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mandrain support? #10

lucasjinreal opened this issue Jan 29, 2023 · 102 comments

mandrain support? #10

lucasjinreal opened this issue Jan 29, 2023 · 102 comments
help wanted Extra attention is needed


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mandrain support?

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yl4579 commented Jan 29, 2023

I did try training for other languages including Mandarin, Japanese, Hindi etc., though it requires a few changes:

  1. You need to phonemize Chinese into IPAs. You can use either or a look-up table to replace Chinese characters into IPAs. The pre-trained text aligner already includes AiShell (Mandarin dataset), with the following IPA conversion table from Pinyin. It may be slightly different from phonemizer, as it didn't work for me for Chinese.
ba pˈa
bo pˈwɔ
bai pˈaɪ
bei pˈeɪ
bao pˈaʊ
ban pˈan
ben pˈən
bang pˈɑŋ
beng pˈəŋ
bi pˈi
biao pˈjaʊ
bie pˈjɛ
bian pˈjɛn
bin pˈin
bing pˈiŋ
bu pˈu
pa pʰˈa
po pʰˈwɔ
pai pʰˈaɪ
pei pʰˈeɪ
pao pʰˈaʊ
pou pʰˈoʊ
pan pʰˈan
pen pʰˈən
pang pʰˈɑŋ
peng pʰˈəŋ
pi pʰˈi
piao pʰˈjaʊ
pie pʰˈjɛ
pian pʰˈjɛn
pin pʰˈin
ping pʰˈiŋ
pu pʰˈu
ma mˈa
me mˈɤ
mo mˈwɔ
mai mˈaɪ
mei mˈeɪ
mao mˈaʊ
mou mˈoʊ
man mˈan
men mˈən
mang mˈɑŋ
meng mˈəŋ
mi mˈi
miao mˈjaʊ
mie mˈjɛ
miu mˈju
mian mˈjɛn
min mˈin
ming mˈiŋ
mu mˈu
fa fˈa
fo fˈwɔ
fei fˈeɪ
fou fˈoʊ
fan fˈan
fen fˈən
fang fˈɑŋ
feng fˈəŋ
fu fˈu
da tˈa
de tˈɤ
dai tˈaɪ
dei tˈeɪ
dao tˈaʊ
dou tˈoʊ
dan tˈan
dang tˈɑŋ
deng tˈəŋ
dong tˈʊŋ
di tˈi
diao tˈjaʊ
die tˈjɛ
diu tˈjoʊ
dian tˈjɛn
ding tˈiŋ
du tˈu
duo tˈwɔ
dui tˈweɪ
duan tˈwan
dun tˈwən
ta tʰˈa
te tʰˈɤ
tai tʰˈaɪ
tao tʰˈaʊ
tou tʰˈoʊ
tan tʰˈan
tang tʰˈɑŋ
teng tʰˈəŋ
tong tʰˈʊŋ
ti tʰˈi
tiao tʰˈjaʊ
tie tʰˈjɛ
tian tʰˈjɛn
ting tʰˈiŋ
tu tʰˈu
tuo tʰˈwɔ
tui tʰˈweɪ
tuan tʰˈwan
tun tʰˈwən
na nˈa
ne nˈɤ
nai nˈaɪ
nei nˈeɪ
nao nˈaʊ
nou nˈoʊ
nan nˈan
nen nˈən
nang nˈɑŋ
neng nˈəŋ
nong nˈʊŋ
ni nˈi
niao nˈjaʊ
nie nˈjɛ
niu nˈjoʊ
nian nˈjɛn
nin nˈin
niang nˈiɑŋ
ning nˈiŋ
nu nˈu
nuo nˈwɔ
nuan nˈwan
nü nˈy
nüe nˈyɛ
la lˈa
le lˈɤ
lai lˈaɪ
lei lˈeɪ
lao lˈaʊ
lou lˈoʊ
lan lˈan
lang lˈɑŋ
leng lˈəŋ
long lˈʊŋ
li lˈi
lia lˈja
liao lˈjaʊ
lie lˈjɛ
liu lˈjoʊ
lian lˈjɛn
lin lˈin
liang lˈiɑŋ
ling lˈiŋ
lu lˈu
luo lˈwɔ
luan lˈwan
lun lˈwən
lü lˈy
lüe lˈyɛ
za tsˈa
ze tsˈɤ
zi tsˈɹ
zai tsˈaɪ
zei tsˈeɪ
zao tsˈaʊ
zou tsˈoʊ
zan tsˈan
zen tsˈən
zang tsˈɑŋ
zeng tsˈəŋ
zong tsˈʊŋ
zu tsˈu
zuo tsˈwɔ
zui tsˈweɪ
zuan tsˈwan
zun tsˈwən
ca tsʰˈa
ce tsʰˈɤ
ci tsʰˈɹ
cai tsʰˈaɪ
cao tsʰˈaʊ
cou tsʰˈoʊ
can tsʰˈan
cen tsʰˈən
cang tsʰˈɑŋ
ceng tsʰˈəŋ
cong tsʰˈʊŋ
cu tsʰˈu
cuo tsʰˈwɔ
cui tsʰˈweɪ
cuan tsʰˈwan
cun tsʰˈwən
sa sˈa
se sˈɤ
si sˈɹ
sai sˈaɪ
sao sˈaʊ
sou sˈoʊ
san sˈan
sen sˈən
sang sˈɑŋ
seng sˈeŋ
song sˈʊŋ
su sˈu
suo sˈwɔ
sui sˈweɪ
suan sˈwan
sun sˈwən
zha ʈʂˈa
zhe ʈʂˈɤ
zhi ʈʂˈʐ
zhai ʈʂˈaɪ
zhei ʈʂˈeɪ
zhao ʈʂˈaʊ
zhou ʈʂˈoʊ
zhan ʈʂˈan
zhen ʈʂˈən
zhang ʈʂˈɑŋ
zheng ʈʂˈəŋ
zhong ʈʂˈʊŋ
zhu ʈʂˈu
zhua ʈʂˈwa
zhuo ʈʂˈwɔ
zhuai ʈʂˈwaɪ
zhui ʈʂˈweɪ
zhuan ʈʂˈwan
zhun ʈʂˈwən
zhuang ʈʂˈwɑŋ
cha ʈʂʰˈa
che ʈʂʰˈɤ
chi ʈʂʰˈʐ
chai ʈʂʰˈaɪ
chao ʈʂʰˈaʊ
chou ʈʂʰˈoʊ
chan ʈʂʰˈan
chen ʈʂʰˈən
chang ʈʂʰˈɑŋ
cheng ʈʂʰˈəŋ
chong ʈʂʰˈʊŋ
chu ʈʂʰˈu
chua ʈʂʰˈwa
chuo ʈʂʰˈwɔ
chuai ʈʂʰˈwaɪ
chui ʈʂʰˈweɪ
chuan ʈʂʰˈwan
chun ʈʂʰˈwən
chuang ʈʂʰˈwɑŋ
sha ʂˈa
she ʂˈɤ
shi ʂˈʐ
shai ʂˈaɪ
shei ʂˈeɪ
shao ʂˈaʊ
shou ʂˈoʊ
shan ʂˈan
shen ʂˈən
shang ʂˈɑŋ
sheng ʂˈəŋ
shu ʂˈu
shua ʂˈwa
shuo ʂˈwɔ
shuai ʂˈwaɪ
shui ʂˈweɪ
shuan ʂˈwan
shun ʂˈwən
shuang ʂˈwɑŋ
re ɹˈɤ
ri ɹˈʐ
rao ɹˈaʊ
rou ɹˈoʊ
ran ɹˈan
ren ɹˈən
rang ɹˈɑŋ
reng ɹˈəŋ
rong ɹˈʊŋ
ru ɹˈu
ruo ɹˈwɔ
rui ɹˈweɪ
ruan ɹˈwan
run ɹˈwən
ji tɕˈi
jia tɕˈja
jiao tɕˈjaʊ
jie tɕˈjɛ
jiu tɕˈjoʊ
jian tɕˈjɛn
jin tɕˈin
jiang tɕˈiɑŋ
jing tɕˈiŋ
jiong tɕˈjʊŋ
ju tɕˈy
jue tɕˈyɛ
juan tɕˈyɛn
jun tɕˈyn
qi tɕʰˈi
qia tɕʰˈja
qiao tɕʰˈjaʊ
qie tɕʰˈjɛ
qiu tɕʰˈjoʊ
qian tɕʰˈjɛn
qin tɕʰˈin
qiang tɕʰˈjɑŋ
qing tɕʰˈiŋ
qiong tɕʰˈjʊŋ
qu tɕʰˈy
que tɕʰˈyɛ
quan tɕʰˈyɛn
qun tɕʰˈyn
xi ɕˈi
xia ɕˈja
xiao ɕˈjaʊ
xie ɕˈjɛ
xiu ɕˈjoʊ
xian ɕˈjɛn
xin ɕˈin
xiang ɕˈiɑŋ
xing ɕˈiŋ
xiong ɕˈjʊŋ
xu ɕˈy
xue ɕˈyɛ
xuan ɕˈyɛn
xun ɕˈyn
ga kˈa
ge kˈɤ
gai kˈaɪ
gei kˈeɪ
gao kˈaʊ
gou kˈoʊ
gan kˈan
gen kˈən
gang kˈɑŋ
geng kˈəŋ
gong kˈʊŋ
gu kˈu
gua kˈwa
guo kˈwɔ
guai kˈwaɪ
gui kˈweɪ
guan kˈwan
gun kˈwən
guang kˈwɑŋ
ka kʰˈa
ke kʰˈɤ
kai kʰˈaɪ
kei kʰˈeɪ
kao kʰˈaʊ
kou kʰˈoʊ
kan kʰˈan
ken kʰˈən
kang kʰˈɑŋ
keng kʰˈəŋ
kong kʰˈʊŋ
ku kʰˈu
kua kʰˈwa
kuo kʰˈwɔ
kuai kʰˈwaɪ
kui kʰˈweɪ
kuan kʰˈwan
kun kʰˈwən
kuang kʰˈwɑŋ
ha xˈa
he xˈɤ
hai xˈaɪ
hei xˈeɪ
hao xˈaʊ
hou xˈoʊ
han xˈan
hen xˈən
hang xˈɑŋ
heng xˈəŋ
hong xˈʊŋ
hu xˈu
hua xˈwa
huo xˈwɔ
huai xˈwaɪ
hui xˈweɪ
huan xˈwan
hun xˈwən
huang xˈwɑŋ
a ˈa
o ˈo
e ˈɤ
er ˈɚ
ai ˈaɪ
ei ˈeɪ
ao ˈaʊ
ou ˈoʊ
an ˈan
en ˈən
ang ˈɑŋ
eng ˈəŋ
yi ˈi
ya jˈa
yao jˈaʊ
ye jˈɛ
you jˈoʊ
yan jˈɛn
yin ˈin
yang jˈɑŋ
ying ˈiŋ
yong ˈjʊŋ
wu ˈu
wa wˈa
wo wˈɔ
wai wˈaɪ
wei wˈeɪ
wan wˈan
wen wˈən
wang wˈɑŋ
weng wˈəŋ
yu ˈy
yue ɥˈɛ
yuan ɥˈɛn
yun ɥˈn
hair xˈaɹ
dianr tˈjaɹ
wanr wˈaɹ
nar nˈaɹ
yanr jˈaɹ
huor xˈwɔɹ
duanr tˈwaɹ
lir lˈjɚ
huir xˈwjɚ
zher ʈʂˈɚ
dour xˈɔɹ
weir wˈɚ
kuair kʰˈwaɹ
guanr gˈwɐʴ
shir ʂˈɚ
yuanr ɥˈɚ
jianr tɕˈjɚ
her xˈɚ
jiar tɕˈjaɹ

