This library allows implementing payment acceptance into mobile apps on iOS and works as an extension to the YooMoney API.
The mobile SDK contains ready-made payment interfaces (the payment form and everything related to it).
Using the SDK, you can receive tokens for processing payments via bank cards, Apple Pay, Sberbank Online, or YooMoney wallets.
- YooMoney for Business Payments SDK (YooKassaPayments)
- Changelog
- Migration guide
- Adding dependencies
- Quick integration
- Available payment methods
- Setting up payment methods
- Description of public parameters
- Scanning bank cards
- Setting up payment confirmation
- Logging
- Test mode
- Launching Example
- Interface customization
- Payments via bank cards linked to the store with an additional CVC/CVV request
- License
- Install CocoaPods version 1.10.0 or higher.
gem install cocoapods
Official documentation for installing CocoaPods.
Available CocoaPods versions.
- Create Podfile
CocoaPods provides the
pod init
command for creating Podfile with default settings.
- Add dependencies to
Example ofPodfile
from the demo app.
source ''
source ''
platform :ios, '10.0'
target 'Your Target Name' do
pod 'YooKassaPayments',
:git => '',
:tag => 'tag'
Your Target Name
: name of the target in Xcode for your app.
: SDK version. You can find information about the latest version in the releases section on github.
If you use static linkage, you need to activate the
source ''
source ''
plugin 'cocoapods-user-defined-build-types'
platform :ios, '10.0'
target 'Your Target Name' do
pod 'YooKassaPayments',
:build_type => :dynamic_framework,
:git => '',
:tag => 'tag'
- Run the
pod install
At the moment, Carthage is not supported.
- Create
(you'll need a key for client apps from the YooMoney Merchant Profile). Payment parameters (currency and amount) and payment form parameters which users will see during the payment (payment methods, store name, and order description) are specified in this model.
To work with YooKassaPayments entities, import dependencies to the original file
import YooKassaPayments
Example for creating TokenizationModuleInputData
let clientApplicationKey = "<Key for client apps>"
let amount = Amount(value: 999.99, currency: .rub)
let tokenizationModuleInputData =
TokenizationModuleInputData(clientApplicationKey: clientApplicationKey,
shopName: "Space objects",
purchaseDescription: """
An extra bright comet, rotation period: 112 years
amount: amount,
savePaymentMethod: .on)
- Create
with the.tokenization
case and enterTokenizationModuleInputData
Example of creating TokenizationFlow
let inputData: TokenizationFlow = .tokenization(tokenizationModuleInputData)
- Create
and put it on the screen.
let viewController = TokenizationAssembly.makeModule(inputData: inputData,
moduleOutput: self)
present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
You need to specify the object which implements the TokenizationModuleOutput
in moduleOutput
- Implement the
extension ViewController: TokenizationModuleOutput {
func tokenizationModule(
_ module: TokenizationModuleInput,
didTokenize token: Tokens,
paymentMethodType: PaymentMethodType
) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.dismiss(animated: true)
// Send the token to your system
func didFinish(
on module: TokenizationModuleInput,
with error: YooKassaPaymentsError?
) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.dismiss(animated: true)
func didSuccessfullyConfirmation(
paymentMethodType: PaymentMethodType
) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
// Create a success screen after confirmation is completed (3DS or SberPay)
self.dismiss(animated: true)
// Display the success screen
Close the SDK module and send the token to your system. After that, create a payment via the YooMoney API, enter the token you received in the SDK in the payment_token
parameter. When a payment is created, the confirmation method depends on the payment method selected by the user. It's sent with the token in paymentMethodType
The following payment methods are currently supported in SDK for iOS:
: YooMoney (payments via the wallet or linked cards)
: bank cards (cards can be scanned)
: SberPay (with confirmation via the Sberbank Online mobile app if it's installed; otherwise, payments will be confirmed via text messages)
: Apple Pay
You can configure payment methods.
To do that, you need to enter a model of the TokenizationSettings
type in the tokenizationSettings
parameter when creating TokenizationModuleInputData
Additional configuration is required for some payment methods (see below).
By default, all available payment methods are used.
// Create empty OptionSet PaymentMethodTypes
var paymentMethodTypes: PaymentMethodTypes = []
if <Condition for bank cards> {
// Adding the `.bankCard` element to paymentMethodTypes
if <Condition for Sberbank Online> {
// Adding the `.sberbank` element to paymentMethodTypes
if <Condition for YooMoney> {
// Adding the `.yooMoney` element to paymentMethodTypes
if <Condition for Apple Pay> {
// Adding the `.applePay` element to paymentMethodTypes
let tokenizationSettings = TokenizationSettings(paymentMethodTypes: paymentMethodTypes)
Now use tokenizationSettings
when initializing TokenizationModuleInputData
To add YooMoney
as a payment method, you need to:
- Receive
client id
of theYooMoney
authorization center. - Enter
client id
in themoneyAuthClientId
parameter when creatingTokenizationModuleInputData
- Sign in at
- Go to the page for signing up in the authorization center:
- Click Sign up
- Fill in the following fields:
4.1. "Name": arequired
field, it's displayed in the list of apps and when rights are provided.
