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Phoenix API playground to play with cockroachdb 2.1, elixir release, and gigalixir

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Phoenix API App LunchboxAPI backed by CockroachDB

Setting up local dev env with 3x nodes of CockroachDB clustered.
  • Spin up 3 nodes of cockroachdb 2.1 and link them up as a singular cluster:
> cockroach start --insecure --listen-addr=localhost --background

> cockroach start \
          --insecure \
          --store=node2 \
          --listen-addr=localhost:26258 \
          --http-addr=localhost:8081 \
          --join=localhost:26257 \
> cockroach start \
          --insecure \
          --store=node3 \
          --listen-addr=localhost:26259 \
          --http-addr=localhost:8082 \
          --join=localhost:26257 \
  • Test you can connect to either one of the cockroachdb node:
> cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26257
  • Verify CockroachDB Admin UI is reachable and check monitoring status of your cockroachdb cluster at http://localhost:8080.

Setting up local dev/test elixir-phoenix env with postgrex-cdb and ecto_replay_sandbox (used in testing) connecting to local clustered CockroachDB.
  • Update local hex with mix local.hex --force.
  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get.
  • Change config/dev.exs and config/test.exs to have Repo username as root and no password and include port pointing to 1 instance of running CockroachDB node:
config :lunchbox_api, LunchboxApi.Repo,
  username: "root",
  password: "",
  database: "lunchbox_api_dev",
  hostname: "localhost",
  port:      26257,
  pool_size: 10
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup.
  • Run mix ecto.migrate.
  • Run tests.
BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME=specialUserName BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=superSecretPassword mix test

Running and interacting with local instance of lunchbox_api phoenix app with local clustered CockroachDB.
  • Start lunchbox_api phoenix app with:
BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME=specialUserName BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=superSecretPassword mix phx.server
  • Hit lunchbox_api REST endpoint at http://localhost:4000/api/v1/foods from your browser. You will be prompted for BASIC_AUTH.
  • Login using BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD used to start phoenix server.
  • Use Insomnia to test above GET query supplying BASIC_AUTH details as above and expect response as (assuming fresh clean empty cockroachdb instance):
  • Test POST to create a food record using Insomnia to http://localhost:4000/api/v1/foods using sample POST JSON payload:
  "food": {
    "name": "coffee",
    "status": "roasted"
  • Visit http://localhost:4000 from your browser. Route for root of web app is connected to same api GET route of /api/v1/foods and you should thus see response of JSON payload as (given above POST succeeded):
  "data": [
        "id": 430696076795871233,
        "name": "coffee",
        "status": "roasted"

Setup and configure Gigalixir account-app and deploy elixir releases OTP release to Gigalixir and run lunchbox_api against PostgreSQL.
  • Generate prod OTP release for release into Gigalixir (N/B: currently gigalixir only has PostgreSQL; However, the code will work as-is)
BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME=specialPowerUserName BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=ultimatePassword MIX_ENV=prod mix release --env=prod
  • Create gigalixir app APP_NAME=$(gigalixir create)
  • Verify app created in gigalixir gigalixir apps and expect something similar as:
    "cloud": "gcp",
    "region": "v2018-us-central1",
    "replicas": 1,
    "size": 0.3,
    "stack": "gigalixir-14",
    "unique_name": "blue-glistening-xenopus"
  • Check config gigalixir config
  • Create free-tier PostgreSQL DB in gigalixir gigalixir pg:create --free
  • Obtain instantiated DATABASE_URL and update config/prod.exs
  "DATABASE_URL": "ecto://"
  • Add gigalixir env config to store BASIC AUTH credentials:
gigalixir config:set BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME=”specialPowerUserName”
gigalixir config:set BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=”ultimatePassword”
gigalixir config
  "BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD": "ultimatePassWord",
  "BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME": "specialPowerUserName",
  "DATABASE_URL": "ecto://"
  • Add your ssh key to gigalixir for ssh command access
gigalixir add_ssh_key "$(cat ~/.ssh/"
  • Git commit and deploy to Gigalixir (assuming you've signed up to gigalixir and created an app instance along with your PostgreSQL free-tier DB):
git push gigalixir master
  • Run ecto migrations in Gigalixir (ensure you've a valid account and used the Gigalixir-CLI to perform login):
gigalixir ps:migrate
  • Test your app using curl:
    • GET
    > curl --user specialPowerUserName:ultimatePassWord
    • POST
    > curl -i --user specialPowerUserName:ultimatePassWord-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d '{"food":{"name":"cheese", "status":"really old and getting stinky"}}'
    HTTP/2 201
    server: nginx/1.15.8
    date: Sat, 02 Mar 2019 12:50:25 GMT
    content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    content-length: 74
    cache-control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
    location: /api/v1/foods/3
    x-request-id: 8f39541ccb761c422d1c19ee51f492f1
    via: 1.1 google
    alt-svc: clear
    {"data":{"id":1,"name":"cheese","status":"really old and getting stinky"}}
    • GET
    > curl --user specialPowerUserName:ultimatePassWord
    {"data":[{"id":1,"name":"cheese","status":"really old and getting stinky"}]}

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Phoenix API playground to play with cockroachdb 2.1, elixir release, and gigalixir






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