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Home > @yext/search-ui-react

search-ui-react package


Function Description
AlternativeVerticals({ currentVerticalLabel, verticalConfigMap, displayAllOnNoResults, customCssClasses }) A component that displays the alternative verticals that have results if a search returns none on the current vertical.
AnalyticsProvider(props) A higher-order component which provides analytics for its children.
AppliedFilters(props) A component that displays a list of filters applied to the current vertical search, which may include any selected options from facets, NLP filters, and field value static filters.
ApplyFiltersButton({ customCssClasses, label }) Runs a vertical search. By default has position: sticky styling that anchors it to the bottom of the page.
DirectAnswer({ customCssClasses, UnknownFieldTypeDisplay }) Renders Direct Answers provided by the Search API.
DropdownItem(_props) A wrapper component for specifying a DropdownItemWithIndex. The index will be automatically provided by the Dropdown component instance.
executeAutocomplete(searchActions) Executes a universal/vertical autocomplete search and return the corresponding response.
executeSearch(searchActions) Executes a universal/vertical search.
Facets(props) A component that displays all facets applicable to the current vertical search.
FilterDivider({ className }) A divider component used to separate NumericalFacets, HierarchicalFacets, StandardFacets, and StaticFilters.
FilterSearch({ searchFields, label, placeholder, searchOnSelect, onSelect, onDropdownInputChange, afterDropdownInputFocus, sectioned, customCssClasses, disableBuiltInClasses }) A component which allows a user to search for filters associated with specific entities and fields.
Geolocation_2({ geolocationOptions, radius, label, GeolocationIcon, handleClick, customCssClasses, }) A React Component which collects location information to create a location filter and perform a new search.
getSearchIntents(searchActions) Get search intents of the current query stored in headless using autocomplete request.
getUserLocation(geolocationOptions) Retrieves user's location using navigator.geolocation API.
HierarchicalFacet(props) A component that displays a single hierarchical facet, in a tree level structure, applicable to the current vertical search. Use this to override the default rendering.
HierarchicalFacets({ searchOnChange, collapsible, defaultExpanded, includedFieldIds, customCssClasses, delimiter, showMoreLimit }) A component that displays hierarchical facets, in a tree level structure, applicable to the current vertical search.
isCtaData(data) Type guard for CtaData.
LocationBias({ geolocationOptions, customCssClasses }) A React Component which displays and collects location information in order to bias searches.
MapboxMap({ mapboxAccessToken, mapboxOptions, PinComponent, renderPin, getCoordinate, onDrag }) A component that renders a map with markers to show result locations using Mapbox GL.
NumericalFacet(props) A component that displays a single numerical facet. Use this to override the default rendering.
NumericalFacets({ searchOnChange, includedFieldIds, getFilterDisplayName, inputPrefix, customCssClasses, ...filterGroupProps }) A component that displays numerical facets applicable to the current vertical search.
Pagination(props) Renders a component that divide a series of vertical results into chunks across multiple pages and enable user to navigate between those pages.
renderHighlightedValue(highlightedValueOrString, customCssClasses) Renders a HighlightedValue with highlighting based on its matchedSubstrings.
ResultsCount({ customCssClasses }) Renders results count of a universal/vertical search.
SearchBar({ placeholder, geolocationOptions, hideRecentSearches, visualAutocompleteConfig, showVerticalLinks, onSelectVerticalLink, verticalKeyToLabel, recentSearchesLimit, customCssClasses, onSearch }) Renders a SearchBar that is hooked up with an InputDropdown component.
SpellCheck({ customCssClasses, onClick }) Renders a suggested query if the Search API provides one.
StandardCard(props) This Component renders the base result card.
StandardFacet(props) A component that displays a single standard facet. Use this to override the default rendering.
StandardFacets(props) A component that displays simple facets applicable to the current vertical search.
StandardSection(props) A component that displays all the results for a vertical using a standard section template.
StaticFilters(props) A component that displays a group of user-configured field value filters that will be applied to the current vertical search.
ThumbsFeedback(props) Renders a quality feedback widget composed of thumbs up and thumbs down buttons.
UniversalResults({ verticalConfigMap, showAppliedFilters, customCssClasses }) Displays the results of a universal search with the results for each vertical separated into sections.
updateLocationIfNeeded(searchActions, intents, geolocationOptions) If the provided search intents include a 'NEAR_ME' intent and there's no existing user's location in state, retrieve and store user's location in headless state.
useAnalytics() Returns a service that can be used to report analytics events.
useCardAnalyticsCallback(result, analyticsType) Creates a memoized function for reporting card analytics.
useCardFeedbackCallback(result) Creates a memoized function for reporting card feedback analytics.
useComposedCssClasses(builtInClasses, customClasses, disableBuiltInClasses) useComposedCssClasses merges a component's built-in tailwind classes with custom tailwind classes.
VerticalResults(props) A component that renders search results for a vertical page.


Interface Description
AfterDropdownInputFocusProps The parameters that are passed into FilterSearchProps.afterDropdownInputFocus.
AlternativeVerticalsCssClasses The CSS class interface used for AlternativeVerticals().
AlternativeVerticalsProps Props for AlternativeVerticals().
AppliedFiltersCssClasses The CSS class interface used for AppliedFilters().
AppliedFiltersProps Properties for AppliedFilters().
ApplyFiltersButtonCssClasses The CSS class interface for ApplyFiltersButtonProps.
ApplyFiltersButtonProps Props for ApplyFiltersButton()
AutocompleteResultCssClasses The CSS class interface for the Autocomplete Result.
CardProps The props provided to every CardComponent.
Coordinate Coordinate use to represent the result's location on a map.
CtaData The shape of a StandardCard CTA field's data.
DirectAnswerCssClasses The CSS class interface for DirectAnswer().
DirectAnswerProps Props for DirectAnswer().
FacetsCssClasses The CSS class interface for Facets(). Any FilterGroupCssClasses props will be overridden by the same props from customCssClasses on StandardFacetProps, NumericalFacetProps, or HierarchicalFacetProps.
FacetsProps Props for the Facets() component.
FilterGroupCssClasses The CSS class interface for FilterGroup.
FilterGroupProps Props for the FilterGroup component.
FilterOptionConfig The configuration data for a field value filter option.
FilterSearchCssClasses The CSS class interface for FilterSearch().
FilterSearchProps The props for the FilterSearch() component.
GeolocationCssClasses The CSS class interface for the Geolocation component.
GeolocationProps The props for the Geolocation component.
HierarchicalFacetDisplayCssClasses The CSS class interface for HierarchicalFacetDisplay.
HierarchicalFacetProps Props for the StandardFacet() component.
HierarchicalFacetsCssClasses The CSS class interface for HierarchicalFacets().
HierarchicalFacetsProps Props for the HierarchicalFacets() component.
HighlightedValueCssClasses The CSS class interface for renderHighlightedValue().
LocationBiasCssClasses The CSS class interface for the LocationBias() component.
LocationBiasProps The props for the LocationBias() component.
MapboxMapProps Props for the MapboxMap() component. The type param "T" represents the type of "rawData" field of the results use in the map.
NumericalFacetProps Props for the StandardFacet() component.
NumericalFacetsCssClasses The CSS class interface for NumericalFacets().
NumericalFacetsProps Props for the NumericalFacets() component.
OnDropdownInputChangeProps The parameters that are passed into FilterSearchProps.onDropdownInputChange.
OnSelectParams The parameters that are passed into FilterSearchProps.onSelect.
PaginationCssClasses The CSS classes used for pagination.
PaginationProps Props for Pagination() component
RangeInputCssClasses The CSS class interface for RangeInput.
ResultsCountCssClasses The CSS class interface for ResultsCount().
ResultsCountProps Props for ResultsCount().
SearchBarCssClasses The CSS class interface for the SearchBar().
SearchBarProps The props for the SearchBar() component.
SectionHeaderCssClasses The CSS class interface used for the SectionHeader component.
SectionProps The configuration of a section template for a vertical's results on a universal page.
SpellCheckCssClasses The CSS Class interface for SpellCheck.
SpellCheckProps The props for the SpellCheck() component.
StandardCardCssClasses The CSS class interface used for the StandardCardDisplay.
StandardCardData The data used by the StandardCard() and taken from the original Result.
StandardCardProps Props for a StandardCard.
StandardFacetProps Props for the StandardFacet() component.
StandardFacetsCssClasses The CSS class interface for StandardFacets().
StandardFacetsProps Props for the StandardFacets() component.
StandardSectionCssClasses The CSS class interface used for StandardSection().
StandardSectionProps The configuration for a StandardSection.
StaticFiltersCssClasses The CSS class interface for StaticFilters().
StaticFiltersProps Props for the StaticFilters() component.
ThumbsFeedbackCssClasses The CSS class interface used for ThumbsFeedback().
ThumbsFeedbackProps Props for ThumbsFeedback().
UniversalResultsCssClasses The CSS class interface used for UniversalResults().
UniversalResultsProps Props for UniversalResults().
UnknownFieldTypeDisplayProps Props for UnknownFieldTypeDisplayComponent.
VerticalConfig The configuration for a vertical.
VerticalLabelMap A map of vertical keys to labels.
VerticalLink Data needed to create a URL to a vertical search page.
VerticalResultsCssClasses The CSS class interface used for VerticalResults().
VerticalResultsProps Props for the VerticalResults component.
VisualAutocompleteConfig The configuration options for Visual Autocomplete.


Variable Description
ComponentsContentPath Content path to the source files in component library that utilizes Tailwind class names. This is intended to be used in user's custom tailwind config.

Type Aliases

Type Alias Description
CardAnalyticsDataType The data types use to construct the payload in the analytics event.
CardAnalyticsType Analytics event types for interactions on a card.
CardComponent A functional component that can be used to render a result card.
CardCtaEventType Analytics event types for cta click and title click.
CoordinateGetter A function use to derive a result's coordinate.
DefaultRawDataType The default type for "rawData" field of type Result.
DropdownItemProps Props for the DropdownItem().
FacetProps Props for a single facet component.
FeedbackType Analytics event types for quality feedback.
FocusedItemData The data associated with the currently focused item.
OnDragHandler A function which is called when user drag the map.
onSearchFunc The interface of a function which is called on a search.
PinComponent A functional component that can be used to render a custom marker on the map.
PinComponentProps Props for rendering a custom marker on the map.
RenderEntityPreviews The type of a functional React component which renders entity previews using a map of vertical key to the corresponding VerticalResults data.
SectionComponent A component that can be used to render a section template for vertical results.
StaticFilterOptionConfig The configuration data for a field value static filter option.
UnknownFieldTypeDisplayComponent A React component interface to render results with "unknown" field type in field value direct answer.
VerticalConfigMap A map of verticalKey to a VerticalConfig.