- DOWNLOAD THE PACKAGE, CLICK on individual HTML files to view the chats. Make sure to open the HTML files in a web browser (e.g. LATEST Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.)
- https://htmlpreview.github.io/
- Use Github Pages Navigate to https://yellowturban.github.io/ha/ To access individual files, replace {...}, https://yellowturban.github.io/ha/Discord/{name}/{date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd}/{channel name with other numbers} For {channel name with other numbers}, individually access it through this repository.
You can load diff between dates, and commits (of same files across times).
The most robust method is to identify an account with discord user id available on this repository with the HTML tag. Name can be changed (Username, the plaintext username you see on screenshots/images and Discord name can be easily changed for free as Discord offers)
Upload only periodic changes, not realtime changes (I haven't and not able to do that yet unless someone has developed a software for this).
- Help to archive photos, media, and username (with 4 digit number tag after "#") and update this repository
Under beta test, we attempt to download all available assets and media files. However, beta test does not represent the latest set of exported Discord chats.
Users should not be met with privacy concerns, we only export things that can also be seen by the public, anonymously. Users who post expect that anyone with the public link can join and read what they send.