This repository has been archived by the owner on May 25, 2019. It is now read-only.
v0.5.0-1 Bootstrap with 0.17.0
fix bootstrap thingsec601dc
organize template folder a bit0a996d9
upgrade testing to use 0.17.0 goodnessfef8a9f
Update app to gen 0.17.0 syntax59e6c4d
Revert "Gruntfile can be a .coffee file"f02b945
Gruntfile can be a .coffee file70faaf1
Update to Apache Server Configs v2.5.0e960a8e
change 4 spaces indent to 2f55c99a
Remove test/bower_components from gitignore list0fb7d25
rollback update to readmeaad1bf3
Fix components relative path5dfc893
Changed all indentation to two spaces, updated jshintrc to reflect this. Fixes #286.3c0360b
update generator to 0.17.0 and testing63b821f
bump grunt-contrib-imagemin17c9330
Shorten this.pkg assignment960fb6f
Fix bootstrap fonts directory for dist27d5e5c
Close GH-373: add --allow-remote option to serve task.3ae2eb1
freshen the readme with some rearranged wordings.0c51acc
update grunt-bower-install dependency.141ff3e
use yosay & this.log instead of console.log.15864dd
Update to Apache Server Configs v2.3.01c4b94f
Shorten copy Bootstrap config4c5a002
Close GH-351: Fix location for Bootstrap fonts with Sass and CSS.6a428a7
Fix compile sass files with .sass extensione473889
some code styling cleanups4109cef
closes #342 - remove loadPath & includePath.