Kakis is a social meetup app for sport event. The main feature of Kakis are:
The user are able to: 1.1 View all events 1.2 Browse events by Category 1.3 View member's profile
The member are able: 2.1 Create and edit events 2.2 Join and unjoin events 2.3 Update profile 2.4 Chat with other member
Ensure to run npm install before running the app.
This app is built on Node.js.
npm install
This app is deployed on https://kakis.herokuapp.com/event
- [async]
- [bCryptjs]
- [Body-parser]
- [Bootstrap]
- [Cloudinary]
- [Connect-flash]
- [dotenv]
- [Ejs]
- [express]
- [express-ejs-layouts]
- [express-session]
- jQuery
- [method-override]
- [mongoose]
- [multer]
- [nodemon]
- [passport]
- [passport-local]
- [socket.io]
- Lee Yi Sheng - Yisheng90