- document this:
- $ kinit holger@FOSDEM.ORG
- $ ssh -o 'GSSAPIAuthentication yes' holger@apeiron.fosdem.org
- collect recipts and send them to trouble
- h01ger: recipts: 50+397
- write down lists of things which can+should be improved
- 22 pairs of headphones
send debconf stuff to irill
build cubemap on wheezy
building coordinators
print more
building maps
room / name
wouter: built a list of contacts per devroom so we can update the rooms sheet
mail devroom managers and/or volunteers on friday again
3 cheatsheets
Clarify what cheat sheet is what (label one "setup", the other "operating" cheat sheet)
save laptop+all logs on the server
remove BONDING
prepare things better: label everything, put camera positions into maps(!)
Need to have a separate room (not sharing with network team anymore)
Separate software/gear team (h01ger/CarlFK: software; wouter/...: gear)
Add UPS for servers
Clarify to teams that we might be late at startup.
Assign a particular person to manage video volunteers (and nothing else)
Good ideas, to be remembered for next year:
Must have spare everything; cameras, laptops, cables, everything.
Make rounds when things should be up
We had planned to run dvsink-files twice (once to server, once to laptops). As such, we had three servers (more than we'd need for offline copying) and rented the laptops until the monday after fosdem (since copying should've finished by sunday evening). Last-minute change of plans meant:
- Copying files took until late monday
- One server wasn't used much during event (maybe for transcoding?)
- Waste of money for an extra server and for extra laptop rental
Preparing at the NixSys office won't be an option for next year:
- NixSys is moving at the end of Q1 2014
- The office is not large enough to run 20+ laptops concurrently
- It is quite a logistical effort to get everything from rental companies to Mechelen to ULB to Mechelen to rental companies again.
The above combined mean we would need space which would ideally be:
- Within walking distance of a hotel or other accomodation for video team members (so we don't need to worry about transportation and can work until the wee hours of the night if needs be),
- Within a reasonable distance of the ULB (so moving gear from that location to ULB and back isn't an issue for the logistics people)
- Ours for at least a week before the event, and a few days after,
- A place with a clear address so we can have rental companies deliver gear there,
- With decent Internet connectivity (doesn't need to be gigabit Internet link, but we need to be able to install several laptops from the Internet, and need to communicate with people not there over IRC or mail or the likes),
- Large enough and have a stable enough power infrastructure to run two laptops plus a camera plus a framegrabber per room concurrently as well as seat four to five people with their laptops, so that we can test our full setup.
2 main talk rooms (janson, K auditorium)
streamed (the main talk rooms)
audio entirely done by ULB
1 camera, 1 twinpact
2 laptops
Lightning talks room
audio, appearantly done by ULB
1 camera, 1 twinpact
2 laptops
19 developer rooms
1 camera per room
1 twinpact
audio, appearantly done by ULB
Check the rooms at https://fosdem.org/2014/schedule/rooms/ and https://fit.fosdem.org/wiki/Fosdem2014Devrooms
how do we use them?
- 6 rooms per server:
- K building: video1
- H building (minus 1301, Cornil): video2
- Janson, AW building, H.1301: video3
There is no wired connectivity to the U building; we'll need to record to local hard disk there, and possibly sneakernet them over with a USB disk or some such.
- 6 rooms per server:
For U building: sync to servers by night from NOC
- UA2.114 & UA2.252A: sync to video1
- UD2.120: sync to video2
- UD2.218A: sync to video3
Additionally, there are two USB hard disks to sneakernet data over in case of disk space issues
- 2 from IRILL
- 3 from FOSDEM
- 10 from carl (2 need power supplies fixed)
- 4 from Kenny (KDE)
- 5 newly bought on eBay (no power supplies or remotes) testing now.
Thats 24 in total. 1 broke on Wednesday at pre-setup.
- wouter
- h01ger (arriving 26th or 25th, leaving the 3rd or 4th)
- CarlFK (arriving 26th, leaving the 3rd) + Jen
- fil (arriving 2014-01-28 14:05 brussels south, leaving monday)
8 cameras but only 6 tripods: we can pick these up on Wednesday (need to drive to Vilvoorde, 10')
10 cameras: will be delivered on thursday
h01ger brought from Paris:
- 1 pelicase
- 2 twinpacts
- 3 cameras
- 4 tripods
CarlFK brought:
- 10 twinpacts
- plus 5 more bought with FOSDEM money
- Loads of firewire cables
- 1 camera will be brought by him on friday
3 servers and 45 laptops will be delivered on monday
Kenny Duffus will bring 4 twinpacts to the infodesk on friday.
This is an initial planning for what we'll do during the week before FOSDEM.
- Monday: install servers, configure them, install transcoding scripts, monitoring, etc
- Tuesday: install & test laptops
- Wednesday: hook up cameras & twinpacts, test things, divide gear over boxes
- Thursday: go buy stuff if we figure out we're missing something, write documentation for volunteers, make waitscreen loop
- Friday morning: margin in case we run behind schedule
- Friday afternoon: bring gear to ULB, with help of FOSDEM logistics team. Possibly verify ULB audio set-up already in place, so we can ask for changes if necessary (and still possible...)
- Saturday/Sunday, early-o-clock: go to ULB and be ready to hand out video gear to volunteers
- Saturday/Sunday, one hour before start of schedule: yell at devrooms who've not shown up yet, go set up gear there ourselves (and possibly send volunteers there as well)