This open-source project provides a native module for NodeJS that supports a subset of standards-compliant WebRTC features. Specifically, the PeerConnection and DataChannel APIs.
MediaStream APIs are not supported in order to reduce the number of external dependencies and to make compilation faster and easier. In the future, support for MediaStreams may be added by proxying them over DataChannels. See #156 for more details and discussion.
This project relies on a companion library, libwebrtc.
The best way to get started is to read through the Getting Started
and Example
sections before having a look through the open issues. Some of the issues are marked as good first bug
, but feel free to contribute to any of the issues there, or open a new one if the thing you want to work on isn't there yet.
Once you've done some hacking and you'd like to have your work merged, you'll need to make a pull request. If your patch includes code, make sure to check that all the unit tests pass, including any new tests you wrote. Finally, make sure you add yourself to the AUTHORS
Whenever possible, prefer making pull requests to opening issues.
Some open issues have bounties assocaited with them. Once you patch is merged, you will need to coordinate with the person who posted the bounty in order to claim it.
- python2
- git
- pkg-config
- libncurses-devel
- libssl-devel
- libnss-devel
- libexpat-devel
To install prerequisites with the apt-get package manager,
apt-get install python2.7 git-all pkg-config libncurses5-dev libssl-dev libnss3-dev libexpat-dev
To install prerequisites with the yum package manager,
yum install python git pkgconfig openssl-devel ncurses-devel nss-devel expat-devel
- XCode
To install prerequisites using the homebrew package manager,
brew update
brew install git openssl pkg-config openssl ncurses nss expat
Some of these libraries may be installed by default. Package names for these libraries may differ between distributions.
The easiest way to install is via npm:
npm install wrtc
If you want to work from source:
git clone
cd node-webrtc
npm install
Add a symlink to libncurses:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
This is most common on Arch Linux. Set python2
as the default for npm
npm config set python python2
Follow the instructions here:
Once everything is built, try npm test
as a sanity check.
You can run the data channel demo by node examples/bridge.js
and browsing to examples/peer.html
in chrome --enable-data-channels
node examples/bridge.js [-h <host>] [-p <port>] [-ws <ws port>]
-h host IP for the webserver that will serve the static files (default
-p host port for the webserver that will serve the static files (default 8080)
-ws port of the Web Socket server (default 9001)
If the bridge and peer are on different machines, you can pass the bridge address to the peer by:
By default the bridge will be the same IP as the webserver and will listen on port 9001.
The ping-pong example creates two peer connections and sends some data between them.
node examples/ping-pong-test.js