This is the final submission for a compiler course I took from Kent Dybvig at Indiana University. The compiler compiles a significant subset of Scheme into X64 assembly and then links it with a runtime system written in C. I made attempts to simplify and innovate the compiler, so it is quite different from Kent's original design.
In Kent's words, I put myself into trouble each week by doing things differently and then get myself out of it. Sometimes I did better than his compiler, sometimes, worse. But eventually I passed all his tests and got an A+.
A notable thing of this compiler is its use of high-order evaluation contexts, an advanced technique used in CPS transformers, which resulted sometimes in much simpler and shorter code.
Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Yin Wang, All rights reserved
Only the main compiler code is here. I don't have copyright of the rest of the code (test framework, runtime system etc)
For a history of the important compiler techniques contained in this compiler, please refer to Kent's paper:
The Development of Chez Scheme
For details of the compiler framework developed for the course, please refer to
For more information about CPS transformation, please refer to Andrew Appel's book:
and Danvy and Filinski's paper
Representing control: a study of the CPS transformation (1992)