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Dynamic modal dialog for Angular that does not sit on DOM waiting to be triggered, but rather gets injected upon need.

Made with Bootstrap 4 styles in mind, but configurable to any framework or custom set of styles. Simple demo can be found here.

This documentation is for version 3.x.x and Angular 6+. If you are using older version of Angular (v2-v5) please use previous version.

Table of contents:


npm install --save ngx-modal-dialog

How it works

Modal dialog uses ComponentFactoryResolver to inject the given child component to the dialog. ModalDialogService makes sure that only one instance of a modal dialog is opened at a time. With IModalDialogOptions you can define which component will be rendered inside the dialog and configure it based on your needs.

You can further use action buttons to control modal dialog from external component or child component. If action performed on button click is successful, modal dialog will close. Otherwise it will alert user.

Styles and visuals

Ngx-modal-dialog is intended to be used with Bootstrap 4, however you can apply your custom styles from your desired UI framework by providing class names in IModalDialogSettings.


  1. Include the ngx-modal module in your application at any place. The recommended way is to add forRoot initialization in the main app module.
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { ModalDialogModule } from 'ngx-modal-dialog';

    imports: [
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
  1. Create a custom component that implements IModalDialog or use the SimpleModalDialog as a child component.

Custom component should be inserted into both declarations and entryComponents in the NgModule they are part of. entryComponents has to be used since component is dynamically inserted onto the page and Angular is not aware of it.

  1. Inject the ModalDialogService where you want to open the dialog. Call openDialog passing parent ViewContainerRef and partial IModalDialogOptions object:
constructor(modalService: ModalDialogService, viewRef: ViewContainerRef) { }

openNewDialog() {
  this.modalService.openDialog(this.viewRef, {
    title: 'Some modal title',
    childComponent: SimpleModalComponent
  1. Arbitrary define actionButtons in modal dialog options or child component to control modal dialog.
class MyModalComponent implements IModalDialog {
  actionButtons: IModalDialogButton[];

  constructor() {
    this.actionButtons = [
      { text: 'Close' }, // no special processing here
      { text: 'I will always close', onAction: () => true },
      { text: 'I never close', onAction: () => false }

  dialogInit(reference: ComponentRef<IModalDialog>, options: Partial<IModalDialogOptions<any>>) {
    // no processing needed

Action button can be of two types:

  • with return value
    Used for controlling the dialog life.
    If value is truthful (true, successful Promise or Observable) than it will close the dialog
    If value is falsy (false, rejected Promise or failed Observable) it will trigger alert style and not close the dialog.
  • without return value
    Has no direct effect on dialog. Can be used to trigger some arbitrary functionality (e.g. copy values to clipboard)

Custom Header

  1. Create a custom header component that implements IModalHeaderDialog.
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {IModalHeaderDialog} from 'ngx-modal-dialog';

  selector: 'app-custom-header-modal',
  template: `
    <h4>This component is a custom header</h4>
    <p>Written By: <b>{{title}}</b></p>
export class CustomHeaderModalComponent implements IModalHeaderDialog {
  title: string;

  setData(data: any) {
    this.title = data['title'];
  1. Inject the ModalDialogService where you want to open the dialog passing the headerComponent as a new option parameter instead of the title attribute and change the value of the new parameter headerType to CUSTOM:
constructor(modalService: ModalDialogService, viewRef: ViewContainerRef) { }

openCustomHeaderModal() {
    this.modalDialogService.openDialog(this.viewContainer, {
      headerComponent: CustomHeaderModalComponent,
      childComponent: SimpleModalComponent,
      settings: {
        closeButtonClass: 'close theme-icon-close',
        headerType: ModalDialogHeaderType.CUSTOM
      data: {
        title: 'Yahima Duarte <>',
        text: `Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print,
        and publishing industries for previewing layouts and visual mockups.`




  • openDialog(target: ViewContainerRef, options: Partial<IModalDialogOptions<T>> = {}): Closes existing and opens a new modal dialog according to IModalDialogOptions. T represents a type of options data field. If you don't care about strong typing just pass any.


Every component that is used as modal dialog must implement IModalDialog.


  • dialogInit(reference: ComponentRef<IModalDialog>, options: Partial<IModalDialogOptions<any>>) => void Mandatory: true Default: - This method is called after initialization of child component. Purpose of the method is to pass necessary information from outer scope to child component.


  • actionButtons Mandatory: false Default: - Type: string Modal heading text



interface IModalDialogOptions<T> {
  title: string;
  headerComponent: IModalHeaderDialog;
  childComponent: IModalDialog;
  onClose: ModalDialogOnAction;
  actionButtons: IModalDialogButton[];
  data: T;
  placeOnTop: boolean;
  settings: IModalDialogSettings;
  closeDialogSubject: Subject<void>;

This is generic interface, where T is arbitrary type of data section.

