To Do? Or Not To Do? is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including adding new items, editing and deleting an existing item, and even marking an item as complete.
Submitted by: Yoav Gray
Time spent: 35 hours spent in total
The following required functionality is completed:
- User can successfully add and remove items from the todo list
- User can tap a todo item in the list and bring up an edit screen for the todo item and then have any changes to the text reflected in the todo list.
- User can persist todo items and retrieve them properly on app restart
The following optional features are implemented:
- Persist the todo items into SQLite instead of a text file
- Improved style of the todo items in the list using a custom adapter
- Added support for completion due dates for todo items (and display within listview item)
- Added support for selecting the priority of each todo item (and display in listview item)
- Used a DialogFragment instead of new Activity for sending an email to the app author (myself)
- Tweaked the style improving the UI / UX, play with colors, images or backgrounds
The following additional features are implemented:
- Published app on Google Play Store!
- Added a 'Complete' check box for each item to mark item as completed
- Set time and date for task is through a Dialog showing DatePicker and TimePicker
- Added support for Spanish from the OptionsMenu and Like/Dislike button to send a feedback email
- Added an AlertDialog before deleting task from list
- Used text and color to follow Android Material Design guidelines
- Added notifications and sound when task is due and 'Done' action button to notifications
- Added the AndroidViewAnimations to create cool animations when checking a task as completed
- Added ability to export tasks to user's calendar
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
GIF created with SilentCast on [Ubuntu 14.04].
A big challenge I encountered while building the app is understanding how I should successfully create an interaction between the ListView's TextView and CheckBox. Also, I couldn't understand, why OnItemClickListener did not fire after clicking the ListView item once I added the checkbox, but I managed to work around it with a lot of help from StackOverflow!
The application is now submitted and I hope you like it and the additional features. I spent a lot of time on it and learned a lot while doing it, so thanks for pushing me!
Yoav Gray