This repositary provides all codes and resources needed to reproduce STAIR on the AGQA2.
STAIR is an Neural Module Network (NMN) for Video Question Answering.
Download README and supporting data from AGQA AGQA homepage.
We only need to download
inVideo Feature
folder. Unzip them into folderdata/AGQA/video_features
into folderdata/AGQA/AGQA_scene_graphs
. -
Download "Balanced AGQA" of AGQA benchmark from AGQA homepage, and CSV formatted questions. Save the files in
.Download "Balanced AGQA" of AGQA 2.0 benchmark and CSV formatted questions from AGQA homepage. Save the files in
.(Optional) If you want to use STAIR with Video-ChatGPT, or other video-text LLMs that uses raw video as input, you also need to download the videos of Charades and save the vides in
Download glove.6B from GloVe homepage, unzip and move the
file to./data/glove.6B.300d.txt
. -
(Optional) If you want to use our extracted I3D features, you can downloaded them from Google Drive, and unzip them to
. -
(Optional) If you want to use STAIR with Video-ChatGPT, or other video-text LLMs that uses raw video as input, you also need to download the videos of Charades
We provide pre-processed pickle files at Google Drive, and you can also preprocess the data by yourself using the following command:
python -u ./utils/ --func convert \
--id2word-filename data/AGQA/AGQA_scene_graphs/ENG.txt \
--word2id-filename data/AGQA/AGQA_scene_graphs/IDX.txt \
--train-sg-filename data/AGQA/AGQA_scene_graphs/AGQA_train_stsgs.pkl \
--test-sg-filename data/AGQA/AGQA_scene_graphs/AGQA_test_stsgs.pkl \
--train-csv-filename data/AGQA/${dataset}_balanced/Train_frameqa_question-balanced.csv \
--test-csv-filename data/AGQA/${dataset}_balanced/Test_frameqa_question-balanced.csv \
--input-folder data/AGQA/${dataset}_balanced \
--output-folder data/AGQA/${dataset}_balanced_pkls
This program will read QAs, program annotations (sg_program) and video scene graphs, convert them into NMN layouts (nmn_program) and intermediate supervision ground truths, and save them in one pickle file per train/valid/test set.
Note: This code runs correctly on AGQA2. But for AGQA1, we found some program annotations are wrongly annotated, and the code to fix them is so complicated that I couldn’t even read how does it work myself. We leave relasing the preprocessing code for AGQA1 as future work. However, if you are really interested in reproducing the results of AGQA1, you can use the downloaded pickle files, and save them at data/AGQA/AGQA_balanced_pkls
After downloading all resoures (or preprocessing the pkl files by yourself), your data
folder should look like this:
├── AGQA/
└── videos/
└── 001YG.mp4
└── ...
└── video_features/
└── i3d_rgb/
└── i3d_flow/
└── tgif-qa_frameqa_appearance_feat.h5
└── tgif-qa_frameqa_motion_feat.h5
└── AGQA_balanced/
└── AGQA2_balanced/
└── AGQA_scene_graphs/
└── AGQA_train_stsgs.pkl
└── AGQA_test_stsgs.pkl
└── ENG.txt
└── IDX.txt
└── AGQA_balanced_pkls/
└── train_balanced.pkl
└── valid_balanced.pkl
└── test_balanced.pkl
└── AGQA2_balanced_pkls/
└── train_balanced.pkl
└── valid_balanced.pkl
└── test_balanced.pkl
└── vocab.json
└── filter_answers.json
├── glove.6B.300d.txt
We release the code of using LSTM or Flan-T5-Large as program parser.
If the program parser is only used to inference on AGQA and not on other datasets (i.e., don't need to generalize to questions with words unseen in the train set), a simple LSTM model is sufficient. Programs in test_balanced-generated_program.pkl
we provided is generated by this LSTM program parser.
