search image and video from pixabay in deno
// pick 1 to import
import {
} from "";
import {
} from "";
import {
} from "";
const params = {
key: "apiKey",
q: "dog",
// page and perPage are optional, default page = 1, per_page = 20
const params = {
key: "apiKey",
q: "dog",
page: 1,
per_page: 3
const image = await searchImage(params);
// image
total: 19578,
totalHits: 500,
hits: [
id: 647528,
pageURL: "",
type: "illustration",
tags: "dog, wolf, yelp",
previewURL: "",
previewWidth: 150,
previewHeight: 84,
webformatURL: "",
webformatWidth: 640,
webformatHeight: 359,
largeImageURL: "",
imageWidth: 4919,
imageHeight: 2763,
imageSize: 3467200,
views: 592983,
downloads: 132180,
favorites: 1260,
likes: 1530,
comments: 195,
user_id: 526143,
user: "Pezibear",
userImageURL: ""
const params = {
key: "apiKey",
q: "dog",
// page and perPage are optional, default page = 1, per_page = 20
const params = {
key: "apiKey",
q: "dog",
page: 1,
per_page: 3
const video = await searchVideo(params);
// video
total: 103,
totalHits: 103,
hits: [
id: 5631,
pageURL: "",
type: "film",
tags: "dog, drinking, pet",
duration: 12,
picture_id: "593165292",
videos: [Object],
views: 56115,
downloads: 24640,
favorites: 110,
likes: 130,
comments: 14,
user_id: 1281706,
user: "Coverr-Free-Footage",
userImageURL: ""