This bundle provides various tools to rapidly develop RESTful API's & applications with Symfony2.
Its currently under development so key pieces that are planned are still missing.
For now the Bundle provides a view layer to enable output, including redirects, format agnostic Controllers leveraging the JMSSerializerBundle for serialization of formats that do not use template.
Furthermore a custom route loader can be used to when following a method naming convention to automatically provide routes for multiple actions by simply configuring the name of a controller.
It also has support for RESTful decoding of HTTP request body and Accept headers as well as a custom Exception controller that assists in using appropriate HTTP status codes.
Using the vendors script
Add the following lines in your deps file:
Run the vendors script:
$ php bin/vendors install
Using Git submodule
$ git submodule add git:// vendor/bundles/FOS/RestBundle
// app/autoload.php
'FOS' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
// your other namespaces
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new FOS\RestBundle\FOSRestBundle(),
// ...
The LiipHelloBundle provides several examples for the RestBundle:
There is also a fork of the Symfony2 Standard Edition that is configured to show the LiipHelloBundle examples:
All features provided by the bundle are enabled by default.
You may specify a default_format
that the routing loader will use for the _format
if none is specified.
# app/config/config.yml
default_format: json
The view layer makes it possible to write format agnostic controllers, by placing a layer between the Controller and the generation of the final output via the templating or a Serializer.
This requires adding the JMSSerializerBundle to you vendors:
$ git submodule add git:// vendor/bundles/JMS/SerializerBundle
See the JMSSerializerBundle documentation for details on how to serialize data into different formats.
The formats
and templating_formats
settings determine which formats are supported via
the serializer and which via the template layer. Note that a value of "false" means
that the given format is disabled. In other words any format listed in templating_formats
will require a template for rendering using the templating
service, will any format
listed in formats
will use JMSSerializerBundle for rendering.
When using RouteRedirectView::create()
the default behavior of forcing a redirect to the
route for html is enabled, but needs to be enabled for other formats if needed.
Finally the HTTP response status code for failed validation is set to 400
(you can use name
constants of FOS\RestBundle\Response\Codes
class or an integer status code) and the default
templating engine is set to php
# app/config/config.yml
rss: true
xml: false
html: true
html: false
failed_validation: HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
default_engine: php
In your controller action you will then need to create a View
instance that is then
passed to the fos_rest.view_handler
service for processing. The View
is somewhat
modeled after the Response
class, but as just stated it simply works as a container
for all the data/configuration for the ViewHandler
class for this particular action.
So the View
instance must always be processed by a ViewHandler
(see the below
section on the "view response listener" for how to get this processing applied automatically)
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use FOS\RestBundle\View\View;
class UsersController extends Controller
public function getUsersAction()
$view = View:create();
return $this->get('fos_rest.view_handler')->handle($view);
All listeners of this bundle are enabled by default. You can disable one or more the listeners. For example, below you can see how to disable the body listener:
# app/config/config.yml
body_listener: false
The view response listener makes it possible to simply return a View
instance from action
controllers. The final output will then automatically be processed via the listener by the
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use FOS\RestBundle\View\View;
class UsersController extends Controller
public function getUsersAction()
$view = View:create();
return $view;
The Request body decoding listener makes it possible to decode the contents of a request
in order to populate the "request" parameter bag of the Request. This for example allows
sending data that normally would be send via POST as application/x-www-form-urlencode
in a different format (for example application/json) as a PUT.
You can add a decoder for the custom format or replace decoder service for json
or xml
Below you can see how to override the decoder of json format:
# app/config/config.yml
json: acme.decoder.json
xml: fos_rest.decoder.xml
Your decoder class must implement FOS\RestBundle\Decoder\DecoderInterface
The Request format listener attempts to determine the best format for the request based on the Request's Accept-Header and the format priority configuration. This way it becomes possible to leverage Accept-Headers to determine the request format, rather than a file extension (like foo.json).
Note that setting default_priorities
to a non empty array enables Accept header negotiations.
SensioFrameworkExtraBundle makes it possible to use annotations to setup and implement controllers, reducing the amount of configuration and code needed.
This requires adding the SensioFrameworkExtraBundle to you vendors:
$ git submodule add git:// vendor/bundles/Sensio/Bundle/FrameworkExtraBundle
Using this custom ExceptionController it is possible to leverage the View layer when building responses for uncaught Exceptions.