bor pˈwɔɹ
xir ɕˈɚ
bianr pˈjɚ
fenr fˈɚ
wenr wˈɚ
der tˈɚ
por pʰˈwɔɹ
yuer ɥˈɚ
mingr mˈjɚ
char ʈʂʰˈaɹ
xingr ɕˈjɚ
zhour ʈʂˈoʊɹ
shour ʂˈoʊɹ
ter tʰˈɚ
yingr ˈjɚ
paor pʰˈaɹ
fangr fˈɑɹ
jingr tɕˈjɚ
shur ʂˈuɹ
qunr tɕʰˈyɹ
hur xˈuɹ
miaor mˈjaʊɹ
biaor pˈjaʊɹ
zhengr ʈʂˈɚ
gour kˈoʊɹ
pair pʰˈaɹ
renr ɹˈɚ
gaor kˈaʊɹ
lo lˈoʊ
tuir tʰˈwɚ
huanr xˈwaɹ
genr kˈɚ
nvr nˈyɹ
qianr tɕʰˈjɚ
hangr xˈɑɹ
chenr ʈʂʰˈɚ
den tˈɚ
lar lˈaɹ
niur nˈjoʊɹ
liur lˈjoʊɹ
tunr tʰˈwɚ
lunr lˈwɚ
tour tʰˈoʊɹ
hour xˈoʊɹ
tianr tʰˈjɚ
mianr mˈjɚ
mar mˈaɹ
pianr pʰˈjɚ
maor mˈaʊɹ
cair tsʰˈɚ
far fˈaɹ
shuor ʂˈwɔɹ
kanr kʰˈaɹ
banr pˈaɹ
ger kˈɚ
sher ʂˈɚ
gunr kˈwɚ
beir pˈɚ
chuanr ʈʂʰˈwɚ
bar pˈaɹ
cunr tsʰˈwɚ
tiaor tʰˈjaʊɹ
shuar ʂˈwaɹ
tur tʰˈuɹ
zhaor ʈʂˈaʊɹ
cher ʈʂʰˈɚ
menr mˈɚ
qingr tɕʰˈjɚ
shanr ʂˈaɹ
mor mˈwɔɹ
zhur ʈʂˈuɹ
wangr wˈɑɹ
zhunr ʈʂˈwɚ
zhir ʈʂˈɚ
haor xˈaʊɹ
shuir ʂˈwɚ
guor kˈwɔɹ
zaor tsˈaʊɹ
juanr tɕˈyɚ
jiar tɕˈjaɹ
xiaor ɕˈjaʊɹ
suor sˈwɔɹ
shaor ʂˈaʊɹ
yir ˈɚ
dir tˈɚ
ganr kˈaɹ
duir tˈwɚ
taor tʰˈaʊɹ
lianr lˈjɚ
benr pˈɚ
fanr fˈaɹ
xuer ɕˈyɚ
pur pʰˈuɹ
jinr tɕˈɚ
kour kʰˈoʊɹ
ker kʰˈɚ
mur mˈuɹ
liaor lˈjaʊɹ
juer tɕˈyɚ
your jˈoʊɹ
xianr ɕˈjɚ
quanr tɕʰˈyɚ
yo jˈoʊ
sanr sˈaɹ
zhuor ʈʂˈwɔɹ
tuor tʰˈwɔɹ
naor nˈaʊɹ
dar tˈaɹ
fur fˈuɹ
dunr tˈwɚ
langr lˈɑɹ
dair tˈaɹ
huar xˈwaɹ
yangr jˈɑɹ
  1. You need to add a tone embedding for languages like Chinese and Japanese. For example, replacing the ProsodyPredictor with the following code (i.e. concatenating the prosody embedding with the text embedding):
class ProsodyPredictor(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, n_prods, prod_embd, style_dim, d_hid, nlayers, dropout=0.1):
        self.embedding = nn.Embedding(n_prods, prod_embd * 2)
        self.text_encoder = DurationEncoder(sty_dim=style_dim, 

        self.lstm = nn.LSTM(d_hid + style_dim, d_hid // 2, 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True)
        self.duration_proj = LinearNorm(d_hid, 1)
        self.lstm = nn.LSTM(d_hid + prod_embd * 2 + style_dim, d_hid // 2, 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True)
        self.duration_proj = LinearNorm(d_hid, 1)
        self.shared = nn.LSTM(d_hid + prod_embd * 2 + style_dim, d_hid // 2, 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True)
        self.F0 = nn.ModuleList()
        self.F0.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout))
        self.F0.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid // 2, style_dim, upsample=True, dropout_p=dropout))
        self.F0.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid // 2, d_hid // 2, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout))

        self.N = nn.ModuleList()
        self.N.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout))
        self.N.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid // 2, style_dim, upsample=True, dropout_p=dropout))
        self.N.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid // 2, d_hid // 2, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout))
        self.F0_proj = nn.Conv1d(d_hid // 2, 1, 1, 1, 0)
        self.N_proj = nn.Conv1d(d_hid // 2, 1, 1, 1, 0)

    def forward(self, texts, prosody, style, text_lengths, alignment, m):
        prosody = self.embedding(prosody)
        texts =[texts, prosody], axis=1)
        d = self.text_encoder(texts, style, text_lengths, m)
        batch_size = d.shape[0]
        text_size = d.shape[1]
        # predict duration
        input_lengths = text_lengths.cpu().numpy()
        x = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(
            d, input_lengths, batch_first=True, enforce_sorted=False)
        m =
        x, _ = self.lstm(x)
        x, _ = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(
            x, batch_first=True)
        x_pad = torch.zeros([x.shape[0], m.shape[-1], x.shape[-1]])

        x_pad[:, :x.shape[1], :] = x
        x =
        duration = self.duration_proj(nn.functional.dropout(x, 0.5,
        en = (d.transpose(-1, -2) @ alignment)

        return duration.squeeze(-1), en
    def F0Ntrain(self, x, s):
        x, _ = self.shared(x.transpose(-1, -2))
        F0 = x.transpose(-1, -2)
        for block in self.F0:
            F0 = block(F0, s)
        F0 = self.F0_proj(F0)

        N = x.transpose(-1, -2)
        for block in self.N:
            N = block(N, s)
        N = self.N_proj(N)
        return F0.squeeze(1), N.squeeze(1)
    def length_to_mask(self, lengths):
        mask = torch.arange(lengths.max()).unsqueeze(0).expand(lengths.shape[0], -1).type_as(lengths)
        mask =, lengths.unsqueeze(1))
        return mask
  1. Modify to return the tones for each IPA and change your train_list.txt in the following format:
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB1100/SSB11000297.wav|$ʈʂˈɑŋxˈweɪˈi ʈʂʰˈujˈɛntˈɤ tˈjɛnˈin jˈoʊʂˈənmˈɤ$|X111114444422 111113333555 44444333 33332222555X|382
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB1567/SSB15670392.wav|$ʂˈʐ fˈuʂˈʐ ʂˈʐlˈɤ ʈʂˈəŋtʰˈi jˈɛˈu$fˈaʈʂˈantˈɤ xˈɤɕˈin tɕʰˈytˈʊŋlˈi$|X444 444444 111444 222223333 44444 11133333555 2221111 111114444444X|274
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0603/SSB06030228.wav|$xˈwɔtˈjɛn tˈəŋ tˈwɔxˈɑŋjˈɛ tɕˈiɑŋʂˈoʊ pˈwɔtɕˈi$|X333344444 3333 11112222444 1111114444 11112222X|223
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0588/SSB05880296.wav|$ˈinɥˈɛ ˈiʂˈəŋ sˈwɔˈaɪ$|X111444 441111 3333444X|378
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0315/SSB03150316.wav|$ʈʂʰˈuɕˈyɛʈʂˈɤ kʰˈɤ ʂˈʐˈjʊŋ tɕˈjaʊʈʂʰˈɑŋtˈɤ ˈiɕˈjɛ tʰˈjaʊʂˈəŋ$|X1111122223333 2222 3334444 444444222222555 441111 4444442222X|241
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0631/SSB06310452.wav|$ɕˈjɛntsˈaɪ tɕˈitɕʰˈi ɕˈyɛxˈweɪ kˈənɹˈən kˈoʊtʰˈʊŋ$|X4444444444 111144444 222244444 11112222 111111111X|229
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB1935/SSB19350402.wav|$xˈwansˈwɔtˈɤ ʂˈʐ tɕʰˈyʂˈʐ lˈaʊpˈaɹtˈɤsˈwən tsˈɹ$|X444443333555 444 44444444 3333444455511111 5555X|345
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB1203/SSB12030292.wav|$pˈiɹˈu tsˈweɪtɕˈin sˈannˈjɛn tɕˈiŋˈiŋ ʈʂˈwɑŋkʰˈwɑŋ lˈiɑŋxˈaʊtˈəŋ$|X333222 44444444444 111122222 11111222 444444444444 2222222223333X|377
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB1024/SSB10240312.wav|$xˈaˈɚ pˈinʂˈʐ tˈiˈu sˈɹʈʂˈʊŋɕˈyɛtˈɤ ʈʂˈaʊpʰˈaɪ ˈy pʰˈɑŋpˈjɛn ʂˈɑŋxˈu ɕˈiɑŋpˈi$|X11133 1111444 44433 444111112222555 1111155555 33 2222211111 1111444 11111333X|231
data/jvs_ver1/jvs088/parallel100/wav24kHz16bit/VOICEACTRESS100_037.wav|$kˈomˈʲɯːɴ ɯˈa $ sˈeːnˈɯ gˈaɯˈa tˈo $ esˈo ɴ nˈɯ kˈaɯˈa nˈo $ gˈoːɽˈʲɯː tɕˈitˈeɴ tˈo nˈaʔ tˈe iɽˈɯ$|XLLLHHHHLL LLL X LLLHHHH LLLLLL LLL X LHHH H HHH LLLLLL LLL X LLLHHHHHH HHHHLLLL LLL HHHL LLL LHHHX|88
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0671/SSB06710188.wav|$tɕˈiɑŋɕˈjɛn nˈanfˈan ˈjʊŋxˈʊŋ fˈɑŋɕˈin lˈiɑŋjˈoʊ ʈʂˈʊŋɕˈintˈjɛn$|X44444444444 22222222 33332222 44441111 222222222 11111111144444X|363
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0380/SSB03800184.wav|$kʰˈɤ ɥˈɛxˈan tɕˈjoʊʂˈʐ tʰˈiŋpˈu tɕˈintɕʰˈy$|X3333 1114444 444444444 11111222 4444444444X|323
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0760/SSB07600247.wav|$tˈɑŋɹˈan wˈɔ ɕˈjɛntsˈaɪ ˈitɕˈiŋ mˈeɪjˈoʊ ʈʂˈɤkˈɤ tsˈɹkˈɤ tsˈaɪkˈən nˈiʂˈwɔ ʈʂˈɤkˈɤ xˈwaɹ$|X11112222 333 4444444444 3311111 22223333 4444444 1111222 444441111 3331111 4444444 44444X|237
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0016/SSB00160083.wav|$pˈaʂˈʐˈutˈjɛn lˈjoʊlˈiŋtɕʰˈi$|X1112222233333 44444222211111X|245

where X and $ represent the SOS and EOS.

I'll leave this issue open for someone to fork the repo and modify it for Mandarin and Japanese support. I'm unfortunately too busy to work on it now.

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yl4579 commented Jan 29, 2023

For Japanese, you can do the same thing:

The conversion table from kana to IPA is the following (again phonemizer doesn't work for me).

kana_mapper = OrderedDict([







nasal_sound = OrderedDict([
    # before m, p, b
    ("ɴb", "mb"),
    ("ɴp", "mp"),
    # before k, g
    ("ɴg", "ŋg"),
    # before t, d, n, s, z, ɽ
    ("ɴd", "nd"),
    ("ɴs", "ns"),
    ("ɴɽ", "nɽ"),
    ("ɴɲ", "ɲɲ"),

def hiragana2IPA(text):
    orig = text

    for k, v in kana_mapper.items():
        text = text.replace(k, v)

    for k, v in nasal_sound.items():
        text = text.replace(k, v)
    return text

You also need to add the intonations for each word with Open JTalk.

data/jvs_ver1/jvs020/falset10/wav24kHz16bit/VOICEACTRESS100_005.wav|$ɕˈiɽˈɯbˈaː sˈaː ɸˈaː ɕˈʲɯːgˈekˈi dʑˈikˈeɴ mˈadˈe nˈi $ ɽˈitɕˈaːzˈɯ ɯˈa $ tɕˈiːmˈɯ mˈeː tˈo tˈomˈonˈi $ kˈokˈɯsˈai tˈekˈi nˈi sˈɯːpˈaː çˈiːɽˈoː$ ojˈobˈi $ jˈɯːmˈeːdʑˈiɴ tˈo ɕˈi tˈe $ nˈiɴtɕˈi sˈa ɽˈe tˈe iɽˈɯ$|XHHHLLLLLLL LLLH HHHH HHHHHHHHHHH HHHHLLLL LLLLLL LLL X HHHLLLLLLLL LLL X LLLLHHHH LLLL LLL LLLHHHHHH X LLLHHHHHHH LLLLLL LLL LLLHHHHH HHHLLLLLX HLLLLLL X LLLHHHHLLLLLL LLL LLL HHH X HHHLLLLL LLL HHH HHH LHHHX
data/jvs_ver1/jvs081/parallel100/wav24kHz16bit/VOICEACTRESS100_078.wav|$ɸˈʲoːgˈeɴ gˈʲoːɽˈetsˈɯ nˈo ɕˈiɸˈʲoː ɸˈʲoː o$ bˈɯɴɕˈi nˈo tˈaiɕˈʲoː sˈeː o aɽˈaɯˈasˈɯ $ tˈeɴ gˈɯɴ nˈo ɕˈiɸˈʲoː ɸˈʲoː o mˈotɕˈiː tˈe $ sˈɯɴdˈe jˈakˈɯ ɸˈʲoːgˈeɴ e bˈɯɴkˈai sˈɯɽˈɯ$|XLLLLHHHHH HHHHLLLLLLLL LLL LLLHHHHH HHHHH HX HHHLLLL LLL LLLHHHHHH HHHH H LHHHHHHLLL X LLLH LLLL LLL LLLHHHHH HHHHH H LLLHHHHH LLL X LLLHHHH LLLHHH HHHHHHHHL L LLLHHHHH LLLHHHX

where L and H represent low tone and high tone, respectively.

