Set of scripts to build a chatbot which will query data from dataframe. More details at
Copyright (C) 2019 Yogesh H Kulkarni
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version.
- Chatbot UI built using Flask, using templates/*.html
- Chatbot core logic as well as knowledgebase.
- Web scraping CIA site
- run_training: Windows batch file to build trained modeling
- run_server: Windows batch file to execute Rasa-NLU server.
- Needs Python 3.6
- Rasa
- Spacy
- Execute run_training.bat
- In a separate window, execute run_server.bat
- In the original window, python It will suggest a local host url, which needs to be opened in browser.
- Queries across multiple tables
- Queries with aggregation and relations, like “Which countries have more than 100 Million population and GDP per capital less than $1000?”
- Partial/Full SQL support ie to convert natural language query into an equivalent SQL query
- UI: Bhavani Ravi’s event-bot code, Youtube Video
- Data gathering: Web Scraping with Python: Illustration with CIA World Factbook
- Author ( gives no guarantee of the results of the program. It is just a fun script. Lot of improvements are still to be made. So, don’t depend on it at all.