Org-supertag is a package that enhances org-mode’s tag functionality. It empowers tags to not only assign attributes to nodes but also directly manipulate them, enabling more flexible knowledge management.
Org-supertag adopts a non-intrusive design, coexisting harmoniously with org-mode’s original features while providing more possibilities.
Traditional linear note-taking systems have limitations:
- Single Perspective :: Knowledge is confined to fixed hierarchical structures
- Difficult to Reorganize :: Lacks flexible association mechanisms
- Fragmentation :: Knowledge points lack organic connections
Tag systems provide a higher-dimensional organization method:
- Multi-dimensional Classification :: A piece of knowledge can have multiple attributes simultaneously
- Dynamic Reorganization :: Content can be reorganized from different perspectives at any time
- Relationship Network :: Weave scattered knowledge points into a network through tags
This organization method not only makes knowledge easier to retrieve and reuse but, more importantly, can stimulate connections between knowledge points, creating a compound effect. Tags, as a metadata management tool, have applications far beyond knowledge management.
Here’s my concept diagram:
A node is an abstract information unit containing (org-mode) headings, properties, and content. Each node has a unique identifier and can be referenced and queried.
A super tag is a metadata template that defines the structure and behavior of nodes. Tags not only describe node properties but can also trigger automated operations.
Tag format is :#tag-name:
Fields are structured properties of nodes, defined and enforced by tags. The field system supports multiple data types.
Behaviors are automated operations defined and enforced by tags. The behavior system supports various automation operations.
The query system supports unified searching across nodes, tags, and fields, supports compound queries with multiple conditions, and query results can be exported and reorganized.
M-x org-supertag-node-create
- Convert current heading to a supertag node
M-x org-supertag-query
- Search nodes
M-x org-supertag-node-add-reference
- Add reference to current node
M-x org-supertag-node-remove-reference
- Remove reference from current node
M-x org-supertag-tag-add-tag
- Add tag to current org-headline, automatically creating a node and setting fields (if they exist)
M-x org-supertag-tag-batch-add-tag
- Batch add tags to multiple org-headlines
M-x org-supertag-tag-remove
- Remove tag from current node
M-x org-supertag-tag-set-field-value
- Set field value
M-x org-supertag-tag-set-field-and-value
- Set both tag field and value simultaneously
M-x org-supertag-query
- Start query interface
- Enter keywords (multiple keywords separated by spaces)
- Select query results (use C-c C-c in results page)
- Choose export method:
- Export to new file
- Export to existing file
- Insert links at current position
Query results are presented as org-mode links, clicking a link jumps directly to the corresponding node.
M-x org-supertag-query-in-buffer
- Query within current buffer
M-x org-supertag-query-in-files
- Query in specified files, can specify multiple files
M-x org-supertag-behavior-attach
- Attach behavior to tag
M-x org-supertag-behavior-execute-at-point
- Execute behavior at current node, prompts for behavior name
M-x org-supertag-behavior-execute-batch
- Execute multiple behaviors at current node sequentially
(use-package org-supertag
:straight (:host github :repo "yibie/org-supertag")
:after org
Org-supertag provides some preset tag types, here are examples:
- project
- Project management
- status: Status (planning/active/on-hold/completed/cancelled)
- priority: Priority (high/medium/low)
- deadline: Deadline
- owner: Owner
- task
- Task management
- status: Status (todo/in-progress/blocked/done/cancelled)
- priority: Priority (A/B/C)
- due: Due date
- assignee: Assignee
Other preset tags include: person, meeting, place, company, note, etc.
M-x org-supertag-tag-edit-preset
- Edit preset tags
Use this command to edit preset tags, it will automatically add custom-set-variables configuration to your init.el.
You can customize preset tags by setting the `org-supertag-preset-tags` variable in init.el. Each preset tag consists of a tag name and field definitions:
(setq org-supertag-preset-tags
'(("book" . ((:name "status"
:type options
:options ("reading" "completed" "want-to-read")
:description "Reading status")
(:name "rating"
:type number
:description "Rating")
(:name "author"
:type string
:description "Author")))))
Three export methods are provided, supporting both commands and keyboard shortcuts:
- Command:
M-x org-supertag-query-export-results-to-new-file
- Shortcut:
C-c C-x n
- Function: Export query results to a new file, supports selecting insertion position:
- End of file
- As subheading
- As same-level heading
- Command:
M-x org-supertag-query-export-results-to-file
- Shortcut:
C-c C-x f
- Function: Export query results to selected position in specified file
- Command:
M-x org-supertag-query-export-results-here
- Function: Insert results as org-mode block at cursor position
C-c C-c
- Toggle selection state of current line
C-c C-x C-r
- Select all results in region
C-c C-x C-u
- Unselect all results in region
The behavior system is one of org-supertag’s core features, enabling tags to perform automated operations.