@yl4579 yl4579 added the help wanted Extra attention is needed label Jan 31, 2023
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c9412600 commented Feb 8, 2023

data/VCTK-Corpus/VCTK-Corpus/wav24/p275/p275_380.wav|$ɪts ɐ ɹˈiːəl pɹˈɑːbləm$$|XXXX X XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX|155
hello,I want to know what "XXXX X XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX" and 155 mean.

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yl4579 commented Feb 10, 2023

@c9412600 That was a typo that should not be included, I have fixed it. 155 is the speaker id (never used during training, just for clarification), and X means no intonation (in contrast to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 that represent the actual tones in Mandarin).

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liuhuang31 commented Feb 22, 2023

@yl4579 Thank you for sharing so many ideas! Use Aishell3 dataset, I can synthesize normal audio, and it sounds good.

But when generate a unseen speaker, the timbre doesn't sound like its origin, is there any way to improve its timbre similarity to unseen speaker?

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@yl4579 I would like to ask if there is any change to the Vietnamese language

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yl4579 commented Mar 8, 2023

@CONGLUONG12 I don't think there is any change needed for Vietnamese. You only need to find a conversion table between chu quoc ngu and IPA (maybe phonemizer works for this case?) and label the tones (there should be six of them, so n_prods = 6) as in Mandarin.

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I have some questions about how to inference in mandarin .
First ,I am not sure if it is right for mandarin :

_pad = "$"
_punctuation = ';:,.!?¡¿—…"«»“” '
_letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
_letters_ipa = "ɹʂʴʰɛɤɔʈɚˈɕɥɐɑɪŋʐʊə"

ps = global_phonemizer.phonemize([text])
do i need to add tone in ps,like
'$pˈu ʈʂˈʐ tˈaʊ nˈi ʂˈwɔ tˈɤ ʂˈʐ pˈu ʂˈʐ wˈɔ ɕˈiɑŋ tˈɤ$|X444 1111 4444 333 1111 555 444 444 444 333 33333 555X'

if my asr trained with pinyin(like 'wo3 shi4 shui2') not ipa, is it ok for the inference?
THANK YOU for the great work!
@yl4579 @yl4579 @yl4579

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I use pinyin for asr and styletts, can generate a normal and good results.

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I use pinyin for asr and styletts, can generate a normal and good results.

could you share some details like:
how to set inference file

_pad = "$"
_punctuation = ';:,.!?¡¿—…"«»“” '
_letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
_letters_ipa = "1234"
is it right?
and if you need to replace class ProsodyPredictor like the author said?

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For mandarin, i didn't use ipa_phonemes, use pinyin's initials and finals phonemes.

  1. You can use pypinyin to generate pinyin.
  2. The _initials and _finals used in pypinyin, then the symbols is below:

_pause = ["sil", "eos", "sp", ...]
_initials = ["b", "c","ch", ...]
_finals = ["a", "ai", ...]
_tones = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
symbols = _pause + _initials + [i + j for i in _finals for j in _tones]

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For mandarin, i didn't use ipa_phonemes, use pinyin's initials and finals phonemes.

  1. You can use pypinyin to generate pinyin.
  2. The _initials and _finals used in pypinyin, then the symbols is below:

_pause = ["sil", "eos", "sp", ...] _initials = ["b", "c","ch", ...] _finals = ["a", "ai", ...] _tones = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"] symbols = _pause + _initials + [i + j for i in _finals for j in _tones]

thank you very much!
do you change <class ProsodyPredictor(nn.Module) > in models?

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sorry to forget to reply, i didn't change <class ProsodyPredictor(nn.Module) > in models.

This was referenced Apr 18, 2023
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sorry to forget to reply, i didn't change <class ProsodyPredictor(nn.Module) > in models.

Hi, liuhuang31
How did you train the Chinese pinyin PL-BERT model? to treat the ShengMu, YunMu, YinDiao as separate phonemes? or see the whole pinyin as a single phoneme?
and, how did you get so much annotated Chinese text corpus? As I know, the Pypinyin generated pinyin are error-prone, I do not think it a good way to get the PL-BERT corpus.

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sorry to forget to reply, i didn't change <class ProsodyPredictor(nn.Module) > in models.

Hi, liuhuang31 How did you train the Chinese pinyin PL-BERT model? to treat the ShengMu, YunMu, YinDiao as separate phonemes? or see the whole pinyin as a single phoneme? and, how did you get so much annotated Chinese text corpus? As I know, the Pypinyin generated pinyin are error-prone, I do not think it a good way to get the PL-BERT corpus.

HI, JohnHerry
(1) I didn't train phoneme level bert model. In the below, ShengMu is _initials, YunMu is _finals, YinDiao is _tones.
For text features: phoneme, prosody, tone.
phoneme features treat the ShengMu, YunMu as separate phonemes.

For example, give a text “去上学校”:
First we generate its prosody: “去上学校” -> “去#1上#1学校#4.”
Second use pypinyin to generate chinese pinyin: “去#1上#1学校#4.” -> “去#1上#1学校#4.|qu5 shang5 xue3 xiao3”
Third generate its text features(phoneme, prosody, tone): “去#1上#1学校#4.|qu5 shang5 xue3 xiao3” -> "q u sh ang x ue x iao|#1 #1 #1 #1 #0 #0 #4 #4|5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3". Certainly, you should convert phoneme, prosody and tone to id.

_pause = ["sil", "eos", "sp", ...]
_initials = ["b", "c","ch", ...]
_finals = ["a", "ai", ...]
_tones = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
symbols = _pause + _initials + [i + j for i in _finals for j in _tones]

(2) As for me, just use the open dataset: aishell3 dataset(zhvoice dataset also can use, but its quality is very poor).

(3) Yes, "Pypinyin generated pinyin are error-prone", but in my view, if the dataset is big enough, the error will be average and "eliminate". Also in my experiment use aishell3 dataset, i can generate a normal audio, which sound not bad.

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sorry to forget to reply, i didn't change <class ProsodyPredictor(nn.Module) > in models.

Hi, liuhuang31 How did you train the Chinese pinyin PL-BERT model? to treat the ShengMu, YunMu, YinDiao as separate phonemes? or see the whole pinyin as a single phoneme? and, how did you get so much annotated Chinese text corpus? As I know, the Pypinyin generated pinyin are error-prone, I do not think it a good way to get the PL-BERT corpus.

HI, JohnHerry (1) I didn't train phoneme level bert model. In the below, ShengMu is _initials, YunMu is _finals, YinDiao is _tones. For text features: phoneme, prosody, tone. phoneme features treat the ShengMu, YunMu as separate phonemes.

For example, give a text “去上学校”: First we generate its prosody: “去上学校” -> “去#1上#1学校#4.” Second use pypinyin to generate chinese pinyin: “去#1上#1学校#4.” -> “去#1上#1学校#4.|qu5 shang5 xue3 xiao3” Third generate its text features(phoneme, prosody, tone): “去#1上#1学校#4.|qu5 shang5 xue3 xiao3” -> "q u sh ang x ue x iao|#1 #1 #1 #1 #0 #0 #4 #4|5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3". Certainly, you should convert phoneme, prosody and tone to id.

_pause = ["sil", "eos", "sp", ...]
_initials = ["b", "c","ch", ...]
_finals = ["a", "ai", ...]
_tones = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
symbols = _pause + _initials + [i + j for i in _finals for j in _tones]

(2) As for me, just use the open dataset: aishell3 dataset(zhvoice dataset also can use, but its quality is very poor).

(3) Yes, "Pypinyin generated pinyin are error-prone", but in my view, if the dataset is big enough, the error will be average and "eliminate". Also in my experiment use aishell3 dataset, i can generate a normal audio, which sound not bad.

Thanks for the detailed information. it helps me a lot.

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zdj97 commented May 18, 2023

hello, the pypinyin does not perform well someways. So i use another phoneme set, not like pypinyin. In this way, how can i prepare the filelists and how to train or finetune?

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liuhuang31 commented May 18, 2023

hello, the pypinyin does not perform well someways. So i use another phoneme set, not like pypinyin. In this way, how can i prepare the filelists and how to train or finetune?

Hi, zdj97

As pypinyin or any other phoneme set, their role is to convert text into phoneme, so just samply use the new phoneme set. And remember use the new phoneme set to re-train the asr model.

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I did try training for other languages including Mandarin, Japanese, Hindi etc., though it requires a few changes:

hello, what tools did you use to convert the LJspeech and LibriTTS databases to IPAs

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zdj97 commented May 26, 2023

hi, i did not convert LJspeech or VCTK to IPAs. So, i did not use the pretrained models in this scripts.
I trained the ASR and pitch models from scrach using my own phoneme set and the results have not done.
When the models are done, i will comments this.

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Hi @yl4579 ,

A stupid question: how can I convert

SSB11000297|zhang1 hui4 yi2 % chu1 yan3 de5 % dian4 yin3 % you3 shen2 me5 $|


SSB11000297.wav|$ʈʂˈɑŋxˈweɪˈi ʈʂʰˈujˈɛntˈɤ tˈjɛnˈin jˈoʊʂˈənmˈɤ$|X111114444422 111113333555 44444333 33332222555X|

Is the conversion done by during training or do I need to write a preprocessor to convert it before training?


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yl4579 commented Jun 21, 2023

@yihuitang You need to code it yourself because the was written for English support only. I have provided the conversion table, so it should not be difficult for you to convert it to the desired format. I couldn't find the exact code to generate the dataset unfortunately, but all you need is to split the text by space, get the number (tone), convert the pinyin to IPA using the table I provided and repeat the number (tone) for N times where N is the length of the phoneme.

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@yl4579 thanks for your prompt reply. I'll start with the code of converting the format.
Should there be a space between IPAs? Take zhang1 hui4 as an example, which of the following representations of IPA is the correct or best one?

1. ʈʂˈɑŋxˈweɪˈ (no sapce)
2. ʈʂˈɑŋ xˈweɪˈ (space between words)
3. ʈʂˈ ɑŋ xˈ weɪˈ (space between words and space between ShengMu and YunMu)
4. ʈ ʂˈ ɑ ŋ xˈ w e ɪˈ (space between each IPA)

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yl4579 commented Jun 21, 2023

@yihuitang In my case, I separated between words because I used the PL-BERT trained jointly with Chinese, Japanese, and English and word boundaries were used when pre-training the PL-BERT, but you may not need to do that. If you do not plan to use any language model or if your language model is at character level (for example, your grapheme in PL-BERT is the character instead of a word), I don't think there is any difference.

Note that words were separated by "%" in the AiShell dataset, so "zhang1 hui4 yi2" is one word, and "chu1 yan3 de5" is another word. This is why they were converted to "ʈʂˈɑŋxˈweɪˈi ʈʂʰˈujˈɛntˈɤ" in my case, where the only space is between these two words, not syllables.

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@yl4579 , Thanks for your guidance. I do plan to use your PL-BERT later if I can successfully implement Mandarin in StyleTTS.

I would also like to train StyleTTS with customized data, which has no "%" in the dataset. So for the customized dataset with PL-BERT, I should use option 1 (no space). Am I right?

1. ʈʂˈɑŋxˈweɪˈ (no sapce)

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Hi @yl4579 , a quick update:

I've created a script to convert pinyins to IPAs and get filelists in the desired format for Mandarin. Here are train and val lists for aishell3 dataset:

Class ProsodyPredictor is also updated with your code above. And then I tried to update but got stuck.