We take training and inference on AGQA2 as example:
# create fairseq format input
mkdir data/AGQA/AGQA2_fairseq
for split in train valid test; do
python utils/
data/AGQA/AGQA2_balanced_pkls/${split}_balanced.pkl data/AGQA/AGQA2_fairseq/${split}.ques ./data/AGQA/AGQA2_fairseq/${split}.prog
fairseq-preprocess \
--trainpref data/AGQA/AGQA2_fairseq/train --validpref data/AGQA/AGQA2_fairseq/valid --testpref data/AGQA/AGQA2_fairseq/test \
--source-lang ques --target-lang prog \
--destdir data/AGQA/AGQA2_fairseq/data-bin/AGQA2 --dataset-impl raw \
--workers 16
# training
mkdir -vp ${pg_output_path}
fairseq-train data/AGQA/AGQA2_fairseq/data-bin/AGQA2 --arch lstm \
--encoder-layers 2 --decoder-layers 2 \
--optimizer adam --lr 5e-4 --adam-betas '(0.9, 0.98)' --clip-norm 0.0 --dropout 0.2 --batch-size 64 --max-epoch 50 --patience 10 \
--no-progress-bar --save-dir ${pg_output_path} --tensorboard-logdir ${pg_output_path}/runs --log-file ${pg_output_path}/log.log \
--validate-interval-updates 5000 --save-interval-updates 5000 --keep-best-checkpoints 1 --no-epoch-checkpoints \
--tokenizer space --dataset-impl raw
After training the program parser, you can use it to inference on the test set.
# inference on test set
fairseq-generate data/AGQA/AGQA2_fairseq/data-bin/AGQA2 \
--tokenizer space --dataset-impl raw \
--path ${pg_output_path}/ \
--results-path ${pg_output_path}/output \
--batch-size 64 --beam 5 --nbest 5 \
--no-progress-bar \
Then you need to merge the nmn_program generated by program parser into the test set pickle file, so you can test with the generated nmn_program instead of the annotated ground truth nmn_program:
python ./utils/ --func upgrade --dataset AGQA --generated-format fairseq \
--src-data-filename data/AGQA/AGQA2_balanced_pkls/test_balanced.pkl \
--generated-filename ${pg_output_path}/output/generate-test.txt \
--dest-data-filename data/AGQA/AGQA2_balanced_pkls/test_balanced-generated_program.pkl
You can also choose to fine-tune Flan-T5-Large using LoRA as the program parser. This generalizes well to questions with words unseen in the train set, so it is very suitable to inference on datasets other than AGQA, But obviously this requires more computing resources and time compared with LSTMs.
We take training and inference on AGQA2 as example:
# training
mkdir -vp ${pg_output_path}
python ./ --func train \
--train_data_path data/AGQA/AGQA2_balanced_pkls/train_balanced.pkl \
--valid_data_path data/AGQA/AGQA2_balanced_pkls/valid_balanced.pkl \
--model_path path_to_flan_t5_checkpoint \
--pg_output_path ${pg_output_path}
As the questions in AGQA dataset aligns well to the nmn_program, the mapping from question to nmn_program is very easy to learn. Both train loss and valid loss can decent to almost 0 in less than an hour (less than 0.1 epoch).
After training the program parser, you can use it to create nmn_program for test set, or other datasets without program annotations. We take test set of AGQA2 as example:
# inference
python ./ --func test \
--model_path ${pg_output_path}/checkpoint-$step \
--tokenizer_path path_to_flan_t5_checkpoint \
--valid_data_path data/AGQA/AGQA2_balanced_pkls/test_balanced.pkl \
--pg_output_path ${pg_output_path}/output/agqa2-test-ckpt_$step.txt \
Then you need to merge the nmn_program generated by program parser into the test set pickle file, so you can test with the generated nmn_program instead of the annotated ground truth nmn_program:
python ./utils/ --func upgrade --dataset AGQA --generated-format huggingface \
--src-data-filename data/AGQA/AGQA2_balanced_pkls/test_balanced.pkl \
--generated-filename ${pg_output_path}/output/agqa2-test-ckpt_$step.txt \
--dest-data-filename data/AGQA/AGQA2_balanced_pkls/test_balanced-generated_program.pkl
# for RX (resnet + resnext) feature
# for I3D feature
# run the training command
mkdir -vp ${stair_output_path}
python \
--output ${stair_output_path} \
--train-filename data/AGQA/AGQA2_balanced_pkls/train_balanced.pkl \
--valid-filename data/AGQA/AGQA2_balanced_pkls/valid_balanced.pkl \
--rgb-path $rgb_path --flow-path $flow_path --video-size $video_size --max-video-length $max_video_length \
--id2word-filename data/AGQA/AGQA_scene_graphs/ENG.txt --word2id-filename data/AGQA/AGQA_scene_graphs/IDX.txt
python \
--model-ckpt ${stair_output_path}/best_model \
--output ${stair_output_path} --result-filename result.json \
--test-filename data/AGQA/AGQA2_balanced_pkls/test_balanced-generated_program.pkl \
--rgb-path $rgb_path --flow-path $flow_path --video-size $video_size --max-video-length $max_video_length \
--id2word-filename data/AGQA/AGQA_scene_graphs/ENG.txt --word2id-filename data/AGQA/AGQA_scene_graphs/IDX.txt
and you can check model outputs at ${stair_output_path}/result.json
We can use the output "Filter" modules as prompt of pre-trained models. To achieve this, first we need to inference with STAIR model to get its intermediate results, then load these intermediate results as prompt of pre-trained models.
