Part of the immersive experience of playing any Animal Crossing game is playing in real time. Set your island clock to your designated hemisphere location and real clock, and discover all the seasonal changes and beauty the game will offer you through the year! This web app is to showcase New Horizon's beautiful seasonal landscapes and characteristics! Select from four seasonal buttons: Enjoy cherry blossom season during the spring. Summer showers and unique bugs, and fish. Watch the colors on trees and landscapes change during the fall, and build the best snowman yet during winter season!
Link to project:
Tech used: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Fairly straightforward application of web api event listeners on it's designated seasonal button triggers the background image changes. Fontawesome icons were incorporated to differentiate each season.
Accessibility needs to be fine tuned to allow some kind of descriptive characteristic for each season button. I'm considering downloading the specific fontawesome icons and coding them from my local computer to avoid having to update the stylesheet everytime fontawesome makes an update.
Fontawesome icons are periodically updated which involve me having to go in and manually change the stylesheet in the HTML so the icons show up properly.
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Animal Crossing: New Horizons Birthday Twin: