This is a simple benchmark for several javascript frameworks. The benchmarks creates a large table with randomized entries and measures the time for various operations including rendering duration.
The following operations are benchmarked for each framework:
- create rows: Duration for creating 1,000 rows after the page loaded (no warmup).
- replace all rows: Duration for replacing all 1,000 rows of the table (with 5 warmup iterations).
- partial update: Time to update the text of every 10th row for a table with 10,000 rows (with 5 warmup iterations).
- select row: Duration to highlight a row in response to a click on the row. (with 5 warmup iterations).
- swap rows: Time to swap 2 rows on a table with 1,000 rows. (with 5 warmup iterations).
- remove row: Duration to remove a row for a table with 1,000 rows. (with 5 warmup iterations).
- create many rows: Duration to create 10,000 rows (no warmup)
- append rows to large table: Duration for adding 1,000 rows on a table of 10,000 rows (no warmup).
- clear rows: Duration to clear the table filled with 10,000 rows. (no warmup)
- ready memory: Memory usage after page load.
- run memory: Memory usage after adding 1,000 rows.
- update memory: Memory usage after clicking 5 times update for a table with 1,000 rows.
- replace memory: Memory usage after clicking 5 times create 1,000 rows.
- repeated clear memory: Memory usage after creating and clearing 1,000 rows for 5 times.
- update memory: Memory usage after clicking 5 times update for a table with 1,000 rows.
- startup time: Duration for loading and parsing the javascript code and rendering the page.
- consistently interactive: The lighthouse metric TimeToConsistentlyInteractive: A pessimistic TTI - when the CPU and network are both definitely very idle. (no more CPU tasks over 50ms)
- script bootup time: The lighthouse metric ScriptBootUpTtime: The total ms required to parse/compile/evaluate all the page's scripts
- main thread work cost: The lighthouse metric MainThreadWorkCost: Total amount of time spent doing work on the main thread. includes style/layout/etc.
- total byte weight: The lighthouse metric TotalByteWeight: Network transfer cost (post-compression) of all the resources loaded into the page.
For all benchmarks the duration is measured including rendering time. You can read some details on this article.
There are 3 framework entries in this repository:
(Used to determine if recent changes improved performance)
Have node.js (>=10.0) installed. We recommend using nvm
to manage node versions The benchmark has been tested with node v12.16.2.
Please make sure that the following command work before trying to build:
> npm
npm -version
> nvm current
> node --version
You can use any server which properly handles the MIME type of wasm files. We recommend the https
cargo install https
Start server in the root directory
http -p 8080
Verify that the server works:
Try to open http://localhost:8080/index.html. If you see something like that you're on the right track:
Now open a new terminal window and keep http
running in background.
We now try to build a framework. Go to the wasm-bindgen
reference implementation
cd frameworks/keyed/wasm-bindgen
and install the dependencies
npm install
and build the framework
npm run build-prod
There should be no build errors and we can open the framework in the browser: http://localhost:8080/frameworks/keyed/wasm-bindgen/index.html
The benchmark uses an automated benchmark driver using chromedriver
to measure the duration for each operation using chrome's timeline. Here are the steps to run for a single framework:
First, navigate to the webdriver-ts/
and install the dependencies
npm install
and build the benchmark driver
npm run build-prod
now run the benchmark driver for the "wasmbindgen-keyed" framework:
npm run bench -- --headless keyed/wasm-bindgen
Just lean back and wait for chrome to run the benchmarks.
Keep an eye on the console output to see if benchmark checks are timing out. If so, visit http://localhost:8080/frameworks/keyed/wasm-bindgen/index.html and check for console errors. You could also try without using --headless
to debug.
The results for that run will be saved in the webdriver-ts/results
directory. We can take a look at the results of a single result:
cat results/wasm-bindgen-v0.2.47-keyed_01_run1k.json
"framework": "wasm-bindgen-v0.2.47-keyed",
"keyed": true,
"benchmark": "01_run1k",
"type": "cpu",
"min": 101.123,
"max": 114.547,
"mean": 107.69300000000001,
"median": 105.821,
"geometricMean": 107.5587774247631,
"standardDeviation": 6.028027040417119,
"values": [
As you can see the mean duration for create 1000 rows was 107 msecs.
You can also check whether the implementation appears to be compliant to the rules:
npm run check keyed/wasm-bindgen
If it finds anything it'll report an ERROR.
Install libraries
(cd webdriver-ts-results && npm install)
In the webdriver-ts directory issue the following command:
npm run results
Now a result table should have been created which can be opened on http://localhost:8080/webdriver-ts-results/table.html.
From the base directory, you can build all frameworks by running
npm install
npm run build-prod
You can now run the benchmark for all frameworks by:
- Navigate to the
directory - Run benches:
npm run bench -- --headless --count <COUNT>
- Process results:
npm run results
After that, you can check all results in http://localhost:8080/webdriver-ts/table.html.
- You can run multiple frameworks by passing their directory names (cd to webdriver-ts):
npm run bench keyed/yew-baseline keyed/yew
or if you want to pass more options it becomes:npm run bench -- --count 3 keyed/yew
. - You can run all of the frameworks you've installed using
npm run bench -- --installed
- To achieve good precision you should run each framework often enough. I recommend at least 10 times, more is better. The result table contains the mean and the standard deviation. You can seen the effect on the latter pretty well if you increase the count.