Interface details:

  • title: string
    Modal heading text

  • headerComponent: any Component type that will be rendered as a header of modal dialog. Component must implement IModalHeaderDialog interface.

  • childComponent: any
    Component type that will be rendered as a content of modal dialog. Component must implement IModalDialog interface.

  • onClose(): ModalDialogOnAction Function to be called on close button click. In case of Promise and Observable, modal dialog will not close unless successful resolve happens. In case of boolean, modal dialog will close only if result is truthful.

  • actionButtons: Array<IModalDialogButton>
    Footer action buttons for control of modal dialog. See IModalDialogButton. Action buttons defined in child component have priority over action buttons defined via options. Action buttons close the modal dialog upon successful operation.

  • data: T
    Arbitrary data that will be passed to child component via dialogInit method.

  • placeOnTop: boolean Flag stating whether opening the modal dialog should close all the other modal dialogs, or modal should be rendered on top of existing ones.

  • settings: IModalDialogSettings
    Additional settings for granular configuration of modal dialog. See IModalDialogSettings.

  • closeDialogSubject:Subject<void>
    Custom modal closing subject. Can be used to manually trigger modal dialog close from within the child component.



interface IModalDialogButton {
  text: string;
  buttonClass?: string;
  onAction?: ModalDialogOnAction;

Interface details:

  • text: string
    Caption/text on the button
  • buttonClass: string
    Default: btn btn-primary
    Class name of button
  • onAction(): Promise<any> | Observable<any> | boolean
    Function to be called on button click. In case of Promise and Observable, modal dialog will not close unless successful resolve happens. In case of boolean, modal dialog will close only if result is truthful.

ModalDialogOnAction type

type ModalDialogOnAction = () => Promise<any> | Observable<any> | boolean | void;

Function returning Promise, Observable, boolean or no value. Modal dialog will close automatically if return of action is:

  • Promise, once promise gets resolved
  • Observable, once observable successfully finishes
  • boolean and value is true

Action button will initiate alert behavior if return is:

  • Promise, once promise gets rejected
  • Observable, once observable fails or throws error
  • boolean and value is false

If action button returns void, there are no side effects.



interface IModalDialogSettings {
  overlayClass: string;
  overlayAnimationTriggerClass: string;
  modalClass: string;
  modalAnimationTriggerClass: string;
  contentClass: string;
  headerClass: string;
  headerTitleClass: string;
  closeButtonClass: string;
  closeButtonTitle: string;
  bodyClass: string;
  footerClass: string;
  alertClass: string;
  alertDuration: number;
  buttonClass: string;
  notifyWithAlert: boolean;
  headerType: ModalDialogHeaderType;

Interface details:

  • overlayClass: string
    Default: modal-backdrop fade show
    Style of the backdrop overlay layer
  • overlayAnimationTriggerClass: string
    Default: show
    Class that triggers the initial/ending animation of modal overlay
  • modalClass: string
    Default: modal fade ngx-modal
    Style of modal wrapper
  • modalAnimationTriggerClass: string
    Default: show
    Class that triggers the initial/ending animation of modal wrapper
  • modalDialogClass: string
    Default: modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered
    Style of modal dialog
  • contentClass: string
    Default: modal-content
    Modal dialog inner content class
  • headerClass: string
    Default: modal-header
    Modal dialog header class
  • headerTitleClass: string
    Default: modal-title
    Modal dialog header title class
  • closeButtonClass: string
    Default: close glyphicon glyphicon-remove
    Modal dialog header close button class
  • closeButtonTitle: string
    Default: CLOSE
    Close button title
  • bodyClass: string
    Default: modal-body
    Modal dialog body class
  • footerClass: string
    Default: modal-footer
    Modal dialog footer class
  • alertClass: string
    Default: ngx-modal-shake
    Style to be appended to dialog once alert happens
  • alertDuration: number
    Default: 250
    Duration of alert animation
  • buttonClass: string
    Default: btn btn-primary
    Style of footer action buttons
  • notifyWithAlert: number
    Default: true
    Define whether modal should alert user when action fails
  • headerType: ModalDialogHeaderType
    Default: TITLE
    Define which kind of header would be displayed. If the value is TITLE just the title attribute will be displayed. If the value is CUSTOM and the headerComponent option was defined, the custom header component will be displayed.


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Dynamic modal dialog for Angular



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  • TypeScript 83.8%
  • JavaScript 16.2%