org-supertag provides three types of behaviors:
The most fundamental behavior units:
- Single functionality, flexibility through parameters
- Directly manipulate node properties or content
- Examples:
- @todo - Set task state
- @priority - Set priority
- @timestamp - Add timestamp
- @property - Set property
- @clock - Manage time tracking
Extensions of basic behaviors:
- Preset parameter combinations
- Optimized for specific scenarios
- Examples:
- @done - Complete task and record time
- @start - Start task and record time
- @cancel - Cancel task and add note
Multiple behaviors in workflows:
- Chain multiple behaviors into workflows
- Implement complex automation scenarios
- Examples:
- @meeting - Add template + set schedule + mark todo
- @archive - Mark complete + move to archive
Behavior definitions are stored in ~/.emacs.d/org-supertag/org-supertag-custom-behavior.el:
;; 1. Basic behavior defines what parameters it accepts
(org-supertag-behavior-register "@todo"
:trigger :on-add
:action #'org-supertag-behavior--set-todo
:params '(state) ; Defines that @todo accepts one parameter named 'state'
:style '(:face (:foreground "blue" :weight bold)
:prefix "☐"))
;; When using @todo behavior, parameter is passed after '=' sign:
;; "@todo=DONE" ; Here "DONE" is passed as the 'state' parameter
;; 2. Example with two parameters
(org-supertag-behavior-register "@property"
:trigger :on-add
:action #'org-supertag-behavior--set-property
:params '(name value) ; Defines that @property accepts two parameters
:style '(:face (:foreground "green" :weight bold)
:prefix "✓"))
;; When using @property behavior, parameters are separated by comma:
;; "@property=TYPE,meeting" ; "TYPE" is passed as 'name', "meeting" as 'value'
;; 3. Using behaviors with parameters in :list
(org-supertag-behavior-register "@meeting"
:trigger :on-add
:list '("@todo=TODO" ; Uses @todo behavior, passes "TODO" as 'state'
"@property=TYPE,meeting" ; Uses @property behavior, passes two parameters
"@clock") ; Uses @clock behavior with no parameters
:style '(:face (:foreground "purple" :weight bold)
:prefix "📅"))
When using :list to chain behaviors, parameters are passed using a special syntax:
- Basic Format:
- Examples with Different Parameter Types:
- Single parameter:
"@todo=DONE" ; Set TODO state to DONE "@priority=A" ; Set priority to A
- Multiple parameters:
"@property=STATUS,active" ; Set property STATUS to active "@drawer=LOGBOOK,note" ; Create LOGBOOK drawer with note
- No parameters:
"@archive" ; Execute archive behavior without params "@clock" ; Start clock without specific params
- Single parameter:
- Parameter Matching:
- Parameters are matched to :params definition in order
- For “@property=name,value”, matches :params ‘(name value)
- For “@todo=state”, matches :params ‘(state)
- Complex Examples:
;; Meeting workflow with multiple parameterized behaviors (org-supertag-behavior-register "@meeting-start" :trigger :on-add :list '("@todo=TODO" ; Single param "@property=TYPE,meeting" ; Two params "@timestamp=SCHEDULED,now" ; Two params "@drawer=LOGBOOK,meeting-note" ; Two params "@clock")) ; No params
Behaviors can be triggered at different times:
- :on-add - Triggered when tag is added
- :on-remove - Triggered when tag is removed
- :on-change - Triggered when node content changes
- :always - Triggered on all events
- 2024-12-31
- 1.0.0 release
- feat behavior-system
- Complete behavior system implementation, forming automated workflows
- Three-layer behavior architecture (Basic/Derived/Combined)
- Complete trigger system
- Rich behavior library functions
- Style system support
- docs
- Provide interactive demo document
- refactor
- Core refactoring
- Optimize data structures
- Improve error handling
- Enhance performance
- 2024-12-20
- 0.0.2 release
- fix org-supertag-remove
- Fix issue where tag removal was not effective
- fix org-supertag-tag-add-tag
- Fix issue where duplicate tags could be added to org-headline
- feat org-supertag-tag-edit-preset
- Edit preset tags
- feat org-supertag-query-in-buffer
- Query within current buffer
- feat org-supertag-query-in-files
- Query in specified files, can specify multiple files
- 2024-12-19
- 0.0.1 release
- ✅ Provide more query scopes, such as querying within one file or multiple files
- ✅ Initial implementation of a command system, allowing tags to automatically trigger commands
- Initial AI integration, associating different tags with different prompts
- Implement a task scheduling system (experimental feature, may not be implemented)
- Provide more views like Tana (experimental feature, may not be implemented)
Thanks to Tana for inspiration, and thanks to the power of org-mode and Emacs.
I sincerely hope you enjoy this package and benefit from it.