Runtime introspection and unit testing of SwiftUI views
Samples for the Chromecast IMA SDK
Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
How to create, develop, and distribute iOS Static Frameworks quickly and efficiently
Python client for Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM)
Django iOS Notifications makes it easy to send push notifications to iOS devices
iPhone/Obj-C library to background sync a folder to Dropbox
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
Beatiful and fast smooth line drawing algorithm for iOS - as seen in Foldify.
Sample projects that usually go with a blog post
[Deprecated] Allows your Backbone.js app to work offline
Sample App showing how to use Backbone.js and jQuery Mobile together
(demo) Recreating the buttonless interaction pattern found in Clear for iPhone app
A jQuery Mobile theme based on Bootstrap
Ajax Cache backed by localStorage for jQuery
A dual (localStorage and REST) sync adapter for Backbone.js
Customizable sliding view controller container.
📖 A creative-commons book on Backbone.js for beginners and advanced users alike
A small, lightweight, embeddable HTTP server for Mac OS X or iOS applications
A jQuery UI theme based on Twitter Bootstrap
A super easy to use launcher for your iOS projects
Various Plugins to Enhance jQuery Mobile
[OpenUDID IS NOW DEPRECATED] Open source initiative for a universal and persistent UDID solution for iOS
The twitter bootstrap ported to compass
Brings back the unique identifier support under iOS 5, it uses the device's mac address in combination with the bundle identifier to generate a new hashed unique identifier.
A 'modern' replica of UISwitch.
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.