Author: Guy Houri, Yoav Gal
Date: Submitted as mid-semester project report for Basic Of Deep Learning course, Colman, 2024
Title: Basic Of Deep Learning - Mid Semester Project Part 1
Important Notice: This is a summary of the main paper. Please consult the paper for all explanations and accuracy. See the presentation.
This project performs binary image classification on sign language digits: class 0 vs. class 5. It uses a feedforward neural network with one hidden layer (128 neurons) and sigmoid activation, trained via backpropagation with binary cross-entropy loss.
Language Digits dataset with 5,000 grayscale images (28×28 pixels each), representing digits 0–9. Stored as a NumPy array (5,000 rows × 784 columns).
Recognizing hand signs (digits) in images is challenging due to variations in hand size, orientation, lighting, and individual differences.
A supervised approach using a feedforward neural network with one hidden layer. The network takes raw pixel data, learns features via the hidden layer, and outputs probabilities for classes 0 or 5.
Implemented in a Jupyter Notebook on Google Colab. Python libraries (NumPy, scikit-learn) were used for numerical and machine learning tasks. Colab’s cloud resources enabled efficient model training.
Pre Processing
Filter, Normalize, and Split to train and test.
# filter
mask = (y == "0") | (y == "5")
X_filtered = X[mask]
Y_filtered = y[mask]
# Normalize
X = X_filtered/255.0 # to become value from 0-1 insted of 0-255
# Split
indices = np.random.permutation(X.shape[1])
split_point = int(0.8 * X.shape[1])
X_train, X_test = X[:, indices[:split_point]], X[:, indices[split_point:]]
Y_train, Y_test= Y[:, indices[:split_point]], Y[:, indices[split_point:]]
Activation Function
We use the sigmoid function for non-linear transformations:
def sigmoid(x):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
Loss Function
Binary cross-entropy measures how different predictions are from actual labels. We clip predictions to avoid log(0)
def log_loss(y_hat, y):
closeToZero = 1e-15
y_hat = np.clip(y_hat, closeToZero, 1 - closeToZero)
return -(y * np.log(y_hat) + (1 - y) * np.log(1 - y_hat))
- Input Layer: 784 features (28×28)
- Hidden Layer: 128 neurons (trade-off between capacity & overfitting)
- Learning Rate: 0.01
- Epochs: 100
- Batch Size: 32
Forward Propagation
Z1 = np.matmul(W1, X_batch) + b1
A1 = sigmoid(Z1)
Z2 = np.matmul(W2, A1) + b2
A2 = sigmoid(Z2)
Back Propagation
Backpropagation calculates the gradient of the loss function (L) with respect to each weight:
From the binary cross-entropy derivation:
and similarly for (b_2).
Below is the backprop code combining all steps:
# dZ2 = derivative of loss wrt Z2
dZ2 = (A2 - Y_batch.reshape(1, -1))
# Gradients for W2, b2
dW2 = np.matmul(dZ2, A1.T) / batch_size
db2 = np.sum(dZ2, axis=1, keepdims=True) / batch_size
# Backprop to hidden layer
dA1 = np.matmul(W2.T, dZ2)
dZ1 = dA1 * sigmoid_derivative(Z1)
# Gradients for W1, b1
dW1 = np.matmul(dZ1, X_batch.T) / batch_size
db1 = np.sum(dZ1, axis=1, keepdims=True) / batch_size
# Weight updates
W2 -= learning_rate * dW2
b2 -= learning_rate * db2
W1 -= learning_rate * dW1
b1 -= learning_rate * db1
- Input: A 28×28 grayscale image (values 0–255), normalized to 0–1.
- Output: A probability between 0 and 1 indicating if the image is sign “0” (near 0) or sign “5” (near 1).
- Binary Cross-Entropy was tracked over epochs (Figure 1).
- It steadily decreased, showing effective learning.
- Validation loss followed a similar trend (no major overfitting).
Confusion Matrix
- Shows TP, TN, FP, FN.
- High accuracy with minimal misclassifications (Figure 2).
Classification Report
precision | recall | f1-score | support | |
0 digit sign | 0.97 | 1.00 | 0.99 | 101 |
5 digit sign | 1.00 | 0.97 | 0.98 | 99 |
accuracy | 0.98 | 200 | ||
macro avg | 0.99 | 0.98 | 0.98 | 200 |
weighted avg | 0.99 | 0.98 | 0.98 | 200 |
The model demonstrates high accuracy (0.98) for sign language digit classification. Both precision and recall exceed 0.97 for the classes (0, 5), indicating strong performance in recognizing and distinguishing the two hand gestures.
Our project confirms that a simple feedforward neural network can accurately classify sign language digits (0 and 5) with a 98% accuracy rate. The strong precision and recall for both classes highlight the network’s effectiveness.
Key Findings:
- A single hidden-layer architecture can achieve high performance, showcasing the potential of deep learning in sign language recognition.
Limitations & Considerations:
- Dataset Expansion: Incorporate all digits (0–9) for broader real-world applicability.
- Hyperparameter Tuning: Optimize learning rate, hidden-layer size, etc., for even better accuracy.
- Advanced Architectures: Experiment with CNNs (and other models) to leverage spatial feature extraction.
This work underscores the promise of deep learning for sign language digit recognition. Addressing current limitations and exploring advanced methods can further enhance performance and applicability in related tasks.
Good luck!!