Globally unique sortable id generator. A Typescript port of
The binary representation is compatible with the Mongo DB 12-byte ObjectId. The value consists of:
- a 4-byte timestamp value in seconds since the Unix epoch
- a 3-byte value based on the machine identifier
- a 2-byte value based on the process id
- a 3-byte incrementing counter, initialized to a random value
The string representation is 20 bytes, using a base32 hex variant with characters [0-9a-v]
to retain the sortable property of the id.
See the original xid
project for more details.
npm i xid-ts --save
import { Xid } from 'xid-ts'
const defaultXid = Xid.default()
assert.equal(defaultXid.isZero(), true)
const now = Math.floor( / 1000)
const newXid = new Xid()
assert.equal(newXid.isZero(), false)
assert.isTrue(newXid.timestamp() >= now)
const xid = Xid.parse('9m4e2mr0ui3e8a215n4g')
assert.equal(xid.isZero(), false)
console.log(xid.toBytes()) // Uint8Array(12) [77, 136, 225, 91, 96, 244, 134, 228, 40, 65, 45, 201]
assert.equal(xid.toString(), '9m4e2mr0ui3e8a215n4g')
assert.equal(xid.timestamp(), 1300816219)
assert.equal(xid.counter(), 4271561)
assert.equal(xid.equals(newXid), false)
assert.equal(xid.equals(Xid.fromValue('9m4e2mr0ui3e8a215n4g')), true)
assert.equal(xid.equals(Xid.fromValue([77, 136, 225, 91, 96, 244, 134, 228, 40, 65, 45, 201])), true)
assert.equal(xid.equals(Xid.fromValue(Buffer.from([77, 136, 225, 91, 96, 244, 134, 228, 40, 65, 45, 201]))), true)
assert.equal(xid.equals(Xid.fromValue(new Uint8Array([77, 136, 225, 91, 96, 244, 134, 228, 40, 65, 45, 201]))), true)
import { decode, encode } from 'cborg'
import { Xid } from 'xid-ts'
const xid = Xid.fromValue('9m4e2mr0ui3e8a215n4g')
const obj = {
id: xid,
name: 'yiwen'
const json = JSON.stringify(obj)
assert.equal(json, '{"id":"9m4e2mr0ui3e8a215n4g","name":"yiwen"}')
const obj1 = JSON.parse(json)
const data = encode(obj)
assert.equal(Buffer.from(data).toString('hex'), 'a26269644c4d88e15b60f486e428412dc9646e616d6565796977656e')
// {"id": h'4D88E15B60F486E428412DC9', "name": "yiwen"}
const obj2 = decode(data)
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