  1. What should n_prods and prod_embd be? Should they be stored in config.yml?
  2. I can get the tone for IPA, but where and how I should use the tone?
class FilePathDataset(
    def __init__(self,

        spect_params = SPECT_PARAMS
        mel_params = MEL_PARAMS

        #_data_list = [l[:-1].split('|') for l in data_list]
        _data_list = [l.split('|') for l in data_list]
        self.data_list = [data if len(data) == 4 else (*data, 0) for data in _data_list]
        self.text_cleaner = TextCleaner() = sr

        self.to_melspec = torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram(**MEL_PARAMS)

        self.mean, self.std = -4, 4
        self.data_augmentation = data_augmentation and (not validation)
        self.max_mel_length = 192

#         self.global_phonemizer = phonemizer.backend.EspeakBackend(language='en-us', preserve_punctuation=True,  with_stress=True)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.data_list)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        data = self.data_list[idx]
        path = data[0]

        wave, text_tensor, tone_tensor, speaker_id = self._load_tensor(data)

        mel_tensor = preprocess(wave).squeeze()

        acoustic_feature = mel_tensor.squeeze()
        length_feature = acoustic_feature.size(1)
        acoustic_feature = acoustic_feature[:, :(length_feature - length_feature % 2)]

        return speaker_id, acoustic_feature, text_tensor, path

    def _load_tensor(self, data):
        wave_path, text, tone, speaker_id = data
        speaker_id = int(speaker_id)
        wave, sr =
        if wave.shape[-1] == 2:
            wave = wave[:, 0].squeeze()
        if sr != 24000:
            wave = librosa.resample(wave, sr, 24000)
            print(wave_path, sr)

        wave = np.concatenate([np.zeros([5000]), wave, np.zeros([5000])], axis=0)

        text = self.text_cleaner(text)
        tone = self.text_cleaner(tone)

        text.insert(0, 0)

        tone.insert(0, 0)

        text = torch.LongTensor(text)
        tone = torch.LongTensor(tone)

        return wave, text, tone, speaker_id

    def _load_data(self, data):
        wave, text_tensor, tone, speaker_id = self._load_tensor(data)
        mel_tensor = preprocess(wave).squeeze()

        mel_length = mel_tensor.size(1)
        if mel_length > self.max_mel_length:
            random_start = np.random.randint(0, mel_length - self.max_mel_length)
            mel_tensor = mel_tensor[:, random_start:random_start + self.max_mel_length]

        return mel_tensor, speaker_id

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@liuhuang31 HI, liuhuang31, thank you very mush. It is helpful.

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Hi @yl4579 , a quick update:

I've created a script to convert pinyins to IPAs and get filelists in the desired format for Mandarin. Here are train and val lists for aishell3 dataset: train_list_aishell3.txt val_list_aishell3.txt

Class ProsodyPredictor is also updated with your code above. And then I tried to update but got stuck.

  1. What should n_prods and prod_embd be? Should they be stored in config.yml?
  2. I can get the tone for IPA, but where and how I should use the tone?
class FilePathDataset(
    def __init__(self,

        spect_params = SPECT_PARAMS
        mel_params = MEL_PARAMS

        #_data_list = [l[:-1].split('|') for l in data_list]
        _data_list = [l.split('|') for l in data_list]
        self.data_list = [data if len(data) == 4 else (*data, 0) for data in _data_list]
        self.text_cleaner = TextCleaner() = sr

        self.to_melspec = torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram(**MEL_PARAMS)

        self.mean, self.std = -4, 4
        self.data_augmentation = data_augmentation and (not validation)
        self.max_mel_length = 192

#         self.global_phonemizer = phonemizer.backend.EspeakBackend(language='en-us', preserve_punctuation=True,  with_stress=True)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.data_list)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        data = self.data_list[idx]
        path = data[0]

        wave, text_tensor, tone_tensor, speaker_id = self._load_tensor(data)

        mel_tensor = preprocess(wave).squeeze()

        acoustic_feature = mel_tensor.squeeze()
        length_feature = acoustic_feature.size(1)
        acoustic_feature = acoustic_feature[:, :(length_feature - length_feature % 2)]

        return speaker_id, acoustic_feature, text_tensor, path

    def _load_tensor(self, data):
        wave_path, text, tone, speaker_id = data
        speaker_id = int(speaker_id)
        wave, sr =
        if wave.shape[-1] == 2:
            wave = wave[:, 0].squeeze()
        if sr != 24000:
            wave = librosa.resample(wave, sr, 24000)
            print(wave_path, sr)

        wave = np.concatenate([np.zeros([5000]), wave, np.zeros([5000])], axis=0)

        text = self.text_cleaner(text)
        tone = self.text_cleaner(tone)

        text.insert(0, 0)

        tone.insert(0, 0)

        text = torch.LongTensor(text)
        tone = torch.LongTensor(tone)

        return wave, text, tone, speaker_id

    def _load_data(self, data):
        wave, text_tensor, tone, speaker_id = self._load_tensor(data)
        mel_tensor = preprocess(wave).squeeze()

        mel_length = mel_tensor.size(1)
        if mel_length > self.max_mel_length:
            random_start = np.random.randint(0, mel_length - self.max_mel_length)
            mel_tensor = mel_tensor[:, random_start:random_start + self.max_mel_length]

        return mel_tensor, speaker_id

Hi, yihui
I saw that all your Mandarin IPA phonemes are compat, no space between characters. I want to made a ShengYunMu based TTS model, is there any symbol alphabeta about IPA syllables with that? I can not find out single units from the mapping of #10 (comment)

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@JohnHerry did you try to add a space in the mapping? For example:
'ba': 'pˈ a', <---- there's a space between pˈ and a

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hello @liuhuang31 ,
there is no punctuation in the aishell-3 dataset. so how can i train a model which can use the punctuation to control the voice pause? thanks for the reply.

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@skysbird Hi skysbird,
For punctuation, you can use a frontend to predict prosody, then use MFA to change the prosody.

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if i want to use punctuation to control the pause, i must have the dataset that has punctuation ? am i right? and yes i'm Chinese, maybe we are in the same wechat group :)

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@skysbird hi, yes, you dataset must has punctuation or other pause symbols to control the pause.

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@JohnHerry did you try to add a space in the mapping? For example: 'ba': 'pˈ a', <---- there's a space between pˈ and a

Thanks for the advice. I have noticed that there is a stress symbol in the IPA mapped from PinYin. I think Chinese utterance do not need the stress symbol, but it can be viewed as d spliter between Shengmu and Yunmu.

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@skysbird Hi skysbird, For punctuation, you can use a frontend to predict prosody, then use MFA to change the prosody.

We had tried to use BERT-based Text-Prosody predictor, but it not good enough. especially the PP(#2) and IP(#3), they get low precision and recall. And what is more, the text prosody [or pause] result is everage, I think it is not good for multi-speaker models.

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For mandarin, i didn't use ipa_phonemes, use pinyin's initials and finals phonemes.

  1. You can use pypinyin to generate pinyin.
  2. The _initials and _finals used in pypinyin, then the symbols is below:

_pause = ["sil", "eos", "sp", ...] _initials = ["b", "c","ch", ...] _finals = ["a", "ai", ...] _tones = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"] symbols = _pause + _initials + [i + j for i in _finals for j in _tones]

@liuhuang31 Excuse me,i see symbols include "_pause", that means asr‘s text label come from mfa result?

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@sunnnnnnnny hi, sunnnnnnnny. First use frontend predict text's prosody(pause), then use mfa results to change its prosody. For asr, the #1 will not be use and remove, #2 #3 is as a phoneme.

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@sunnnnnnnny hi, sunnnnnnnny. First use frontend predict text's prosody(pause), then use mfa results to change its prosody. For asr, the #1 will not be use and remove, #2 #3 is as a phoneme.

thank you quick reply; i see it;

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@liuhuang31 excuse me, can you share some train's 1st stage loss curves?

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@sunnnnnnnny image


thanks a lot!

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@sunnnnnnnny hi, sunnnnnnnny. First use frontend predict text's prosody(pause), then use mfa results to change its prosody. For asr, the #1 will not be use and remove, #2 #3 is as a phoneme.

Hi, liuhuang31, In the StyleTTS paper, it has a "style vector" to help predict duration, speech speed, emotion. is that means there will be no need for the frontend prosody anymore? Have you tried the traning instantce without those prosody syllables? How about that?

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@sunnnnnnnny hi, sunnnnnnnny. First use frontend predict text's prosody(pause), then use mfa results to change its prosody. For asr, the #1 will not be use and remove, #2 #3 is as a phoneme.

Hi, liuhuang31, In the StyleTTS paper, it has a "style vector" to help predict duration, speech speed, emotion. is that means there will be no need for the frontend prosody anymore? Have you tried the traning instantce without those prosody syllables? How about that?

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@JohnHerry hi, 'style vector' really help predict duration, speech speed, so i think not use prosody is ok. The prosody '#2 #3' used in styletts is as a phoneme(styletts not use '#1'), can manually controlled pause time.
I don't trained other exp without prosody_phoneme(#2 #3 as a phoneme).

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@JohnHerry hi, 'style vector' really help predict duration, speech speed, so i think not use prosody is ok. The prosody '#2 #3' used in styletts is as a phoneme(styletts not use '#1'), can manually controlled pause time. I don't trained other exp without prosody_phoneme(#2 #3 as a phoneme).

Known, Thank you very much.

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sorry to forget to reply, i didn't change <class ProsodyPredictor(nn.Module) > in models.

Hi, liuhuang31 How did you train the Chinese pinyin PL-BERT model? to treat the ShengMu, YunMu, YinDiao as separate phonemes? or see the whole pinyin as a single phoneme? and, how did you get so much annotated Chinese text corpus? As I know, the Pypinyin generated pinyin are error-prone, I do not think it a good way to get the PL-BERT corpus.

HI, JohnHerry (1) I didn't train phoneme level bert model. In the below, ShengMu is _initials, YunMu is _finals, YinDiao is _tones. For text features: phoneme, prosody, tone. phoneme features treat the ShengMu, YunMu as separate phonemes.

For example, give a text “去上学校”: First we generate its prosody: “去上学校” -> “去#1上#1学校#4.” Second use pypinyin to generate chinese pinyin: “去#1上#1学校#4.” -> “去#1上#1学校#4.|qu5 shang5 xue3 xiao3” Third generate its text features(phoneme, prosody, tone): “去#1上#1学校#4.|qu5 shang5 xue3 xiao3” -> "q u sh ang x ue x iao|#1 #1 #1 #1 #0 #0 #4 #4|5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3". Certainly, you should convert phoneme, prosody and tone to id.

_pause = ["sil", "eos", "sp", ...]
_initials = ["b", "c","ch", ...]
_finals = ["a", "ai", ...]
_tones = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
symbols = _pause + _initials + [i + j for i in _finals for j in _tones]

(2) As for me, just use the open dataset: aishell3 dataset(zhvoice dataset also can use, but its quality is very poor).

(3) Yes, "Pypinyin generated pinyin are error-prone", but in my view, if the dataset is big enough, the error will be average and "eliminate". Also in my experiment use aishell3 dataset, i can generate a normal audio, which sound not bad.

"q u sh ang x ue x iao|#1 #1 #1 #1 #0 #0 #4 #4|5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3" -> the symbols you use are YunMu without tones (tones are placed in the last column)
"symbols = _pause + _initials + [i + j for i in _finals for j in _tones]" -> the symbols are YunMu with tones
So, I'm confused. Which one is it?

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liuhuang31 commented Dec 13, 2023

@zhouyong64 you can use:
(1) "q u sh ang x ue x iao|#1 #1 #1 #1 #0 #0 #4 #4|5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3".
(2) Also you can use "q5 u5 sh5 ang5 x5 ue3 x3 iao3|#1 #1 #1 #1 #0 #0 #4 #4".
(3) Even you can use "q u5 sh ang5 x ue3 x iao3|#1 #1 #1 #1 #0 #0 #4 #4".
(4) or prosody as a phoneme(if has #2 #3 level prosody): "q5 u5 #2 sh5 ang5 x5 ue3 x3 iao3".
(5) or prosody as a phoneme(if has #2 #3 level prosody): "q u #2 sh ang x ue x iao|5 5 0 5 5 3 3 3 3".

Finally i use (5) to train the model.

