vimehelp makes opening the vim help quickly in zsh.
Clone vimman
from github.
$ git clone
Source vimman/vimman.zsh
in your .zshrc
and restart zsh.
source /path/to/vimman/vimman.zsh
$ vimman [-e] <help-file>
-e : Edit the vim plugin help (not use :help command)
If you want to use the cache, set the followings in your .zshrc:
zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache yes
Custom plugin directories (besides default ~/.vim/doc
zstyle ':vimman:' dir ~/.vim/bundle ~/hoge
Display verbose (print the path to the help file):
zstyle ':vimman:' verbose yes
Cache expiration days (default: 1):
zstyle ':vimman:' expire 7
Note that if you change the zstyle settings, you should delete the cache file and restart zsh.
$ rm ~/.zcompcache/vimman
$ exec zsh
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2013 Yonchu.
Japanese manual: