Function | Description |
AlternativeVerticals({ currentVerticalLabel, verticalConfigMap, displayAllOnNoResults, customCssClasses }) | A component that displays the alternative verticals that have results if a search returns none on the current vertical. |
AnalyticsProvider(props) | A higher-order component which provides analytics for its children. |
AppliedFilters(props) | A component that displays a list of filters applied to the current vertical search, which may include any selected options from facets, NLP filters, and field value static filters. |
ApplyFiltersButton({ customCssClasses, label }) | Runs a vertical search. By default has position: sticky styling that anchors it to the bottom of the page. |
DirectAnswer({ customCssClasses, UnknownFieldTypeDisplay }) | Renders Direct Answers provided by the Search API. |
DropdownItem(_props) | A wrapper component for specifying a DropdownItemWithIndex. The index will be automatically provided by the Dropdown component instance. |
executeAutocomplete(searchActions) | Executes a universal/vertical autocomplete search and return the corresponding response. |
executeSearch(searchActions) | Executes a universal/vertical search. |
Facets(props) | A component that displays all facets applicable to the current vertical search. |
FilterDivider({ className }) | A divider component used to separate NumericalFacets, HierarchicalFacets, StandardFacets, and StaticFilters. |
FilterSearch({ searchFields, label, placeholder, searchOnSelect, onSelect, onDropdownInputChange, afterDropdownInputFocus, sectioned, customCssClasses, disableBuiltInClasses }) | A component which allows a user to search for filters associated with specific entities and fields. |
Geolocation_2({ geolocationOptions, radius, label, GeolocationIcon, handleClick, customCssClasses, }) | A React Component which collects location information to create a location filter and perform a new search. |
getSearchIntents(searchActions) | Get search intents of the current query stored in headless using autocomplete request. |
getUserLocation(geolocationOptions) | Retrieves user's location using navigator.geolocation API. |
HierarchicalFacet(props) | A component that displays a single hierarchical facet, in a tree level structure, applicable to the current vertical search. Use this to override the default rendering. |
HierarchicalFacets({ searchOnChange, collapsible, defaultExpanded, includedFieldIds, customCssClasses, delimiter, showMoreLimit }) | A component that displays hierarchical facets, in a tree level structure, applicable to the current vertical search. |
isCtaData(data) | Type guard for CtaData. |
LocationBias({ geolocationOptions, customCssClasses }) | A React Component which displays and collects location information in order to bias searches. |
MapboxMap({ mapboxAccessToken, mapboxOptions, PinComponent, renderPin, getCoordinate, onDrag }) | A component that renders a map with markers to show result locations using Mapbox GL. |
NumericalFacet(props) | A component that displays a single numerical facet. Use this to override the default rendering. |
NumericalFacets({ searchOnChange, includedFieldIds, getFilterDisplayName, inputPrefix, customCssClasses, ...filterGroupProps }) | A component that displays numerical facets applicable to the current vertical search. |
Pagination(props) | Renders a component that divide a series of vertical results into chunks across multiple pages and enable user to navigate between those pages. |
renderHighlightedValue(highlightedValueOrString, customCssClasses) | Renders a HighlightedValue with highlighting based on its matchedSubstrings. |
ResultsCount({ customCssClasses }) | Renders results count of a universal/vertical search. |
SearchBar({ placeholder, geolocationOptions, hideRecentSearches, visualAutocompleteConfig, showVerticalLinks, onSelectVerticalLink, verticalKeyToLabel, recentSearchesLimit, customCssClasses, onSearch }) | Renders a SearchBar that is hooked up with an InputDropdown component. |
SpellCheck({ customCssClasses, onClick }) | Renders a suggested query if the Search API provides one. |
StandardCard(props) | This Component renders the base result card. |
StandardFacet(props) | A component that displays a single standard facet. Use this to override the default rendering. |
StandardFacets(props) | A component that displays simple facets applicable to the current vertical search. |
StandardSection(props) | A component that displays all the results for a vertical using a standard section template. |
StaticFilters(props) | A component that displays a group of user-configured field value filters that will be applied to the current vertical search. |
ThumbsFeedback(props) | Renders a quality feedback widget composed of thumbs up and thumbs down buttons. |
UniversalResults({ verticalConfigMap, showAppliedFilters, customCssClasses }) | Displays the results of a universal search with the results for each vertical separated into sections. |
updateLocationIfNeeded(searchActions, intents, geolocationOptions) | If the provided search intents include a 'NEAR_ME' intent and there's no existing user's location in state, retrieve and store user's location in headless state. |
useAnalytics() | Returns a service that can be used to report analytics events. |
useCardAnalyticsCallback(result, analyticsType) | Creates a memoized function for reporting card analytics. |
useCardFeedbackCallback(result) | Creates a memoized function for reporting card feedback analytics. |
useComposedCssClasses(builtInClasses, customClasses, disableBuiltInClasses) | useComposedCssClasses merges a component's built-in tailwind classes with custom tailwind classes. |
VerticalResults(props) | A component that renders search results for a vertical page. |
Interface | Description |
AfterDropdownInputFocusProps | The parameters that are passed into FilterSearchProps.afterDropdownInputFocus. |
AlternativeVerticalsCssClasses | The CSS class interface used for AlternativeVerticals(). |
AlternativeVerticalsProps | Props for AlternativeVerticals(). |
AppliedFiltersCssClasses | The CSS class interface used for AppliedFilters(). |
AppliedFiltersProps | Properties for AppliedFilters(). |
ApplyFiltersButtonCssClasses | The CSS class interface for ApplyFiltersButtonProps. |
