A small example project used to combine a set of images into a sprite sheet
- Your Images must have the same dimensions
- They must follow this naming convention indicating their XY-indexes on the map:
- put all your imges in the same directory
You can download latest release release and start using the application
- Download .net sdk
- Run:
dotnet publish -r linux-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained false --output <YOUR OUTPUT DIRECTORY>
- Navigate to your output directory and you will find
- Congrats you built it! 🥳
First you need to copy SpriteCombiner.exe
to the directory coning your sprites
IMPORTANT: Make sure that the images that contain your frames are all the same resolution.
You should now see an output.png
- Bmp
- Emf
- Exif
- Gif
- Icon
- Jpeg
- MemoryBmp
- Png
- Tiff Wmf
To customise input and output paths and filetypes, use:
SpriteCombiner.exe -h