The goals of this project are:
- Verify dual momentum by verifing both Absuolte momentum and in combination with relative.
- Build set of reusable primitives
Required modules are in requirements.txt.
To install all required module run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- data\tickers folder includes all the tickers downloaded
- data\output includes saved results of verious runs. Format used is {tickername}_ABS_a{action}_lb{lookback size}.
- Where ABS stands for the name of the algorithem, Absolute momentum, 'a' is the number of days between actions and 'lb' is the size of the lookback window. So SPY_ABS_a5_lb253, means SPY absolute momentum with action evaluated (and taken) every 5 trading days and the lookback window size is 253 trading days
- for example, QQQ_ABS_a21_lb253
- each algorithem result csv file includes the following coloumns: Date | Close | Daily return | lookback window | ABS Close | RISK.
- Date:
- Close: (do we need to use adjusted close?)
- Daily retun: is precentage change from previous close;
- lookback window: is percentage change between close[i] / close[i- lookback]
- ABS Close: is the absolute momentum result
- RISK: shows action points and the result of the momentum evaluation
should the algorithem use Adj Close or Close?
compare algo to running using adj-close / close (return, MaxDD, )
wrap absolute momentum algo in a method and in its own file
create a notebook for basic experiments
wrap all helper functions into module, that can be easily used from notebook and code
chagne graph to show logaritmic values
chagne calc_absolute_momentum to accept a flag using Close or Adj Close
change save_symbole Abs Close to use algorithem naming conventin ABS_a{action}_lb{lookback}_start{start_date}_end{end_date}
For each algo run, write a new line in log file, append to top,with results, including: returns; MaxDD; Sharp, etc...
calc algorithem return, starting from a fix postion of a '100' to show relative of multiple assets
test all algorithms to start from the same date. That is from the max lookback window (so they all start from the same starting point.
consider using one file for all different permutation?
add plot, to show spy vs. Abs + action points
calc return, max DD (all up and per year); Alpha; Beta; Sharp; etc...
run experiment on ABS Momentum across all permutation of action and lookback and compare results between different permutations action[1,5,10,21] X Lookback[1,5,10,21,63,127,190, 200,253]
asstes to test: SPY, QQQ, AAG LQD
add cash trigger (sma 200 S&P to exit, when do we return?)
check the rate of change in the lookback window at crashes before/after... hypothesis for daily change rate or lookback is bigger before riskoff due to carsh
consdier adding some sort of date/time to tickers folder of naming convention
download list of all S&P tickers
find top winners/ looser in S&P per action & window then compare returns
run cash trigger on stocks (AAPL; MSFT; from the cash trigger book)
create algorithem for relative momentum, compering
- pandas has a rank function (yay) df.rank(axis=1) --> axis=1 means on columns