4.2. "Description": anoptional
field, it's displayed to the user in the list of apps.
4.3. "Link to app's website": anoptional
field, it's displayed to the user in the list of apps.
4.4. "Confirmation code": selectSpecify in Callback URL
, you can enter any value, for example, a link to a website. - Select accesses:
5.1.YooMoney wallet
5.2.YooMoney account
- Click
Sign up
Enter client id
in the moneyAuthClientId
parameter when creating TokenizationModuleInputData
let moduleData = TokenizationModuleInputData(
moneyAuthClientId: "client_id")
To process a payment:
- Enter
as the value inpaymentMethodTypes.
when creatingTokenizationModuleInputData
- Receive a token.
- Create a payment with the token via the YooMoney API.
- You need to specify
, the scheme for returning to the app after a successful sign-in toYooMoney
via the mobile app, inTokenizationModuleInputData
Example of applicationScheme
let moduleData = TokenizationModuleInputData(
applicationScheme: "examplescheme://"
Import the
dependency inAppDelegate
:import YooKassaPayments
Add processing links via
func application(
_ application: UIApplication,
open url: URL,
sourceApplication: String?,
annotation: Any
) -> Bool {
return YKSdk.shared.handleOpen(
url: url,
sourceApplication: sourceApplication
@available(iOS 9.0, *)
func application(
_ app: UIApplication,
open url: URL,
options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]
) -> Bool {
return YKSdk.shared.handleOpen(
url: url,
sourceApplication: options[UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey.sourceApplication] as? String
- Add the following rows to
where examplescheme
is the scheme for opening your app that you specified in applicationScheme
when creating TokenizationModuleInputData
. This scheme will be used to open you app after a successful sign-in to YooMoney
via the mobile app.
- Enter
as the value inpaymentMethodTypes
when creatingTokenizationModuleInputData
. - Receive a token.
- Create a payment with the token via the YooMoney API.
Using the SDK, you can process payments via Sberbank's "Mobile banking". Payments are confirmed via the Sberbank Online app if it's installed or otherwise via text messages.
You need to specify applicationScheme
, the scheme for returning to the app after a successful payment via SberPay
in the Sberbank Online app, in TokenizationModuleInputData
Example of applicationScheme
let moduleData = TokenizationModuleInputData(
applicationScheme: "examplescheme://"
To process a payment:
- Enter
as the value inpaymentMethodTypes
when creatingTokenizationModuleInputData
. - Receive a token.
- Create a payment with the token via the YooMoney API.
Payment confirmation via the Sberbank Online app:
Import the
dependency inAppDelegate
:import YooKassaPayments
Add processing link via
func application(
_ application: UIApplication,
open url: URL,
sourceApplication: String?,
annotation: Any
) -> Bool {
return YKSdk.shared.handleOpen(
url: url,
sourceApplication: sourceApplication
@available(iOS 9.0, *)
func application(
_ app: UIApplication,
open url: URL,
options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]
) -> Bool {
return YKSdk.shared.handleOpen(
url: url,
sourceApplication: options[UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey.sourceApplication] as? String
- Add the following rows to
where examplescheme
is the scheme for opening your app that you specified in applicationScheme
when creating TokenizationModuleInputData
. This scheme will be used to open you app after a successful payment via SberPay
- Implement the
method of theTokenizationModuleOutput
protocol which will be called after a successful payment confirmation (see Setting up payment confirmation).
- To implement Apple Pay, you need to provide a certificate, using which Apple will encrypt bank card details, to YooMoney.
In order to do it:
- Contact your manager and ask them to create a request for a certificate (
) for you. - Create a certificate in Apple Developer Tools (use
). - Download the certificate you created and send it to your manager.
Full manual (see Section 2. Exchanging certificates with Apple)
- Enable Apple Pay in Xcode.
To process a payment:
- You need to enter the apple pay identifier in the
parameter when initializing theTokenizationModuleInputData
let moduleData = TokenizationModuleInputData(
applePayMerchantIdentifier: "com.example.identifier"
- Receive a token.
- Create a payment with the token via the YooMoney API.
which determines the logic of how the SDK operates.