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SherlockSunset commented Jan 15, 2024

I did try training for other languages including Mandarin, Japanese, Hindi etc., though it requires a few changes:

  1. You need to phonemize Chinese into IPAs. You can use either or a look-up table to replace Chinese characters into IPAs. The pre-trained text aligner already includes AiShell (Mandarin dataset), with the following IPA conversion table from Pinyin. It may be slightly different from phonemizer, as it didn't work for me for Chinese.
ba pˈa
bo pˈwɔ
bai pˈaɪ
bei pˈeɪ
bao pˈaʊ
ban pˈan
ben pˈən
bang pˈɑŋ
beng pˈəŋ
bi pˈi
biao pˈjaʊ
bie pˈjɛ
bian pˈjɛn
bin pˈin
bing pˈiŋ
bu pˈu
pa pʰˈa
po pʰˈwɔ
pai pʰˈaɪ
pei pʰˈeɪ
pao pʰˈaʊ
pou pʰˈoʊ
pan pʰˈan
pen pʰˈən
pang pʰˈɑŋ
peng pʰˈəŋ
pi pʰˈi
piao pʰˈjaʊ
pie pʰˈjɛ
pian pʰˈjɛn
pin pʰˈin
ping pʰˈiŋ
pu pʰˈu
ma mˈa
me mˈɤ
mo mˈwɔ
mai mˈaɪ
mei mˈeɪ
mao mˈaʊ
mou mˈoʊ
man mˈan
men mˈən
mang mˈɑŋ
meng mˈəŋ
mi mˈi
miao mˈjaʊ
mie mˈjɛ
miu mˈju
mian mˈjɛn
min mˈin
ming mˈiŋ
mu mˈu
fa fˈa
fo fˈwɔ
fei fˈeɪ
fou fˈoʊ
fan fˈan
fen fˈən
fang fˈɑŋ
feng fˈəŋ
fu fˈu
da tˈa
de tˈɤ
dai tˈaɪ
dei tˈeɪ
dao tˈaʊ
dou tˈoʊ
dan tˈan
dang tˈɑŋ
deng tˈəŋ
dong tˈʊŋ
di tˈi
diao tˈjaʊ
die tˈjɛ
diu tˈjoʊ
dian tˈjɛn
ding tˈiŋ
du tˈu
duo tˈwɔ
dui tˈweɪ
duan tˈwan
dun tˈwən
ta tʰˈa
te tʰˈɤ
tai tʰˈaɪ
tao tʰˈaʊ
tou tʰˈoʊ
tan tʰˈan
tang tʰˈɑŋ
teng tʰˈəŋ
tong tʰˈʊŋ
ti tʰˈi
tiao tʰˈjaʊ
tie tʰˈjɛ
tian tʰˈjɛn
ting tʰˈiŋ
tu tʰˈu
tuo tʰˈwɔ
tui tʰˈweɪ
tuan tʰˈwan
tun tʰˈwən
na nˈa
ne nˈɤ
nai nˈaɪ
nei nˈeɪ
nao nˈaʊ
nou nˈoʊ
nan nˈan
nen nˈən
nang nˈɑŋ
neng nˈəŋ
nong nˈʊŋ
ni nˈi
niao nˈjaʊ
nie nˈjɛ
niu nˈjoʊ
nian nˈjɛn
nin nˈin
niang nˈiɑŋ
ning nˈiŋ
nu nˈu
nuo nˈwɔ
nuan nˈwan
nü nˈy
nüe nˈyɛ
la lˈa
le lˈɤ
lai lˈaɪ
lei lˈeɪ
lao lˈaʊ
lou lˈoʊ
lan lˈan
lang lˈɑŋ
leng lˈəŋ
long lˈʊŋ
li lˈi
lia lˈja
liao lˈjaʊ
lie lˈjɛ
liu lˈjoʊ
lian lˈjɛn
lin lˈin
liang lˈiɑŋ
ling lˈiŋ
lu lˈu
luo lˈwɔ
luan lˈwan
lun lˈwən
lü lˈy
lüe lˈyɛ
za tsˈa
ze tsˈɤ
zi tsˈɹ
zai tsˈaɪ
zei tsˈeɪ
zao tsˈaʊ
zou tsˈoʊ
zan tsˈan
zen tsˈən
zang tsˈɑŋ
zeng tsˈəŋ
zong tsˈʊŋ
zu tsˈu
zuo tsˈwɔ
zui tsˈweɪ
zuan tsˈwan
zun tsˈwən
ca tsʰˈa
ce tsʰˈɤ
ci tsʰˈɹ
cai tsʰˈaɪ
cao tsʰˈaʊ
cou tsʰˈoʊ
can tsʰˈan
cen tsʰˈən
cang tsʰˈɑŋ
ceng tsʰˈəŋ
cong tsʰˈʊŋ
cu tsʰˈu
cuo tsʰˈwɔ
cui tsʰˈweɪ
cuan tsʰˈwan
cun tsʰˈwən
sa sˈa
se sˈɤ
si sˈɹ
sai sˈaɪ
sao sˈaʊ
sou sˈoʊ
san sˈan
sen sˈən
sang sˈɑŋ
seng sˈeŋ
song sˈʊŋ
su sˈu
suo sˈwɔ
sui sˈweɪ
suan sˈwan
sun sˈwən
zha ʈʂˈa
zhe ʈʂˈɤ
zhi ʈʂˈʐ
zhai ʈʂˈaɪ
zhei ʈʂˈeɪ
zhao ʈʂˈaʊ
zhou ʈʂˈoʊ
zhan ʈʂˈan
zhen ʈʂˈən
zhang ʈʂˈɑŋ
zheng ʈʂˈəŋ
zhong ʈʂˈʊŋ
zhu ʈʂˈu
zhua ʈʂˈwa
zhuo ʈʂˈwɔ
zhuai ʈʂˈwaɪ
zhui ʈʂˈweɪ
zhuan ʈʂˈwan
zhun ʈʂˈwən
zhuang ʈʂˈwɑŋ
cha ʈʂʰˈa
che ʈʂʰˈɤ
chi ʈʂʰˈʐ
chai ʈʂʰˈaɪ
chao ʈʂʰˈaʊ
chou ʈʂʰˈoʊ
chan ʈʂʰˈan
chen ʈʂʰˈən
chang ʈʂʰˈɑŋ
cheng ʈʂʰˈəŋ
chong ʈʂʰˈʊŋ
chu ʈʂʰˈu
chua ʈʂʰˈwa
chuo ʈʂʰˈwɔ
chuai ʈʂʰˈwaɪ
chui ʈʂʰˈweɪ
chuan ʈʂʰˈwan
chun ʈʂʰˈwən
chuang ʈʂʰˈwɑŋ
sha ʂˈa
she ʂˈɤ
shi ʂˈʐ
shai ʂˈaɪ
shei ʂˈeɪ
shao ʂˈaʊ
shou ʂˈoʊ
shan ʂˈan
shen ʂˈən
shang ʂˈɑŋ
sheng ʂˈəŋ
shu ʂˈu
shua ʂˈwa
shuo ʂˈwɔ
shuai ʂˈwaɪ
shui ʂˈweɪ
shuan ʂˈwan
shun ʂˈwən
shuang ʂˈwɑŋ
re ɹˈɤ
ri ɹˈʐ
rao ɹˈaʊ
rou ɹˈoʊ
ran ɹˈan
ren ɹˈən
rang ɹˈɑŋ
reng ɹˈəŋ
rong ɹˈʊŋ
ru ɹˈu
ruo ɹˈwɔ
rui ɹˈweɪ
ruan ɹˈwan
run ɹˈwən
ji tɕˈi
jia tɕˈja
jiao tɕˈjaʊ
jie tɕˈjɛ
jiu tɕˈjoʊ
jian tɕˈjɛn
jin tɕˈin
jiang tɕˈiɑŋ
jing tɕˈiŋ
jiong tɕˈjʊŋ
ju tɕˈy
jue tɕˈyɛ
juan tɕˈyɛn
jun tɕˈyn
qi tɕʰˈi
qia tɕʰˈja
qiao tɕʰˈjaʊ
qie tɕʰˈjɛ
qiu tɕʰˈjoʊ
qian tɕʰˈjɛn
qin tɕʰˈin
qiang tɕʰˈjɑŋ
qing tɕʰˈiŋ
qiong tɕʰˈjʊŋ
qu tɕʰˈy
que tɕʰˈyɛ
quan tɕʰˈyɛn
qun tɕʰˈyn
xi ɕˈi
xia ɕˈja
xiao ɕˈjaʊ
xie ɕˈjɛ
xiu ɕˈjoʊ
xian ɕˈjɛn
xin ɕˈin
xiang ɕˈiɑŋ
xing ɕˈiŋ
xiong ɕˈjʊŋ
xu ɕˈy
xue ɕˈyɛ
xuan ɕˈyɛn
xun ɕˈyn
ga kˈa
ge kˈɤ
gai kˈaɪ
gei kˈeɪ
gao kˈaʊ
gou kˈoʊ
gan kˈan
gen kˈən
gang kˈɑŋ
geng kˈəŋ
gong kˈʊŋ
gu kˈu
gua kˈwa
guo kˈwɔ
guai kˈwaɪ
gui kˈweɪ
guan kˈwan
gun kˈwən
guang kˈwɑŋ
ka kʰˈa
ke kʰˈɤ
kai kʰˈaɪ
kei kʰˈeɪ
kao kʰˈaʊ
kou kʰˈoʊ
kan kʰˈan
ken kʰˈən
kang kʰˈɑŋ
keng kʰˈəŋ
kong kʰˈʊŋ
ku kʰˈu
kua kʰˈwa
kuo kʰˈwɔ
kuai kʰˈwaɪ
kui kʰˈweɪ
kuan kʰˈwan
kun kʰˈwən
kuang kʰˈwɑŋ
ha xˈa
he xˈɤ
hai xˈaɪ
hei xˈeɪ
hao xˈaʊ
hou xˈoʊ
han xˈan
hen xˈən
hang xˈɑŋ
heng xˈəŋ
hong xˈʊŋ
hu xˈu
hua xˈwa
huo xˈwɔ
huai xˈwaɪ
hui xˈweɪ
huan xˈwan
hun xˈwən
huang xˈwɑŋ
a ˈa
o ˈo
e ˈɤ
er ˈɚ
ai ˈaɪ
ei ˈeɪ
ao ˈaʊ
ou ˈoʊ
an ˈan
en ˈən
ang ˈɑŋ
eng ˈəŋ
yi ˈi
ya jˈa
yao jˈaʊ
ye jˈɛ
you jˈoʊ
yan jˈɛn
yin ˈin
yang jˈɑŋ
ying ˈiŋ
yong ˈjʊŋ
wu ˈu
wa wˈa
wo wˈɔ
wai wˈaɪ
wei wˈeɪ
wan wˈan
wen wˈən
wang wˈɑŋ
weng wˈəŋ
yu ˈy
yue ɥˈɛ
yuan ɥˈɛn
yun ɥˈn
hair xˈaɹ
dianr tˈjaɹ
wanr wˈaɹ
nar nˈaɹ
yanr jˈaɹ
huor xˈwɔɹ
duanr tˈwaɹ
lir lˈjɚ
huir xˈwjɚ
zher ʈʂˈɚ
dour xˈɔɹ
weir wˈɚ
kuair kʰˈwaɹ
guanr gˈwɐʴ
shir ʂˈɚ
yuanr ɥˈɚ
jianr tɕˈjɚ
her xˈɚ
jiar tɕˈjaɹ

