)]
if len(inflated)>0:
test='High Collinearity - Numerical', category='Data Relations', priority=2, data = inflated,
description="Found {} numerical variables with high Variance Inflation Factor (VIF>{:.1f}).\
The variables listed in results are highly collinear with other variables in the dataset. These will make model explainability harder and potentially give way to issues like overfitting.\
Depending on your end goal you might want to remove the highest VIF variables.".format(len(inflated), vif_th)))
if len(cat_coll_scores)>0:
# TODO: Determine and sort collinear_cats, as the average aggregated adjusted chi2 tests for each variable in chi2_tests
# TODO: Merge warning messages (make one warning for the whole test, summarizing findings from the numerical and categorical vars)
test='High Collinearity - Categorical', category='Data Relations', priority=2, data = chi2_tests,
description="Found {} categorical variables with significant collinearity (p-value < {}).\
The variables listed in results are highly collinear with other variables in the dataset and sorted descending according to propensity. These will make model explainability harder and potentially give way to issues like overfitting.\
Depending on your end goal you might want to remove variables following the provided order.".format(len(cat_coll_scores), p_th)))
return {'Numerical': inflated, 'Categorical': cat_coll_scores}
24 changes: 23 additions & 1 deletion src/ydata_quality/utils/
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from typing import Union, Tuple

import json

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler

def test_load_json_path(json_path: str) -> dict:
"""Tests file existence from given path and attempts to parse as a json dictionary.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,3 +40,25 @@ def random_split(df: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series], split_size: float, shuffle:
split = sample.iloc[:split_len]
remainder = sample.iloc[split_len:]
return split, remainder

def min_max_normalize(df: pd.DataFrame, dtypes: dict) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Applies min-max normalization to the numerical features of the dataframe.
df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame to be normalized
dtypes (dict): Map of column names to variable types"""
numeric_features = [col for col in df.columns if dtypes[col]=='numerical']
scaled_data = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(df[numeric_features].values)
df[numeric_features] = scaled_data
return df

def standard_normalize(df: pd.DataFrame, dtypes: dict) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Applies standard normalization (z-score) to the numerical features of the dataframe.
df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame to be normalized
dtypes (dict): Map of column names to variable types"""
numeric_features = [col for col in df.columns if dtypes[col]=='numerical']
scaled_data = StandardScaler().fit_transform(df[numeric_features].values)
df[numeric_features] = scaled_data
return df

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