ApplyFiltersButtonProps | Props for ApplyFiltersButton() |
AutocompleteResultCssClasses | The CSS class interface for the Autocomplete Result. |
CardProps | The props provided to every CardComponent. |
Coordinate | Coordinate use to represent the result's location on a map. |
CtaData | The shape of a StandardCard CTA field's data. |
DirectAnswerCssClasses | The CSS class interface for DirectAnswer(). |
DirectAnswerProps | Props for DirectAnswer(). |
FacetsCssClasses | The CSS class interface for Facets(). Any FilterGroupCssClasses props will be overridden by the same props from customCssClasses on StandardFacetProps, NumericalFacetProps, or HierarchicalFacetProps. |
FacetsProps | Props for the Facets() component. |
FilterGroupCssClasses | The CSS class interface for FilterGroup. |
FilterGroupProps | Props for the FilterGroup component. |
FilterOptionConfig | The configuration data for a field value filter option. |
FilterSearchCssClasses | The CSS class interface for FilterSearch(). |
FilterSearchProps | The props for the FilterSearch() component. |
GeolocationCssClasses | The CSS class interface for the Geolocation component. |
GeolocationProps | The props for the Geolocation component. |
HierarchicalFacetDisplayCssClasses | The CSS class interface for HierarchicalFacetDisplay. |
HierarchicalFacetProps | Props for the StandardFacet() component. |
HierarchicalFacetsCssClasses | The CSS class interface for HierarchicalFacets(). |
HierarchicalFacetsProps | Props for the HierarchicalFacets() component. |
HighlightedValueCssClasses | The CSS class interface for renderHighlightedValue(). |
LocationBiasCssClasses | The CSS class interface for the LocationBias() component. |
LocationBiasProps | The props for the LocationBias() component. |
MapboxMapProps | Props for the MapboxMap() component. The type param "T" represents the type of "rawData" field of the results use in the map. |
NumericalFacetProps | Props for the StandardFacet() component. |
NumericalFacetsCssClasses | The CSS class interface for NumericalFacets(). |
NumericalFacetsProps | Props for the NumericalFacets() component. |
OnDropdownInputChangeProps | The parameters that are passed into FilterSearchProps.onDropdownInputChange. |
OnSelectParams | The parameters that are passed into FilterSearchProps.onSelect. |
PaginationCssClasses | The CSS classes used for pagination. |
PaginationProps | Props for Pagination() component |
RangeInputCssClasses | The CSS class interface for RangeInput. |
ResultsCountCssClasses | The CSS class interface for ResultsCount(). |
ResultsCountProps | Props for ResultsCount(). |
SearchBarCssClasses | The CSS class interface for the SearchBar(). |
SearchBarProps | The props for the SearchBar() component. |
SectionHeaderCssClasses | The CSS class interface used for the SectionHeader component. |
SectionProps | The configuration of a section template for a vertical's results on a universal page. |
SpellCheckCssClasses | The CSS Class interface for SpellCheck. |
SpellCheckProps | The props for the SpellCheck() component. |
StandardCardCssClasses | The CSS class interface used for the StandardCardDisplay. |
StandardCardData | The data used by the StandardCard() and taken from the original Result. |
StandardCardProps | Props for a StandardCard. |
StandardFacetProps | Props for the StandardFacet() component. |
StandardFacetsCssClasses | The CSS class interface for StandardFacets(). |
StandardFacetsProps | Props for the StandardFacets() component. |
StandardSectionCssClasses | The CSS class interface used for StandardSection(). |
StandardSectionProps | The configuration for a StandardSection. |
StaticFiltersCssClasses | The CSS class interface for StaticFilters(). |
StaticFiltersProps | Props for the StaticFilters() component. |
ThumbsFeedbackCssClasses | The CSS class interface used for ThumbsFeedback(). |
ThumbsFeedbackProps | Props for ThumbsFeedback(). |
UniversalResultsCssClasses | The CSS class interface used for UniversalResults(). |
UniversalResultsProps | Props for UniversalResults(). |
UnknownFieldTypeDisplayProps | Props for UnknownFieldTypeDisplayComponent. |
VerticalConfig | The configuration for a vertical. |
VerticalLabelMap | A map of vertical keys to labels. |
VerticalLink | Data needed to create a URL to a vertical search page. |
VerticalResultsCssClasses | The CSS class interface used for VerticalResults(). |
VerticalResultsProps | Props for the VerticalResults component. |
VisualAutocompleteConfig | The configuration options for Visual Autocomplete. |
Variable | Description |
ComponentsContentPath | Content path to the source files in component library that utilizes Tailwind class names. This is intended to be used in user's custom tailwind config. |
Type Alias | Description |
CardAnalyticsDataType | The data types use to construct the payload in the analytics event. |
CardAnalyticsType | Analytics event types for interactions on a card. |
CardComponent | A functional component that can be used to render a result card. |
CardCtaEventType | Analytics event types for cta click and title click. |
CoordinateGetter | A function use to derive a result's coordinate. |
DefaultRawDataType | The default type for "rawData" field of type Result. |
DropdownItemProps | Props for the DropdownItem(). |
FacetProps | Props for a single facet component. |
FeedbackType | Analytics event types for quality feedback. |
FocusedItemData | The data associated with the currently focused item. |
OnDragHandler | A function which is called when user drag the map. |
onSearchFunc | The interface of a function which is called on a search. |
PinComponent | A functional component that can be used to render a custom marker on the map. |
PinComponentProps | Props for rendering a custom marker on the map. |
RenderEntityPreviews | The type of a functional React component which renders entity previews using a map of vertical key to the corresponding VerticalResults data. |
SectionComponent | A component that can be used to render a section template for vertical results. |
StaticFilterOptionConfig | The configuration data for a field value static filter option. |
UnknownFieldTypeDisplayComponent | A React component interface to render results with "unknown" field type in field value direct answer. |
VerticalConfigMap | A map of verticalKey to a VerticalConfig. |