bor pˈwɔɹ
xir ɕˈɚ
bianr pˈjɚ
fenr fˈɚ
wenr wˈɚ
der tˈɚ
por pʰˈwɔɹ
yuer ɥˈɚ
mingr mˈjɚ
char ʈʂʰˈaɹ
xingr ɕˈjɚ
zhour ʈʂˈoʊɹ
shour ʂˈoʊɹ
ter tʰˈɚ
yingr ˈjɚ
paor pʰˈaɹ
fangr fˈɑɹ
jingr tɕˈjɚ
shur ʂˈuɹ
qunr tɕʰˈyɹ
hur xˈuɹ
miaor mˈjaʊɹ
biaor pˈjaʊɹ
zhengr ʈʂˈɚ
gour kˈoʊɹ
pair pʰˈaɹ
renr ɹˈɚ
gaor kˈaʊɹ
lo lˈoʊ
tuir tʰˈwɚ
huanr xˈwaɹ
genr kˈɚ
nvr nˈyɹ
qianr tɕʰˈjɚ
hangr xˈɑɹ
chenr ʈʂʰˈɚ
den tˈɚ
lar lˈaɹ
niur nˈjoʊɹ
liur lˈjoʊɹ
tunr tʰˈwɚ
lunr lˈwɚ
tour tʰˈoʊɹ
hour xˈoʊɹ
tianr tʰˈjɚ
mianr mˈjɚ
mar mˈaɹ
pianr pʰˈjɚ
maor mˈaʊɹ
cair tsʰˈɚ
far fˈaɹ
shuor ʂˈwɔɹ
kanr kʰˈaɹ
banr pˈaɹ
ger kˈɚ
sher ʂˈɚ
gunr kˈwɚ
beir pˈɚ
chuanr ʈʂʰˈwɚ
bar pˈaɹ
cunr tsʰˈwɚ
tiaor tʰˈjaʊɹ
shuar ʂˈwaɹ
tur tʰˈuɹ
zhaor ʈʂˈaʊɹ
cher ʈʂʰˈɚ
menr mˈɚ
qingr tɕʰˈjɚ
shanr ʂˈaɹ
mor mˈwɔɹ
zhur ʈʂˈuɹ
wangr wˈɑɹ
zhunr ʈʂˈwɚ
zhir ʈʂˈɚ
haor xˈaʊɹ
shuir ʂˈwɚ
guor kˈwɔɹ
zaor tsˈaʊɹ
juanr tɕˈyɚ
jiar tɕˈjaɹ
xiaor ɕˈjaʊɹ
suor sˈwɔɹ
shaor ʂˈaʊɹ
yir ˈɚ
dir tˈɚ
ganr kˈaɹ
duir tˈwɚ
taor tʰˈaʊɹ
lianr lˈjɚ
benr pˈɚ
fanr fˈaɹ
xuer ɕˈyɚ
pur pʰˈuɹ
jinr tɕˈɚ
kour kʰˈoʊɹ
ker kʰˈɚ
mur mˈuɹ
liaor lˈjaʊɹ
juer tɕˈyɚ
your jˈoʊɹ
xianr ɕˈjɚ
quanr tɕʰˈyɚ
yo jˈoʊ
sanr sˈaɹ
zhuor ʈʂˈwɔɹ
tuor tʰˈwɔɹ
naor nˈaʊɹ
dar tˈaɹ
fur fˈuɹ
dunr tˈwɚ
langr lˈɑɹ
dair tˈaɹ
huar xˈwaɹ
yangr jˈɑɹ
  1. You need to add a tone embedding for languages like Chinese and Japanese. For example, replacing the ProsodyPredictor with the following code (i.e. concatenating the prosody embedding with the text embedding):
class ProsodyPredictor(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, n_prods, prod_embd, style_dim, d_hid, nlayers, dropout=0.1):
        self.embedding = nn.Embedding(n_prods, prod_embd * 2)
        self.text_encoder = DurationEncoder(sty_dim=style_dim, 

        self.lstm = nn.LSTM(d_hid + style_dim, d_hid // 2, 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True)
        self.duration_proj = LinearNorm(d_hid, 1)
        self.lstm = nn.LSTM(d_hid + prod_embd * 2 + style_dim, d_hid // 2, 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True)
        self.duration_proj = LinearNorm(d_hid, 1)
        self.shared = nn.LSTM(d_hid + prod_embd * 2 + style_dim, d_hid // 2, 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True)
        self.F0 = nn.ModuleList()
        self.F0.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout))
        self.F0.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid // 2, style_dim, upsample=True, dropout_p=dropout))
        self.F0.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid // 2, d_hid // 2, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout))

        self.N = nn.ModuleList()
        self.N.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout))
        self.N.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid // 2, style_dim, upsample=True, dropout_p=dropout))
        self.N.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid // 2, d_hid // 2, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout))
        self.F0_proj = nn.Conv1d(d_hid // 2, 1, 1, 1, 0)
        self.N_proj = nn.Conv1d(d_hid // 2, 1, 1, 1, 0)

    def forward(self, texts, prosody, style, text_lengths, alignment, m):
        prosody = self.embedding(prosody)
        texts =[texts, prosody], axis=1)
        d = self.text_encoder(texts, style, text_lengths, m)
        batch_size = d.shape[0]
        text_size = d.shape[1]
        # predict duration
        input_lengths = text_lengths.cpu().numpy()
        x = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(
            d, input_lengths, batch_first=True, enforce_sorted=False)
        m =
        x, _ = self.lstm(x)
        x, _ = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(
            x, batch_first=True)
        x_pad = torch.zeros([x.shape[0], m.shape[-1], x.shape[-1]])

        x_pad[:, :x.shape[1], :] = x
        x =
        duration = self.duration_proj(nn.functional.dropout(x, 0.5,
        en = (d.transpose(-1, -2) @ alignment)

        return duration.squeeze(-1), en
    def F0Ntrain(self, x, s):
        x, _ = self.shared(x.transpose(-1, -2))
        F0 = x.transpose(-1, -2)
        for block in self.F0:
            F0 = block(F0, s)
        F0 = self.F0_proj(F0)

        N = x.transpose(-1, -2)
        for block in self.N:
            N = block(N, s)
        N = self.N_proj(N)
        return F0.squeeze(1), N.squeeze(1)
    def length_to_mask(self, lengths):
        mask = torch.arange(lengths.max()).unsqueeze(0).expand(lengths.shape[0], -1).type_as(lengths)
        mask =, lengths.unsqueeze(1))
        return mask
  1. Modify to return the tones for each IPA and change your train_list.txt in the following format:
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB1100/SSB11000297.wav|$ʈʂˈɑŋxˈweɪˈi ʈʂʰˈujˈɛntˈɤ tˈjɛnˈin jˈoʊʂˈənmˈɤ$|X111114444422 111113333555 44444333 33332222555X|382
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB1567/SSB15670392.wav|$ʂˈʐ fˈuʂˈʐ ʂˈʐlˈɤ ʈʂˈəŋtʰˈi jˈɛˈu$fˈaʈʂˈantˈɤ xˈɤɕˈin tɕʰˈytˈʊŋlˈi$|X444 444444 111444 222223333 44444 11133333555 2221111 111114444444X|274
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0603/SSB06030228.wav|$xˈwɔtˈjɛn tˈəŋ tˈwɔxˈɑŋjˈɛ tɕˈiɑŋʂˈoʊ pˈwɔtɕˈi$|X333344444 3333 11112222444 1111114444 11112222X|223
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0588/SSB05880296.wav|$ˈinɥˈɛ ˈiʂˈəŋ sˈwɔˈaɪ$|X111444 441111 3333444X|378
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0315/SSB03150316.wav|$ʈʂʰˈuɕˈyɛʈʂˈɤ kʰˈɤ ʂˈʐˈjʊŋ tɕˈjaʊʈʂʰˈɑŋtˈɤ ˈiɕˈjɛ tʰˈjaʊʂˈəŋ$|X1111122223333 2222 3334444 444444222222555 441111 4444442222X|241
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0631/SSB06310452.wav|$ɕˈjɛntsˈaɪ tɕˈitɕʰˈi ɕˈyɛxˈweɪ kˈənɹˈən kˈoʊtʰˈʊŋ$|X4444444444 111144444 222244444 11112222 111111111X|229
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB1935/SSB19350402.wav|$xˈwansˈwɔtˈɤ ʂˈʐ tɕʰˈyʂˈʐ lˈaʊpˈaɹtˈɤsˈwən tsˈɹ$|X444443333555 444 44444444 3333444455511111 5555X|345
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB1203/SSB12030292.wav|$pˈiɹˈu tsˈweɪtɕˈin sˈannˈjɛn tɕˈiŋˈiŋ ʈʂˈwɑŋkʰˈwɑŋ lˈiɑŋxˈaʊtˈəŋ$|X333222 44444444444 111122222 11111222 444444444444 2222222223333X|377
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB1024/SSB10240312.wav|$xˈaˈɚ pˈinʂˈʐ tˈiˈu sˈɹʈʂˈʊŋɕˈyɛtˈɤ ʈʂˈaʊpʰˈaɪ ˈy pʰˈɑŋpˈjɛn ʂˈɑŋxˈu ɕˈiɑŋpˈi$|X11133 1111444 44433 444111112222555 1111155555 33 2222211111 1111444 11111333X|231
data/jvs_ver1/jvs088/parallel100/wav24kHz16bit/VOICEACTRESS100_037.wav|$kˈomˈʲɯːɴ ɯˈa $ sˈeːnˈɯ gˈaɯˈa tˈo $ esˈo ɴ nˈɯ kˈaɯˈa nˈo $ gˈoːɽˈʲɯː tɕˈitˈeɴ tˈo nˈaʔ tˈe iɽˈɯ$|XLLLHHHHLL LLL X LLLHHHH LLLLLL LLL X LHHH H HHH LLLLLL LLL X LLLHHHHHH HHHHLLLL LLL HHHL LLL LHHHX|88
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0671/SSB06710188.wav|$tɕˈiɑŋɕˈjɛn nˈanfˈan ˈjʊŋxˈʊŋ fˈɑŋɕˈin lˈiɑŋjˈoʊ ʈʂˈʊŋɕˈintˈjɛn$|X44444444444 22222222 33332222 44441111 222222222 11111111144444X|363
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0380/SSB03800184.wav|$kʰˈɤ ɥˈɛxˈan tɕˈjoʊʂˈʐ tʰˈiŋpˈu tɕˈintɕʰˈy$|X3333 1114444 444444444 11111222 4444444444X|323
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0760/SSB07600247.wav|$tˈɑŋɹˈan wˈɔ ɕˈjɛntsˈaɪ ˈitɕˈiŋ mˈeɪjˈoʊ ʈʂˈɤkˈɤ tsˈɹkˈɤ tsˈaɪkˈən nˈiʂˈwɔ ʈʂˈɤkˈɤ xˈwaɹ$|X11112222 333 4444444444 3311111 22223333 4444444 1111222 444441111 3331111 4444444 44444X|237
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0016/SSB00160083.wav|$pˈaʂˈʐˈutˈjɛn lˈjoʊlˈiŋtɕʰˈi$|X1112222233333 44444222211111X|245

where X and $ represent the SOS and EOS.

I'll leave this issue open for someone to fork the repo and modify it for Mandarin and Japanese support. I'm unfortunately too busy to work on it now.

Hi, thanks for your helpful information. Can you also help to provide the inference code sample for other language like Chinese for StyleTTS? Many thanks in advance.

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hyzhan commented Mar 14, 2024

For Japanese, you can do the same thing:

The conversion table from kana to IPA is the following (again phonemizer doesn't work for me).

kana_mapper = OrderedDict([







nasal_sound = OrderedDict([
    # before m, p, b
    ("ɴb", "mb"),
    ("ɴp", "mp"),
    # before k, g
    ("ɴg", "ŋg"),
    # before t, d, n, s, z, ɽ
    ("ɴd", "nd"),
    ("ɴs", "ns"),
    ("ɴɽ", "nɽ"),
    ("ɴɲ", "ɲɲ"),

def hiragana2IPA(text):
    orig = text

    for k, v in kana_mapper.items():
        text = text.replace(k, v)

    for k, v in nasal_sound.items():
        text = text.replace(k, v)
    return text

You also need to add the intonations for each word with Open JTalk.

data/jvs_ver1/jvs020/falset10/wav24kHz16bit/VOICEACTRESS100_005.wav|$ɕˈiɽˈɯbˈaː sˈaː ɸˈaː ɕˈʲɯːgˈekˈi dʑˈikˈeɴ mˈadˈe nˈi $ ɽˈitɕˈaːzˈɯ ɯˈa $ tɕˈiːmˈɯ mˈeː tˈo tˈomˈonˈi $ kˈokˈɯsˈai tˈekˈi nˈi sˈɯːpˈaː çˈiːɽˈoː$ ojˈobˈi $ jˈɯːmˈeːdʑˈiɴ tˈo ɕˈi tˈe $ nˈiɴtɕˈi sˈa ɽˈe tˈe iɽˈɯ$|XHHHLLLLLLL LLLH HHHH HHHHHHHHHHH HHHHLLLL LLLLLL LLL X HHHLLLLLLLL LLL X LLLLHHHH LLLL LLL LLLHHHHHH X LLLHHHHHHH LLLLLL LLL LLLHHHHH HHHLLLLLX HLLLLLL X LLLHHHHLLLLLL LLL LLL HHH X HHHLLLLL LLL HHH HHH LHHHX
data/jvs_ver1/jvs081/parallel100/wav24kHz16bit/VOICEACTRESS100_078.wav|$ɸˈʲoːgˈeɴ gˈʲoːɽˈetsˈɯ nˈo ɕˈiɸˈʲoː ɸˈʲoː o$ bˈɯɴɕˈi nˈo tˈaiɕˈʲoː sˈeː o aɽˈaɯˈasˈɯ $ tˈeɴ gˈɯɴ nˈo ɕˈiɸˈʲoː ɸˈʲoː o mˈotɕˈiː tˈe $ sˈɯɴdˈe jˈakˈɯ ɸˈʲoːgˈeɴ e bˈɯɴkˈai sˈɯɽˈɯ$|XLLLLHHHHH HHHHLLLLLLLL LLL LLLHHHHH HHHHH HX HHHLLLL LLL LLLHHHHHH HHHH H LHHHHHHLLL X LLLH LLLL LLL LLLHHHHH HHHHH H LLLHHHHH LLL X LLLHHHH LLLHHH HHHHHHHHL L LLLHHHHH LLLHHHX

where L and H represent low tone and high tone, respectively.