The RestBundle view-layer-aware ExceptionController is enabled as follows:
# app/config/config.yml
exception_controller: 'FOS\RestBundle\Controller\ExceptionController::showAction'
To map Exception classes to HTTP response status codes an exception_map
may be configured,
where the keys match a fully qualified class name and the values are either an integer HTTP response
status code or a string matching a class constant of the FOS\RestBundle\Response\Codes
# app/config/config.yml
'Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Exception\NotFoundException': 404
'Doctrine\ORM\OptimisticLockException': HTTP_CONFLICT
'Acme\HelloBundle\Exception\MyExceptionWithASafeMessage': true
The RestBundle provides custom route loaders to help in defining REST friendly routes as well as reducing the manual work of configuring routes and the given requirements (like making sure that only GET may be used in certain routes etc.).
# app/config/routing.yml
type: rest
resource: Acme\HelloBundle\Controller\UsersController
This will tell Symfony2 to automatically generate proper REST routes from your UsersController
action names.
Notice type: rest
option. It's required so that the RestBundle can find which routes are supported.
class UsersController extends Controller
public function getUsersAction()
{} // `get_users` [GET] /users
public function newUsersAction()
{} // `new_users` [GET] /users/new
public function postUsersAction()
{} // `post_users` [POST] /users
public function patchUsersAction()
{} // `patch_users` [PATCH] /users
public function getUserAction($slug)
{} // `get_user` [GET] /users/{slug}
public function editUserAction($slug)
{} // `edit_user` [GET] /users/{slug}/edit
public function putUserAction($slug)
{} // `put_user` [PUT] /users/{slug}
public function patchUserAction($slug)
{} // `patch_user` [PATCH] /users/{slug}
public function lockUserAction($slug)
{} // `lock_user` [PUT] /users/{slug}/lock
public function banUserAction($slug, $id)
{} // `ban_user` [PUT] /users/{slug}/ban
public function removeUserAction($slug)
{} // `remove_user` [GET] /users/{slug}/remove
public function deleteUserAction($slug)
{} // `delete_user` [DELETE] /users/{slug}
public function getUserCommentsAction($slug)
{} // `get_user_comments` [GET] /users/{slug}/comments
public function newUserCommentsAction($slug)
{} // `new_user_comments` [GET] /users/{slug}/comments/new
public function postUserCommentsAction($slug)
{} // `post_user_comments` [POST] /users/{slug}/comments
public function getUserCommentAction($slug, $id)
{} // `get_user_comment` [GET] /users/{slug}/comments/{id}
public function editUserCommentAction($slug, $id)
{} // `edit_user_comment` [GET] /users/{slug}/comments/{id}/edit
public function putUserCommentAction($slug, $id)
{} // `put_user_comment` [PUT] /users/{slug}/comments/{id}
public function voteUserCommentAction($slug, $id)
{} // `vote_user_comment` [PUT] /users/{slug}/comments/{id}/vote
public function removeUserCommentAction($slug, $id)
{} // `remove_user_comment` [GET] /users/{slug}/comments/{id}/remove
public function deleteUserCommentAction($slug, $id)
{} // `delete_user_comment` [DELETE] /users/{slug}/comments/{id}
That's all. All your resource (UsersController
) actions will get mapped to the proper routes
as shown in the comments in the above example. Here are a few things to note:
There are 5 actions that have special meaning in regards to REST and have the following behavior:
- get - this action accepts GET requests to the url /resources and returns all resources for this type. Shown as
above. This action also accepts GET requests to the url /resources/{id} and returns a single resource for this type. Shown asUsersController::getUserAction()
above. - post - this action accepts POST requests to the url /resources and creates a new resource of this type. Shown
above. - put - this action accepts PUT requests to the url /resources/{id} and updates a single resource for this type.
