a view for Android that will perform animation when clicked
Put the customized style sheet in your res/values/attrs.xml
<declare-styleable name="HighlightButtonStyle">
<attr name="highlight_button_img_id" format="reference" />
<attr name="highlight_button_height_self_adaption" format="boolean" />
<attr name="highlight_button_width_self_adaption" format="boolean" />
<attr name="highlight_button_max_animation_ratio" format="float" />
<attr name="highlight_button_outline_color" format="color" />
Put HighlightButton view in your layout.
The parent view group must be choosen among LinearLayout , RelativeLayout and FrameLayout.
Here is an example below:
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:layout_width="150dp" android:layout_height="200dp"
custom:highlight_button_img_id="@mipmap/choose" custom:highlight_button_outline_color="#787878" />
You should pay attention that since we use customized attribute , we shoud add xmlns:custom="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" to parent view.
In activity,get the view and customize its function.
This attribute is must-set.It's the image that display your view.
The format is boolean.If it is set true,it means you should assign your view a exact width , and height will depends on the image's size ratio and your view's width.
When using this view , you should set only one attribute between highlight_button_height_self_adaption and highlight_button_width_self_adaption to be true .If user set neither of them , highlight_button_height_self_adaption will be set true in default situation.
The format is boolean.If it is set true,it means you should assign your view a exact height , and width will depends on the image's size ratio and your view's height.
When using this view , you should set only one attribute between highlight_button_height_self_adaption and highlight_button_width_self_adaption to be true .If user set neither of them , highlight_button_height_self_adaption will be set true in default situation.
The format is float.It determins the max size of the outline when animating. This value must be bigger than 1.
The format is color.It determins the color of the outline when animating.
1.When Using this view , user must set its minSdk>=16.
2.HighlightButton uses ValueAnimator , so user can pull in nineoldandroids library to be compatible for the version before Android 11.
Thanks for reading.If you find any problem , please leave a message to you . I will really appreciate your contribution.