Source of the Color Computer 3 game Shanghai.
This repository contains the contents of seven floppy disks, identified by the writing on their labels:
- BKUP0516 Backup disk.
- BKUP0531 Backup disk.
- SRCEMERGENCY Backup disk.
- BKUP0624 Backup disk.
- COMPDATA Utilities to verify the victory screen would fit in ROM.
- COMPRESS Utilities to compress the victory screen.
- TITLSCRN Utilities to compress the title screen.
SRCEMERGENCY is so labelled because I used it to back up a disk that went bad on me. It appears to have game source later than 5/31/87 but earler than 6/24/87.
There are commits for the game as of four time periods:
- BKUP0516 Game as of 5/16/87.
- BKUP0531 Game as of 5/31/87.
- SRCEMERGENCY Game as of ??/??/87.
- BKUP0624 Game as of 6/24/87.