Shown as
above. - delete - this action accepts DELETE requests to the url /resources/{id} and deltes a single resource for this
type. Shown as
above. - patch - this action accepts PATCH requests to the url /resources and is supposed to partially modify collection
of resources (e.g. apply batch modifications to subset of resources). Shown as
above. This action also accepts PATCH requests to the url /resources/{id} and is supposed to partially modify the resource. Shown asUsersController::patchUserAction()
HATEOAS, or Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State, is an aspect of REST which allows clients to interact with the REST service with hypertext - most commonly through an HTML page. There are 3 Conventional Action routings that are supported by this bundle:
- new - A hypermedia representation that acts as the engine to POST. Typically this is a form that allows the client
to POST a new resource. Shown as
above. - edit - A hypermedia representation that acts as the engine to PUT. Typically this is a form that allows the client
to PUT, or update, an existing resource. Shown as
above. - remove - A hypermedia representation that acts as the engine to DELETE. Typically this is a form that allows the
client to DELETE an existing resource. Commonly a confirmation form. Shown as
All actions that do not match the ones listed in the sections above will register as a PUT action. In the controller
shown above, these actions are UsersController::lockUserAction()
and UsersController::banUserAction()
. You could
just as easily create a method called UsersController::promoteUserAction()
which would take a PUT request to the url
/users/{slug}/promote. This allows for easy updating of aspects of a resource, without having to deal with the
resource as a whole at the standard PUT endpoint.
Of course it's possible and common to have sub or child resources. They are easily defined within the same controller by
following the naming convention ResourceController::actionResourceSubResource()
- as seen in the example above with
. This is a good strategy to follow when the child resource needs the parent
resource's ID in order to look up itself.
Sometimes it's better to place subresource actions in their own controller, especially when you have more than 2 subresource actions.
In this case, you must first specify resource relations in special rest YML or XML collection:
# src/Acme/HelloBundle/Resources/config/users_routes.yml
type: rest
resource: "@AcmeHello\Controller\UsersController"
type: rest
parent: users
resource: "@AcmeHello\Controller\CommentsController"
Notice parent: users
option in the second case. This option specifies that the comments resource
is child of the users resource. In this case, your UsersController
MUST always have a single
resource get...
class UsersController extends Controller
public function getUserAction($slug)
{} // `get_user` [GET] /users/{slug}
It's used to determine the parent collection name. Controller name itself not used in routes auto-generation process and can be any name you like.
actions now will looks like:
class CommentsController extends Controller
public function voteCommentAction($slug, $id)
{} // `vote_user_comment` [PUT] /users/{slug}/comments/{id}/vote
public function getCommentsAction($slug)
{} // `get_user_comments` [GET] /users/{slug}/comments
public function getCommentAction($slug, $id)
{} // `get_user_comment` [GET] /users/{slug}/comments/{id}
public function deleteCommentAction($slug, $id)
{} // `delete_user_comment` [DELETE] /users/{slug}/comments/{id}
public function newCommentsAction($slug)
{} // `new_user_comments` [GET] /users/{slug}/comments/new
public function editCommentAction($slug, $id)
{} // `edit_user_comment` [GET] /users/{slug}/comments/{id}/edit
public function removeCommentAction($slug, $id)
{} // `remove_user_comment` [GET] /users/{slug}/comments/{id}/remove
Notice, we got rid of the User
part in action names. That is because the RestBundle routing
already knows, that CommentsController::...
is child resources of UsersController::getUser()
Last step is mapping of your collection routes into the application routing.yml
# app/config/routing.yml
type: rest
resource: "@AcmeHello/Resources/config/users_routes.yml"
That's all. Note that it's important to use the type: rest
param when including your application's
routing file. Without it, rest routes will still work but resource collections will fail. If you get an
exception that contains ...routing loader does not support given key: "parent"...
then you are most likely missing
the type: rest
param in your application level routes include.
RestBundle uses REST paths to generate route name. This means, that URL:
[PUT] /users/{slug}/comments/{id}/vote
will become the route with the name:
For further examples, see comments of controllers in the code above.
Sometimes, routes auto-naming will lead to route names collisions, so RestBundle route
collections provides a name_prefix
for xml and @NamePrefix for
annotations) parameter:
# src/Acme/HelloBundle/Resources/config/users_routes.yml
type: rest
resource: "@AcmeHello\Controller\CommentsController"
name_prefix: api_
With this configuration, route name would become:
Say NO to name collisions!
default_format: null
default_engine: twig
html: true
json: true
xml: true
html: true
view_response_listener: true
failed_validation: HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
codes: ~
messages: ~
json: fos_rest.decoder.json
xml: fos_rest.decoder.xml
default_priorities: [html, '*/*']
fallback_format: html
view_handler: fos_rest.view_handler.default