Thank you very much for sharing. I have a question about the symbols ˈ in phoneme sequence. Are there any linguistic considerations ? The symbols ˈ appear to be consistent with accent marks in English.

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I did try training for other languages including Mandarin, Japanese, Hindi etc., though it requires a few changes:

  1. You need to phonemize Chinese into IPAs. You can use either or a look-up table to replace Chinese characters into IPAs. The pre-trained text aligner already includes AiShell (Mandarin dataset), with the following IPA conversion table from Pinyin. It may be slightly different from phonemizer, as it didn't work for me for Chinese.
ba pˈa
bo pˈwɔ
bai pˈaɪ
bei pˈeɪ
bao pˈaʊ
ban pˈan
ben pˈən
bang pˈɑŋ
beng pˈəŋ
bi pˈi
biao pˈjaʊ
bie pˈjɛ
bian pˈjɛn
bin pˈin
bing pˈiŋ
bu pˈu
pa pʰˈa
po pʰˈwɔ
pai pʰˈaɪ
pei pʰˈeɪ
pao pʰˈaʊ
pou pʰˈoʊ
pan pʰˈan
pen pʰˈən
pang pʰˈɑŋ
peng pʰˈəŋ
pi pʰˈi
piao pʰˈjaʊ
pie pʰˈjɛ
pian pʰˈjɛn
pin pʰˈin
ping pʰˈiŋ
pu pʰˈu
ma mˈa
me mˈɤ
mo mˈwɔ
mai mˈaɪ
mei mˈeɪ
mao mˈaʊ
mou mˈoʊ
man mˈan
men mˈən
mang mˈɑŋ
meng mˈəŋ
mi mˈi
miao mˈjaʊ
mie mˈjɛ
miu mˈju
mian mˈjɛn
min mˈin
ming mˈiŋ
mu mˈu
fa fˈa
fo fˈwɔ
fei fˈeɪ
fou fˈoʊ
fan fˈan
fen fˈən
fang fˈɑŋ
feng fˈəŋ
fu fˈu
da tˈa
de tˈɤ
dai tˈaɪ
dei tˈeɪ
dao tˈaʊ
dou tˈoʊ
dan tˈan
dang tˈɑŋ
deng tˈəŋ
dong tˈʊŋ
di tˈi
diao tˈjaʊ
die tˈjɛ
diu tˈjoʊ
dian tˈjɛn
ding tˈiŋ
du tˈu
duo tˈwɔ
dui tˈweɪ
duan tˈwan
dun tˈwən
ta tʰˈa
te tʰˈɤ
tai tʰˈaɪ
tao tʰˈaʊ
tou tʰˈoʊ
tan tʰˈan
tang tʰˈɑŋ
teng tʰˈəŋ
tong tʰˈʊŋ
ti tʰˈi
tiao tʰˈjaʊ
tie tʰˈjɛ
tian tʰˈjɛn
ting tʰˈiŋ
tu tʰˈu
tuo tʰˈwɔ
tui tʰˈweɪ
tuan tʰˈwan
tun tʰˈwən
na nˈa
ne nˈɤ
nai nˈaɪ
nei nˈeɪ
nao nˈaʊ
nou nˈoʊ
nan nˈan
nen nˈən
nang nˈɑŋ
neng nˈəŋ
nong nˈʊŋ
ni nˈi
niao nˈjaʊ
nie nˈjɛ
niu nˈjoʊ
nian nˈjɛn
nin nˈin
niang nˈiɑŋ
ning nˈiŋ
nu nˈu
nuo nˈwɔ
nuan nˈwan
nü nˈy
nüe nˈyɛ
la lˈa
le lˈɤ
lai lˈaɪ
lei lˈeɪ
lao lˈaʊ
lou lˈoʊ
lan lˈan
lang lˈɑŋ
leng lˈəŋ
long lˈʊŋ
li lˈi
lia lˈja
liao lˈjaʊ
lie lˈjɛ
liu lˈjoʊ
lian lˈjɛn
lin lˈin
liang lˈiɑŋ
ling lˈiŋ
lu lˈu
luo lˈwɔ
luan lˈwan
lun lˈwən
lü lˈy
lüe lˈyɛ
za tsˈa
ze tsˈɤ
zi tsˈɹ
zai tsˈaɪ
zei tsˈeɪ
zao tsˈaʊ
zou tsˈoʊ
zan tsˈan
zen tsˈən
zang tsˈɑŋ
zeng tsˈəŋ
zong tsˈʊŋ
zu tsˈu
zuo tsˈwɔ
zui tsˈweɪ
zuan tsˈwan
zun tsˈwən
ca tsʰˈa
ce tsʰˈɤ
ci tsʰˈɹ
cai tsʰˈaɪ
cao tsʰˈaʊ
cou tsʰˈoʊ
can tsʰˈan
cen tsʰˈən
cang tsʰˈɑŋ
ceng tsʰˈəŋ
cong tsʰˈʊŋ
cu tsʰˈu
cuo tsʰˈwɔ
cui tsʰˈweɪ
cuan tsʰˈwan
cun tsʰˈwən
sa sˈa
se sˈɤ
si sˈɹ
sai sˈaɪ
sao sˈaʊ
sou sˈoʊ
san sˈan
sen sˈən
sang sˈɑŋ
seng sˈeŋ
song sˈʊŋ
su sˈu
suo sˈwɔ
sui sˈweɪ
suan sˈwan
sun sˈwən
zha ʈʂˈa
zhe ʈʂˈɤ
zhi ʈʂˈʐ
zhai ʈʂˈaɪ
zhei ʈʂˈeɪ
zhao ʈʂˈaʊ
zhou ʈʂˈoʊ
zhan ʈʂˈan
zhen ʈʂˈən
zhang ʈʂˈɑŋ
zheng ʈʂˈəŋ
zhong ʈʂˈʊŋ
zhu ʈʂˈu
zhua ʈʂˈwa
zhuo ʈʂˈwɔ
zhuai ʈʂˈwaɪ
zhui ʈʂˈweɪ
zhuan ʈʂˈwan
zhun ʈʂˈwən
zhuang ʈʂˈwɑŋ
cha ʈʂʰˈa
che ʈʂʰˈɤ
chi ʈʂʰˈʐ
chai ʈʂʰˈaɪ
chao ʈʂʰˈaʊ
chou ʈʂʰˈoʊ
chan ʈʂʰˈan
chen ʈʂʰˈən
chang ʈʂʰˈɑŋ
cheng ʈʂʰˈəŋ
chong ʈʂʰˈʊŋ
chu ʈʂʰˈu
chua ʈʂʰˈwa
chuo ʈʂʰˈwɔ
chuai ʈʂʰˈwaɪ
chui ʈʂʰˈweɪ
chuan ʈʂʰˈwan
chun ʈʂʰˈwən
chuang ʈʂʰˈwɑŋ
sha ʂˈa
she ʂˈɤ
shi ʂˈʐ
shai ʂˈaɪ
shei ʂˈeɪ
shao ʂˈaʊ
shou ʂˈoʊ
shan ʂˈan
shen ʂˈən
shang ʂˈɑŋ
sheng ʂˈəŋ
shu ʂˈu
shua ʂˈwa
shuo ʂˈwɔ
shuai ʂˈwaɪ
shui ʂˈweɪ
shuan ʂˈwan
shun ʂˈwən
shuang ʂˈwɑŋ
re ɹˈɤ
ri ɹˈʐ
rao ɹˈaʊ
rou ɹˈoʊ
ran ɹˈan
ren ɹˈən
rang ɹˈɑŋ
reng ɹˈəŋ
rong ɹˈʊŋ
ru ɹˈu
ruo ɹˈwɔ
rui ɹˈweɪ
ruan ɹˈwan
run ɹˈwən
ji tɕˈi
jia tɕˈja
jiao tɕˈjaʊ
jie tɕˈjɛ
jiu tɕˈjoʊ
jian tɕˈjɛn
jin tɕˈin
jiang tɕˈiɑŋ
jing tɕˈiŋ
jiong tɕˈjʊŋ
ju tɕˈy
jue tɕˈyɛ
juan tɕˈyɛn
jun tɕˈyn
qi tɕʰˈi
qia tɕʰˈja
qiao tɕʰˈjaʊ
qie tɕʰˈjɛ
qiu tɕʰˈjoʊ
qian tɕʰˈjɛn
qin tɕʰˈin
qiang tɕʰˈjɑŋ
qing tɕʰˈiŋ
qiong tɕʰˈjʊŋ
qu tɕʰˈy
que tɕʰˈyɛ
quan tɕʰˈyɛn
qun tɕʰˈyn
xi ɕˈi
xia ɕˈja
xiao ɕˈjaʊ
xie ɕˈjɛ
xiu ɕˈjoʊ
xian ɕˈjɛn
xin ɕˈin
xiang ɕˈiɑŋ
xing ɕˈiŋ
xiong ɕˈjʊŋ
xu ɕˈy
xue ɕˈyɛ
xuan ɕˈyɛn
xun ɕˈyn
ga kˈa
ge kˈɤ
gai kˈaɪ
gei kˈeɪ
gao kˈaʊ
gou kˈoʊ
gan kˈan
gen kˈən
gang kˈɑŋ
geng kˈəŋ
gong kˈʊŋ
gu kˈu
gua kˈwa
guo kˈwɔ
guai kˈwaɪ
gui kˈweɪ
guan kˈwan
gun kˈwən
guang kˈwɑŋ
ka kʰˈa
ke kʰˈɤ
kai kʰˈaɪ
kei kʰˈeɪ
kao kʰˈaʊ
kou kʰˈoʊ
kan kʰˈan
ken kʰˈən
kang kʰˈɑŋ
keng kʰˈəŋ
kong kʰˈʊŋ
ku kʰˈu
kua kʰˈwa
kuo kʰˈwɔ
kuai kʰˈwaɪ
kui kʰˈweɪ
kuan kʰˈwan
kun kʰˈwən
kuang kʰˈwɑŋ
ha xˈa
he xˈɤ
hai xˈaɪ
hei xˈeɪ
hao xˈaʊ
hou xˈoʊ
han xˈan
hen xˈən
hang xˈɑŋ
heng xˈəŋ
hong xˈʊŋ
hu xˈu
hua xˈwa
huo xˈwɔ
huai xˈwaɪ
hui xˈweɪ
huan xˈwan
hun xˈwən
huang xˈwɑŋ
a ˈa
o ˈo
e ˈɤ
er ˈɚ
ai ˈaɪ
ei ˈeɪ
ao ˈaʊ
ou ˈoʊ
an ˈan
en ˈən
ang ˈɑŋ
eng ˈəŋ
yi ˈi
ya jˈa
yao jˈaʊ
ye jˈɛ
you jˈoʊ
yan jˈɛn
yin ˈin
yang jˈɑŋ
ying ˈiŋ
yong ˈjʊŋ
wu ˈu
wa wˈa
wo wˈɔ
wai wˈaɪ
wei wˈeɪ
wan wˈan
wen wˈən
wang wˈɑŋ
weng wˈəŋ
yu ˈy
yue ɥˈɛ
yuan ɥˈɛn
yun ɥˈn
hair xˈaɹ
dianr tˈjaɹ
wanr wˈaɹ
nar nˈaɹ
yanr jˈaɹ
huor xˈwɔɹ
duanr tˈwaɹ
lir lˈjɚ
huir xˈwjɚ
zher ʈʂˈɚ
dour xˈɔɹ
weir wˈɚ
kuair kʰˈwaɹ
guanr gˈwɐʴ
shir ʂˈɚ
yuanr ɥˈɚ
jianr tɕˈjɚ
her xˈɚ
jiar tɕˈjaɹ

