provides a set of re-frame fx and cofx handlers for working with EventSource objects and Server-Sent Events.
(:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[ :refer [register-all!]]
[com.yetanalytics.sse-fx.event-source :as event-source]
;; Register all fx/cofx
;; Just the event source handlers
;; (event-source/register!)
;; Use one in a handler
(fn [{:keys [db] :as ctx} _]
{:uri "/query"
;; handle-* args are re-frame event handlers
:handle-open [::sse-open] ;; re-frame app handler to dispatch
;; messages are transit-decoded by default
;; supply your own with :decode-msg-fn
:handle-message [::sse-message]
;; Errors can be actual EventSource errors, or handling/dispatch errors.
;; either way, they're wrapped in an ex-info
:handle-error [::sse-error]
;; This isn't an event, but rather fires when you close the EventSource with the ::event-source/close fx handler
:handle-close [::sse-close]}}))
Copyright © 2018 Yet Analytics Inc.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.