# get STAIR intermediate results of the train set
python -u ./ --evaluate-func filter_text_result \
--model-ckpt ${stair_output_path}/best_model \
--output ${stair_output_path} --result-filename ${stair_output_path}/filter_text_result/${split}-result.pkl \
--rgb-path $rgb_path --flow-path $flow_path --video-size $video_size --max-video-length $max_video_length \
--test-filename data/AGQA/AGQA2_balanced_pkls/${split}_balanced.pkl
# similariy, you can get the intermediate results of val / test set by changing --test-filename to valid_balanced.pkl / test_balanced-generated_program.pkl
python \
--gpt-max-per-filter-module ${max_per_module} --gpt-max-filter-output-list-length ${max_total} \
--gpt-filter-result-path ${stair_output_path}/filter_text_result/${split}-result.pkl \
--lm-model VideoGPT --bert-path path_to_gpt_checkpoint \
--output ${pt_output_path} --lr 6.25e-5 --batch-size 16 \
--train-filename data/AGQA/AGQA2_balanced_pkls/train_balanced.pkl \
--valid-filename data/AGQA/AGQA2_balanced_pkls/valid_balanced.pkl \
--rgb-path $rgb_path --flow-path $flow_path --video-size $video_size --max-video-length $max_video_length \
--id2word-filename data/AGQA/AGQA_scene_graphs/ENG.txt --word2id-filename data/AGQA/AGQA_scene_graphs/IDX.txt
# variable max_per_module denotes the k of top-k predictions of each Fitler module is added to prompt.
# and variable max_total denotes total number of Filter predictions used in the prompt.
# you can change them at your need, but 1 is fine.
python ./ --gpt-test 1 \
--gpt-max-per-filter-module ${max_per_module} --gpt-max-filter-output-list-length ${max_total} \
--gpt-filter-result-path ${stair_output_path}/filter_text_result/%s-result.pkl \
--lm-model VideoGPT --bert-path path_to_gpt_checkpoint \
--model-ckpt ${pt_output_path}/best_model \
--test-filename data/AGQA/AGQA2_balanced_pkls/test_balanced-generated_program.pkl \
--output $pt_output_path --batch-size 32 --result-filename results.json \
--rgb-path $rgb_path --flow-path $flow_path --video-size $video_size --max-video-length $max_video_length \
--id2word-filename data/AGQA/AGQA_scene_graphs/ENG.txt --word2id-filename data/AGQA/AGQA_scene_graphs/IDX.txt
and you can check model outputs at ${pt_output_path}/result.json
First you need to convert test data into Video-ChatGPT input format. In this paper we sampled 3 different subsets:
for seed in 0 1 2
python video_chatgpt/utils/ --seed ${seed} \
--input_fname data/AGQA/${dataset}_balanced/test_balanced.txt \
--output_fname data/AGQA/video_chatgpt-agqa2-test-seed_${seed}.json \
--filter_fname ${stair_output_path}/filter_text_result/test-result.pkl
# if you do not want to add intermediate results of STAIR into prompt, just remove the "--filter_fname" option.
You also need to download Video-ChatGPT checkpoints according to the homepage.
Finally you can run the inference program:
mkdir -vp ${video_chatgpt_output_path}
for seed in 0 1 2
python video_chatgpt/eval/ \
--model-name path_to_llava_7b_1.1_model --projection_path path_to_projection_layer \
--output_dir ${video_chatgpt_output_path} --output_name agqa2_test_with_stair-seed_${seed}.json \
--video_dir data/AGQA/videos \
--gt_file_question data/AGQA/video_chatgpt-agqa2-test-seed_${seed}.json \
--gt_file_answer data/AGQA/video_chatgpt-agqa2-test-seed_${seed}.json
and check the output in file ${video_chatgpt_output_path}/agqa2_test_with_stair-seed_${seed}.json
If you find this repository useful, please use the following BibTeX entry for citation.
title={STAIR: Spatial-Temporal Reasoning with Auditable Intermediate Results for Video Question Answering},
author={Yueqian Wang and Yuxuan Wang and Kai Chen and Dongyan Zhao},