bor pˈwɔɹ
xir ɕˈɚ
bianr pˈjɚ
fenr fˈɚ
wenr wˈɚ
der tˈɚ
por pʰˈwɔɹ
yuer ɥˈɚ
mingr mˈjɚ
char ʈʂʰˈaɹ
xingr ɕˈjɚ
zhour ʈʂˈoʊɹ
shour ʂˈoʊɹ
ter tʰˈɚ
yingr ˈjɚ
paor pʰˈaɹ
fangr fˈɑɹ
jingr tɕˈjɚ
shur ʂˈuɹ
qunr tɕʰˈyɹ
hur xˈuɹ
miaor mˈjaʊɹ
biaor pˈjaʊɹ
zhengr ʈʂˈɚ
gour kˈoʊɹ
pair pʰˈaɹ
renr ɹˈɚ
gaor kˈaʊɹ
lo lˈoʊ
tuir tʰˈwɚ
huanr xˈwaɹ
genr kˈɚ
nvr nˈyɹ
qianr tɕʰˈjɚ
hangr xˈɑɹ
chenr ʈʂʰˈɚ
den tˈɚ
lar lˈaɹ
niur nˈjoʊɹ
liur lˈjoʊɹ
tunr tʰˈwɚ
lunr lˈwɚ
tour tʰˈoʊɹ
hour xˈoʊɹ
tianr tʰˈjɚ
mianr mˈjɚ
mar mˈaɹ
pianr pʰˈjɚ
maor mˈaʊɹ
cair tsʰˈɚ
far fˈaɹ
shuor ʂˈwɔɹ
kanr kʰˈaɹ
banr pˈaɹ
ger kˈɚ
sher ʂˈɚ
gunr kˈwɚ
beir pˈɚ
chuanr ʈʂʰˈwɚ
bar pˈaɹ
cunr tsʰˈwɚ
tiaor tʰˈjaʊɹ
shuar ʂˈwaɹ
tur tʰˈuɹ
zhaor ʈʂˈaʊɹ
cher ʈʂʰˈɚ
menr mˈɚ
qingr tɕʰˈjɚ
shanr ʂˈaɹ
mor mˈwɔɹ
zhur ʈʂˈuɹ
wangr wˈɑɹ
zhunr ʈʂˈwɚ
zhir ʈʂˈɚ
haor xˈaʊɹ
shuir ʂˈwɚ
guor kˈwɔɹ
zaor tsˈaʊɹ
juanr tɕˈyɚ
jiar tɕˈjaɹ
xiaor ɕˈjaʊɹ
suor sˈwɔɹ
shaor ʂˈaʊɹ
yir ˈɚ
dir tˈɚ
ganr kˈaɹ
duir tˈwɚ
taor tʰˈaʊɹ
lianr lˈjɚ
benr pˈɚ
fanr fˈaɹ
xuer ɕˈyɚ
pur pʰˈuɹ
jinr tɕˈɚ
kour kʰˈoʊɹ
ker kʰˈɚ
mur mˈuɹ
liaor lˈjaʊɹ
juer tɕˈyɚ
your jˈoʊɹ
xianr ɕˈjɚ
quanr tɕʰˈyɚ
yo jˈoʊ
sanr sˈaɹ
zhuor ʈʂˈwɔɹ
tuor tʰˈwɔɹ
naor nˈaʊɹ
dar tˈaɹ
fur fˈuɹ
dunr tˈwɚ
langr lˈɑɹ
dair tˈaɹ
huar xˈwaɹ
yangr jˈɑɹ
  1. You need to add a tone embedding for languages like Chinese and Japanese. For example, replacing the ProsodyPredictor with the following code (i.e. concatenating the prosody embedding with the text embedding):
class ProsodyPredictor(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, n_prods, prod_embd, style_dim, d_hid, nlayers, dropout=0.1):
        self.embedding = nn.Embedding(n_prods, prod_embd * 2)
        self.text_encoder = DurationEncoder(sty_dim=style_dim, 

        self.lstm = nn.LSTM(d_hid + style_dim, d_hid // 2, 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True)
        self.duration_proj = LinearNorm(d_hid, 1)
        self.lstm = nn.LSTM(d_hid + prod_embd * 2 + style_dim, d_hid // 2, 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True)
        self.duration_proj = LinearNorm(d_hid, 1)
        self.shared = nn.LSTM(d_hid + prod_embd * 2 + style_dim, d_hid // 2, 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True)
        self.F0 = nn.ModuleList()
        self.F0.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout))
        self.F0.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid // 2, style_dim, upsample=True, dropout_p=dropout))
        self.F0.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid // 2, d_hid // 2, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout))

        self.N = nn.ModuleList()
        self.N.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout))
        self.N.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid // 2, style_dim, upsample=True, dropout_p=dropout))
        self.N.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid // 2, d_hid // 2, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout))
        self.F0_proj = nn.Conv1d(d_hid // 2, 1, 1, 1, 0)
        self.N_proj = nn.Conv1d(d_hid // 2, 1, 1, 1, 0)

    def forward(self, texts, prosody, style, text_lengths, alignment, m):
        prosody = self.embedding(prosody)
        texts =[texts, prosody], axis=1)
        d = self.text_encoder(texts, style, text_lengths, m)
        batch_size = d.shape[0]
        text_size = d.shape[1]
        # predict duration
        input_lengths = text_lengths.cpu().numpy()
        x = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(
            d, input_lengths, batch_first=True, enforce_sorted=False)
        m =
        x, _ = self.lstm(x)
        x, _ = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(
            x, batch_first=True)
        x_pad = torch.zeros([x.shape[0], m.shape[-1], x.shape[-1]])

        x_pad[:, :x.shape[1], :] = x
        x =
        duration = self.duration_proj(nn.functional.dropout(x, 0.5,
        en = (d.transpose(-1, -2) @ alignment)

        return duration.squeeze(-1), en
    def F0Ntrain(self, x, s):
        x, _ = self.shared(x.transpose(-1, -2))
        F0 = x.transpose(-1, -2)
        for block in self.F0:
            F0 = block(F0, s)
        F0 = self.F0_proj(F0)

        N = x.transpose(-1, -2)
        for block in self.N:
            N = block(N, s)
        N = self.N_proj(N)
        return F0.squeeze(1), N.squeeze(1)
    def length_to_mask(self, lengths):
        mask = torch.arange(lengths.max()).unsqueeze(0).expand(lengths.shape[0], -1).type_as(lengths)
        mask =, lengths.unsqueeze(1))
        return mask
  1. Modify to return the tones for each IPA and change your train_list.txt in the following format:
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB1100/SSB11000297.wav|$ʈʂˈɑŋxˈweɪˈi ʈʂʰˈujˈɛntˈɤ tˈjɛnˈin jˈoʊʂˈənmˈɤ$|X111114444422 111113333555 44444333 33332222555X|382
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB1567/SSB15670392.wav|$ʂˈʐ fˈuʂˈʐ ʂˈʐlˈɤ ʈʂˈəŋtʰˈi jˈɛˈu$fˈaʈʂˈantˈɤ xˈɤɕˈin tɕʰˈytˈʊŋlˈi$|X444 444444 111444 222223333 44444 11133333555 2221111 111114444444X|274
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0603/SSB06030228.wav|$xˈwɔtˈjɛn tˈəŋ tˈwɔxˈɑŋjˈɛ tɕˈiɑŋʂˈoʊ pˈwɔtɕˈi$|X333344444 3333 11112222444 1111114444 11112222X|223
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0588/SSB05880296.wav|$ˈinɥˈɛ ˈiʂˈəŋ sˈwɔˈaɪ$|X111444 441111 3333444X|378
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0315/SSB03150316.wav|$ʈʂʰˈuɕˈyɛʈʂˈɤ kʰˈɤ ʂˈʐˈjʊŋ tɕˈjaʊʈʂʰˈɑŋtˈɤ ˈiɕˈjɛ tʰˈjaʊʂˈəŋ$|X1111122223333 2222 3334444 444444222222555 441111 4444442222X|241
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0631/SSB06310452.wav|$ɕˈjɛntsˈaɪ tɕˈitɕʰˈi ɕˈyɛxˈweɪ kˈənɹˈən kˈoʊtʰˈʊŋ$|X4444444444 111144444 222244444 11112222 111111111X|229
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB1935/SSB19350402.wav|$xˈwansˈwɔtˈɤ ʂˈʐ tɕʰˈyʂˈʐ lˈaʊpˈaɹtˈɤsˈwən tsˈɹ$|X444443333555 444 44444444 3333444455511111 5555X|345
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB1203/SSB12030292.wav|$pˈiɹˈu tsˈweɪtɕˈin sˈannˈjɛn tɕˈiŋˈiŋ ʈʂˈwɑŋkʰˈwɑŋ lˈiɑŋxˈaʊtˈəŋ$|X333222 44444444444 111122222 11111222 444444444444 2222222223333X|377
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB1024/SSB10240312.wav|$xˈaˈɚ pˈinʂˈʐ tˈiˈu sˈɹʈʂˈʊŋɕˈyɛtˈɤ ʈʂˈaʊpʰˈaɪ ˈy pʰˈɑŋpˈjɛn ʂˈɑŋxˈu ɕˈiɑŋpˈi$|X11133 1111444 44433 444111112222555 1111155555 33 2222211111 1111444 11111333X|231
data/jvs_ver1/jvs088/parallel100/wav24kHz16bit/VOICEACTRESS100_037.wav|$kˈomˈʲɯːɴ ɯˈa $ sˈeːnˈɯ gˈaɯˈa tˈo $ esˈo ɴ nˈɯ kˈaɯˈa nˈo $ gˈoːɽˈʲɯː tɕˈitˈeɴ tˈo nˈaʔ tˈe iɽˈɯ$|XLLLHHHHLL LLL X LLLHHHH LLLLLL LLL X LHHH H HHH LLLLLL LLL X LLLHHHHHH HHHHLLLL LLL HHHL LLL LHHHX|88
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0671/SSB06710188.wav|$tɕˈiɑŋɕˈjɛn nˈanfˈan ˈjʊŋxˈʊŋ fˈɑŋɕˈin lˈiɑŋjˈoʊ ʈʂˈʊŋɕˈintˈjɛn$|X44444444444 22222222 33332222 44441111 222222222 11111111144444X|363
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0380/SSB03800184.wav|$kʰˈɤ ɥˈɛxˈan tɕˈjoʊʂˈʐ tʰˈiŋpˈu tɕˈintɕʰˈy$|X3333 1114444 444444444 11111222 4444444444X|323
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0760/SSB07600247.wav|$tˈɑŋɹˈan wˈɔ ɕˈjɛntsˈaɪ ˈitɕˈiŋ mˈeɪjˈoʊ ʈʂˈɤkˈɤ tsˈɹkˈɤ tsˈaɪkˈən nˈiʂˈwɔ ʈʂˈɤkˈɤ xˈwaɹ$|X11112222 333 4444444444 3311111 22223333 4444444 1111222 444441111 3331111 4444444 44444X|237
data/aishell/train/wav/SSB0016/SSB00160083.wav|$pˈaʂˈʐˈutˈjɛn lˈjoʊlˈiŋtɕʰˈi$|X1112222233333 44444222211111X|245

where X and $ represent the SOS and EOS.

I'll leave this issue open for someone to fork the repo and modify it for Mandarin and Japanese support. I'm unfortunately too busy to work on it now.

Thank you for providing the open-source StyleTTS2 code and the related work.

Using the mapping table to convert Pinyin to IPA phonemes seems to be inconsistent with the Chinese phonemes in the multilingual-pl-bert training dataset (

The Chinese phonemes in the multilingual-phonemes-10k-alpha dataset are in a different format. Does this mean that if I want to use multilingual-pl-bert in StyleTTS2, I need to use a different mapping relationship?




ɬqɣ^k tsʁʑr thɣqn ʁqr ʁqr tsʁɣ^k ɣ^n tsʁɣ^k ɣ^r ʁqn qk tɕhqk ɣ^ɣr tɕhqr ɬqɣ^k tsʁʑr ɬr thɣqr ɬr thʑɣ^r çɣr thɣqn khqɣ^r ʁqr tsn ʁʑr ʝʁʑn ʁqn qk ɬqr tɕhr n tɕhʑr ʝʁɣɣ^k ɬqɣ^k tsʁʑr thɣqn ʁqr ʁɣn ɬqɣ^k tsʁʑr çr ʁqr thɣqr“ʝʁɣɣ^n ʑn thɣqn çr r qʑk ʝʁqr thr”tsqr ʑn ɕɣqr ʝʁʑn tɕhqr ʁr ɬqɣ^k tsʁʑr thɣqn ʁqr tɕhqr xʑk tsʁʑr thɣqr ɣ^ʑk tsʁɣ^k ɬr khqɣ^r ʁr tsn tsʑqr ʑɣ^n ʝʁʑn ɬqɣ^k tsʁʑr thɣqn ʁqr tɕhr ʝʁɣɣ^n thɣqr qr thr thɣqn tɕhʑɣ^n ɬqn ʑn çɣr tɕhqk ɕr xɣk ɬqʑk tsn ɣ^ɣ^r tsʑqr khqʑɣ^k ʁqn qk ɣn

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