Config files for my personal development environment. It's designed to quickly set up on any Unix/Linux machine. I use a mixture of Arch Linux, Ubuntu, and MacOs and this environment generally behaves consistently across all OSes.
- stow
- git
- neovim
- gcc
- tmux
- Clone this repo.
git clone
cd dotfiles
- Run stow on neovim and tmux to generate symlinks to the configs.
stow neovim
stow tmux
At this point you would have what I consider a workable environment.
The following are not necessary but I find they drastically improve my quality of life when working in this development environment.
mise - Easily install languages and associated tooling through a single interface.
zsh + antigen - Shell and a plugin manager. I like zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting and zsh-autosuggestions for the plugins.