# RECOMMEND - inclue cv2/numpy/tqdm
pip install cv2box
# clean install - no other dependencies
pip install cv2box --no-dependencies
# full install - referring requirements.txt
pip install cv2box[full]
# clone codes to your project without install
git clone git@github.com:ykk648/cv2box.git --depth 1
# Example
from cv2box import CVImage
img_in = 'img path' # or img_in = cv2.imread('img path')
img_bgr = CVImage(img_in).bgr
A gather of tools or funcs frequently using in my work.
Now including these functions:
- CVAudio , audio preprocessing.
- CVBbox , different bbox filter.
- CVCamera , load multical calibrate result and give any format of camera matrix.
- CVExcel , basic ops for insert data to excel file.
- CVFile , for multi-class file io.
- CVFolder , higher level folder op to do batch file operate.
- CVImage , a image class support multi format convert.
- CVQueue , queue-like high-level class which can be used for two different python projects communicate on same host machine.
- CVRotate , under dev.
- CVVideo, a video class support multi kinds of ops.
Now supports mode switch from multi-thread/multi-process/torch-process.
- CV threads base , fast construct your multithread AI program.
- CV video thread , give a video path to get a frame thread.
- CV multi video thread , give multical video path to get a multi frame thread.
- batch uncompress script support different types(zip tar 7z etc.)
- fps counter- CVEncrypt, encrypt file/model with AES..
- scheduler , scheduler wrote by apscheduler.
- send notify , send notify to BARK/DINGDING/WX/TG etc..
- math (cal distances