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Shotgrid integration for AYON

This project provides three elements for the AYON pipeline:

  • server/ - The AYON Backend Addon.
  • frontend/ - The AYON server Shotgrid settings tab.
  • client/ - The AYON desktop integration.
  • services/ - Standalone dockerized daemons that act based on events (aka leecher and processors).

In order to use this integrations you'll need to run the python script which will create a zip file with the current version (the number is defined in in ayon-shotgrid/package/shotgrid-{addon version}.zip, you can then upload this zip file in your AYON instance, on the Bundles (/settings/bundles) section, make sure you restart the server, AYON should prompt you to do so after uploading.


Once the instance has restarted, you should be able to enable the addon by going into the Settings > Bundles and create (or duplicate an existing) bundle, where you can now choose shotgrid and the version you installed; make sure you set the bundle as Production. If the Addon loaded succesfully you should be able to see a new tab in your Settings > Shotgrid.

For the Shotgrid integration to work, we need to provide several information, firstly we'll a Shotgrid Script and it's API key, refer to the Shotgrid Documentation to create one; take note of the info and in AYON, navigate to the Settings > Secrets page, create a new secret with the script_name as the "Secret Name" and the script_api_key as the "Secret Value".

We can now go into the Settings > Studio settings > Shotgrid page in AYON and fill up the following fields:

  • Shotgrid URL - This will be the URL to your Shotgrid instance.
  • Shotgrid API Secret - Select the secret you created in the previous step.
  • Shotgrid field for the Project Code - A field in the Project entity that hold the project code, can be an existing one or a new one, default is code.
  • Service Settings > How often (in seconds) to query the Shotgrid Database - Defaults to 10 seconds, time between leeching, processing and transmitting operations.

Desktop application

When launching AYON for the first time you'll be asked to provide a login (only the username) for Shotgrid, this is the user that will be used for publishing. After providing a login people can publish normally, the integartion will ensure that the user can connect to Shotgrid, that has the correct permissions and will create the Version and PublishedFile in Shotgrid if the publish is succesful.


The services are a way to handle operations between AYON and Shotgrid in the background, these have been developed around the AYON Events system, we replicate Shotgrid events (the ones we care) as AYON shotgrid.event; which then the processor will pick up and process them acordingly; lastly the transmitter will look for changes in AYON and attempt to replicate them in Shotgrid. In any case, the Shotgrid project has to have the field "Ayon Auto Sync" enabled for the leecher and the transmitter to work. They share code, which is found in shotgrid_common, most importantly the AyonShotgridHub a class that bootstraps common action when working with AYON and Shotgrid.

The three provided services are:

  • processor - This has a set of handlers for different shotgrid.event and act on.
  • leecher - Periodically queries the EventLogEntry table on Shotgrid and ingests any event that interests us dispatching it as a shotgrid.event, this will only query projects that have the "Ayon Auto Sync" field enabled.
  • transmitter - Periodically check for new events in AYON of topic entity.*, and push any changes to Shotgrid, only affects to projects that have the "Ayon Auto Sync" field enabled.

The most straighforward way to get this up and running is by using ASH (AYON Service Host), after loading the Addon on the server, you should be able to spawn services in the "Services" page.


There's a single Makefile at the root of the services folder, which is used to build the docker images and to run the services locally with the dev target, this is UNIX only for the time being, running make without argument will print information as to how to run use it.

Building Docker Images

To build the docker images you can run make SERVICE=<service-name> build, so for example, to build the processor you'd do make SERVICE=processor build, this will build and tag the local image, with the version found in at the root of the addon.

Running the Service locally

In order to run the service locally we need to specify certain environment variables, to do so, copy the sample_env file, rename to .env and fill the fields acordingly:

AYON_API_KEY=<AYON_API_KEY> # You can create a `service` user in AYON, and then get the Key from there.

We are ready to spin up the service, for convinience we got a make target for this:

make SERVICE=<service-name> dev

You should now see something similar to:

INFO       Initializing the Shotgrid Processor.
DEBUG      Found these handlers: {'create-project': [<module 'project_sync'>], 'sync-from-shotgrid': [<module 'sync_from_shotgrid'>], 'shotgrid-event': [<module 'update_from_shotgrid'>]}
INFO       Start enrolling for AYON `shotgrid.event` Events...
INFO       Querying for new `shotgrid.event` events...
INFO       No event of origin `shotgrid.event` is pending.

Makefile commands

For those who cannot use Makefiles here are the commands that are required to perfomr the same action as with make, using the processor version 0.2. as example, from the services folder:

Building the docker image:

docker build -t ynput/ayon-shotgrid-processor:0.2.1 -f processor/Dockerfile .

Running a service locally:

docker run --rm -u ayonuser -ti \
  -v services/shotgrid_common:services/shotgrid_common:Z \
  -v services/processor:/service:Z \
  --env-file services/processor/.env \
  --env AYON_ADDON_NAME=shotgrid \
  --env AYON_ADDON_VERSION=0.2.1 \
  --attach=stdin \
  --attach=stdout \
  --attach=stderr \
  --network=host \
  ynput/ayon-shotgrid-processor:0.2.1 python -m processor

This one is trickier since the make file will symlink the shotgrid_common inside the service/processor folder.

Running it without docker or make

You don't need to run these as dockerized scripts, for that you'll need either Poetry installed and create an environment specified by the pyproject.toml or using virtualenv and install the packages specified in the [tool.poetry.dependencies] section of the pyproject.toml; once in that environment you'll need to load the contents of the .env file and finally:

python -m processor


With this Integration you can perform the following actions by navigating to AYON >Settings > Shotgrid, and loading all projects by clicking Populate Data:

Import a New Shotgrid Project

With the processor service running, synchronize Shotgrid --> AYON will replicate the Shotgrid structure in AYON.

Export an AYON project into Shotgrid

With the processor service running, synchronize AYON --> Shotgrid will replicate the AYON structure in Shotgrid.

Update based on Shotgrid Events

With the leecher and the processor services running, and the Ayon Auto Sync field enabled in Shotgrid, whenever an event on Episodes, Sequences, Shots`` or Tasksoccurs, an event will be dispatched in Ayonshotgrid.eventthis event will be then processed in another eventshotgrid.procdispatched by theprocessor` service; this currently creates and removes entities, and updates the name of entities so they are in sync between Shotgrid and Ayon.

Update based on AYON Events

With the transmitter and the processor services running, and the Ayon Auto Sync field enabled in Shotgrid, whenever an event on entity.* occurs in AYON, an event will be dispatched in Ayon shotgrid.push this event will attempt to replicate the changes made in AYON in Shotgrid.

In all instances you'll want to keep an eye on the terminal where you launched the services, where you can track the progress of any of the handlers. This will be imporved in teh future so it can be tracked from AYON.