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Yogesh Khatri (@swiftforensics) edited this page Jul 26, 2019 · 27 revisions

The following platforms have been tested - Windows, Linux & macOS.

This page is old and only applicable for the python2.7 version of mac_apt (ver 0.3 or below). This does not work for newer versions. Refer the new guide here.

Standalone compiled binaries are available for Windows and macOS here, this guide is only for running mac_apt from source code.


Installing pytsk & pyewf dependencies:

Download and run pytsk installer from:

The file will be named pytsk3-xxxx.win32-py2.7.msi.

Download and run pyewf installer from here.

Install other dependencies:

pip install biplist tzlocal construct==2.8.10 xlsxwriter enum34 kaitaistruct pkipplib lz4

Copy lzfse.pyd found in the /lzfse_dll folder of this project into your Python27\Lib\site-packages folder. This is a pre-compiled 32 bit dll used to decompress lzvn/lzfse compressed files on HFS+/APFS. If you wish to compile this yourself, get the source from Pylzfse.

The lzfse dll has a VC++ dll dependency, so you will need to download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable package.

Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)

Update your package manager first using sudo apt-get update

Install pip using sudo apt-get install python-pip

Build, compile and Install pylzfse (tested on ubuntu 14.04 32bit & 16.04 64bit)

sudo apt-get install git python-dev
git clone --recursive
cd pylzfse
python build
sudo python install

Installing pytsk

Install pytsk3 version 20170802, the later versions are not fully tested and known to have issues with mac_apt.

sudo pip install pytsk3==20170802

Installing pyewf

Install zlib and bzip2 for pyewf sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev

Download libewf-20140802.tar.gz from
Unzip and compile:

./configure --enable-python
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Installing other dependencies

sudo pip install biplist tzlocal construct==2.8.10 xlsxwriter enum34 kaitaistruct pkipplib lz4

macOS (OSX)

There is an automated install script that will download and install mac_apt and all dependencies. If you wish to use that, download from here, then run as ./

Alternatively, if you wish to do this manually, follow the steps below:

Install Homebrew. You will need this to install the other components.

Install python2.7, pip & git

macOS already ships with python 2.7, however it does not come with pip or python dev libraries. It is not recommended to try to alter the installed python framework or upgrade any of the installed packages. There is also the fact that many of these packages are under System Integrity Protection and macOS will not let you alter them! So we install another instance of python using brew, this will automatically get pip and python-devel. Let's also install git with brew.

brew install python2 git

In order to avoid confusion about python libraries, we will lock down our environment using virtualenv. This way any dependencies we install/upgrade/remove will only affect that instance and nothing else. This will avoid hours of frustration later!

sudo pip2 install --upgrade virtualenv

Now go to the extracted mac_apt (source code) folder, from here create the virtual environment, we just call it 'env' here.

cd mac_apt
virtualenv --python python2  env

Now activate 'env' with command:

source env/bin/activate

Your environment is setup and ready for use. When you are done with the rest of the installation and need to go back to the regular shell, type deactivate. Run all the commands below in this activated shell only.

Build, compile and Install pylzfse (tested on Yosemite-10.10 and High Sierra-10.13)

git clone --recursive
cd pylzfse
python build
python install

Installing pytsk

Install pytsk3 version 20170802, the later versions are not fully tested and known to have issues with mac_apt.

pip install pytsk3==20170802

You should not need 'sudo' here, as its only writing to our custom environment.

Installing pyewf

Download libewf-20140802.tar.gz from
Unzip and compile:

./configure --enable-python --with-pyprefix
sudo make install

Installing other dependencies

pip install biplist tzlocal construct==2.8.10 xlsxwriter enum34 kaitaistruct pkipplib lz4

Now that all dependencies are installed, you can run python -h to run the script (-h shows you available options). You can deactivate the virtualenv when done.

Note: Every time you need to run the script you have to open a terminal and activate the virtualenv as shown above

Possible run-time Errors


On Windows, if you have an old installation of Python2.7, you may not have the latest sqlite library. It is recommended to update your version of sqlite3.dll to the latest one, go to: Download and copy the sqlite3.dll file to the DLLs folder inside your python installation folder. Replace the old file with new one.


If you get an error regarding enum (‘No module named enum’ or ‘cannot import name IntEnum’), then run the following-
For Linux:
sudo pip install --upgrade enum34
For Windows:
pip install --upgrade enum34

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