我正在阅读 Peskin&Schroeder的书《An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory》,边读边做笔记,同时也会做每章的课后习题。我的笔记和习题答案会放在这里,希望这些文件能够对你有一些帮助。如果其中有任何错误,希望您通过邮件联系我,我的邮箱是1047962614@qq.com,你也可以在知乎上私信我,我的知乎ID是嘤鸣
I am reading Peskin&Schroeder's An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, taking notes and sovling the problems that come after each Chapter(most of them). The note and the solution to the problems can be found here, I wish these PDF files could be useful to some of you. If there are any errors, please feel free to contace me. My email account: 1047962614@qq.com, or you can send me messages through Zhihu:嘤鸣