题目环境采用 Docker 搭建
项目内题目源码均从网络收集,如果侵权,请联系本人删除( virink@outlook.com )
比赛名称_年份_题目名称_其他 GameName_Year_ChallengeName_Others /\w+_\d{4}_\w+/
eg. westerns_2018_shrine
and ctf473831530_2018_web_virink
Able to describe clearly what the challenge is.
- 护网杯 2018 WEB (4) easy_laravel
- CTF学习交流入群题 Web 20180626
- Dockerfile (require)
- docker-compose.yml (require)
- README.md (require)
- SourceCode file or directory (require)
- vhost.conf
- .gitignore
Just like other challenge.
- Create a challenge repository on GitHub
- Create a new issue in this repository
- Waiting for the audit
- We will fork your repository after approval
- Update your repository
- Pull Request
- Waiting for the audit
- We will merge your repository after approval