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knitr 1.37

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@yihui yihui released this 16 Dec 21:28
· 371 commits to master since this release


  • Added a new chunk option named file so that the chunk content can be read from an external file. Setting the chunk option file = "test.R" is equivalent to using the chunk option code = xfun::read_utf8("test.R").

  • For R Markdown documents, code chunks can be embedded in a parent code chunk with more backticks now. For example, a code chunk with four backticks can contain code chunks with three backticks. One application is to conditionally include some verbatim content that contains code chunks via the asis engine, e.g.,

    ````{asis, echo=format(Sys.Date(), "%w") == 1}
    Some conditional content only included when report is built on a Monday
    1 + 1
    On another day, this content won't be included.

    Note that the embedded child code chunks (e.g., in the asis chunk above) are not parsed or evaluated by knitr, and only the top-level code chunk is parsed and evaluated.

  • Added a new engine named comment to comment out content, e.g.,

    Arbitrary content to be commented out.
    1 + 1
    The above code chunk will not be executed.
    Inline code like `r pi * 5^2` will be ignored, too.

    Note that if any line of the content to be commented out contains N backticks, you will have to use at least N + 1 backticks in the chunk header and footer of the comment chunk.

  • Added a new engine named verbatim mainly for R Markdown documents to output verbatim content that contains code chunks and/or inline expressions, e.g.,

    We can output arbitrary content verbatim.
    1 + 1
    The content can contain inline code like
    `r pi * 5^2`, too.

    By default, the verbatim content is placed in a fenced default code block:

    We can output arbitrary content verbatim.
    1 + 1
    The content can contain inline code like
    `r pi * 5^2`, too.

    You can change the default language name of the block via the chunk option lang, e.g., lang = 'markdown' will output a code block like this:

    We can output arbitrary content verbatim.
    1 + 1
    The content can contain inline code like
    `r pi * 5^2`, too.

    To disable the language name on the block, use an empty string lang = ''.

    The difference between the verbatim and asis engine is that the former will put the content in a fenced code block, and the latter just output the content as-is.

    You can also display a file verbatim by using the chunk option file, e.g.,

    ```{verbatim, file="test.Rmd"}

    This engine also works for other types of documents (e.g., Rnw) but it will not allow for nested code chunks within the verbatim code chunk.

  • Added a new engine named embed to embed external plain-text files. It is essentially a simple wrapper based on the verbatim engine, with the chunk content read from an external file and default language guessed from file extension. That is,

    ```{embed, file="foo.R"}

    is equivalent to

    ```{verbatim, file="foo.R", lang="r"}

    If you provide the chunk option file to the embed engine, it will read the file and show its content verbatim in the output document. Alternatively, you can specify the file path in the chunk body, e.g.,


    The quotes are optional but can be helpful for editors (e.g., RStudio IDE) to autocomplete the file paths.

    The syntax highlighting language name is from the filename extension by default, and you can override it with the chunk option lang (e.g., file = "", lang = "bash") which is then identical to the verbatim engine.


  • The chunk option child also respects the package option root.dir now (thanks, @salim-b,

  • Fixed a LaTeX error "Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `fgcolor'" with .Rnw documents (thanks, Kurt Hornik).


  • Improved the (warning) message when unbalanced chunk delimiters are detected in R Markdown documents, to make it easier for users to fix the problem. The message now contains the line numbers of the opening fence and closing fence, as well as the opening and closing backticks. For example, the opening fence may be "````{r}" (four backticks) but the closing fence is "```" (three backticks---should also be four to match the opening fence), or the opening fence is indented " ```{r}" but the closing fence is not "```". Note that this warning message may become an error in the future, i.e., unbalanced chunk delimiters will no longer be allowed.