Case | Type | Description |
tokenization | TokenizationFlow | Receives the TokenizationModuleInputData model as input. Logic for tokenizing multiple payment method options: Bank card, YooMoney, Sberbank Online, or Apple Pay |
bankCardRepeat | TokenizationFlow | Receives the BankCardRepeatModuleInputData model as input. Logic for tokenizing saved payment methods using the payment method ID |
with possible errors which can be processed in the func didFinish(on module:, with error:)
Case | Type | Description |
paymentMethodNotFound | Error | No saved payment methods were found using paymentMethodId. |
Required parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
clientApplicationKey | String | Key for client apps from the YooMoney Merchant Profile |
shopName | String | Store name in the payment form |
purchaseDescription | String | Order description in the payment form |
amount | Amount | Object containing the order amount and currency |
savePaymentMethod | SavePaymentMethod | Object containing the logic for determining if it's going to be a recurring payment |
Optional parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
gatewayId | String | By default: nil . Used if you have multiple payment gateways with different IDs. |
tokenizationSettings | TokenizationSettings | The standard initializer with all the payment methods is used by default. This parameter is used for setting up tokenization (payment methods and the YooMoney logo). |
testModeSettings | TestModeSettings | By default: nil . Test mode settings. |
cardScanning | CardScanning | By default: nil . Feature of scanning bank cards. |
applePayMerchantIdentifier | String | By default: nil . Apple Pay merchant ID (required for payments via Apple Pay). |
returnUrl | String | By default: nil . URL of the page (only https supported) where you need to return after completing 3-D Secure. Only required for custom implementation of 3-D Secure. If you use startConfirmationProcess(confirmationUrl:paymentMethodType:) , don't specify this parameter. |
isLoggingEnabled | Bool | By default: false . Enables logging of network requests. |
userPhoneNumber | String | By default: nil . User's phone number. |
customizationSettings | CustomizationSettings | The blueRibbon color is used by default. Color of the main elements, button, switches, and input fields. |
moneyAuthClientId | String | By default: nil . ID for the center of authorizationin the YooMoney system |
applicationScheme | String | By default: nil . Scheme for returning to the app after a successful payment via Sberpay in the Sberbank Online app or after a successful sign-in to YooMoney via the mobile app. |
customerId | String | By default: nil . Unique customer id for your system, ex: email or phone number. 200 symbols max. Used by library to save user payment method and display saved methods. It is your responsibility to make sure that a particular customerId identifies the user, which is willing to make a purchase. For example use two-factor authentication. Using wrong id will let the user to use payment methods that don't belong to this user. |
Required parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
clientApplicationKey | String | Key for client apps from the YooMoney Merchant Profile |
shopName | String | Store name in the payment form |
purchaseDescription | String | Order description in the payment form |
paymentMethodId | String | ID of the saved payment method |
amount | Amount | Object containing the order amount and currency |
savePaymentMethod | SavePaymentMethod | Object containing the logic for determining if it's going to be a recurring payment |
Optional parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
testModeSettings | TestModeSettings | By default: nil . Test mode settings. |
returnUrl | String | By default: nil . URL of the page (only https supported) where you need to return after completing 3-D Secure. Only required for custom implementation of 3-D Secure. If you use startConfirmationProcess(confirmationUrl:paymentMethodType:) , don't specify this parameter. |
isLoggingEnabled | Bool | By default: false . Enables logging of network requests. |
customizationSettings | CustomizationSettings | The blueRibbon color is used by default. Color of the main elements, button, switches, and input fields. |
gatewayId | String | By default: nil . Used if you have multiple payment gateways with different IDs. |
You can configure the list of payment methods and how the YooMoney logo is displayed in the app.
Parameter | Type | Description |
paymentMethodTypes | PaymentMethodTypes | By default: .all . Payment methods available to the user in the app. |
showYooKassaLogo | Bool | By default: true . It determines if the YooMoney logo is displayed. By default, the logo is displayed. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
paymentAuthorizationPassed | Bool | It determines if the payment authorization has been completed for payments via YooMoney. |
cardsCount | Int | Number of cards linked to the YooMoney wallet. |
charge | Amount | Payment amount and currency. |
enablePaymentError | Bool | It determines if the payment is completed with an error. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Decimal | Payment amount |
currency | Currency | Payment currency |
Parameter | Type | Description |
rub | String | ₽ - Russian ruble |
usd | String | $ - U.S. dollar |
eur | String | € - Euro |
custom | String | The value you entered will be displayed |
Parameter | Type | Description |
mainScheme | UIColor | The blueRibbon color is used by default. Color of the main elements, button, switches, and input fields. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
on | SavePaymentMethod | Save the payment method for processing recurring payments. Only payment methods which support saving will be available to the user. A notification that the payment method will be saved will be displayed on the contract screen. |
off | SavePaymentMethod | It doesn't allow the user to choose if the payment method should be saved or not. |
userSelects | SavePaymentMethod | User chooses if the payment method should be saved or not. If the payment method can be saved, a switch will appear on the contract screen. |
If you want users to be able to scan bank cards when making payments, you need to:
- Create an entity and implement the
class CardScannerProvider: CardScanning {
weak var cardScanningDelegate: CardScanningDelegate?
var cardScanningViewController: UIViewController? {
// Create and return scanner view controller
viewController.delegate = self
return viewController
- Set up receiving data from your tool for scanning bank cards.
Example for CardIO:
extension CardScannerProvider: CardIOPaymentViewControllerDelegate {
public func userDidProvide(_ cardInfo: CardIOCreditCardInfo!,
in paymentViewController: CardIOPaymentViewController!) {
let scannedCardInfo = ScannedCardInfo(number: cardInfo.cardNumber,
expiryMonth: "\(cardInfo.expiryMonth)",
expiryYear: "\(cardInfo.expiryYear)")
public func userDidCancel(_ paymentViewController: CardIOPaymentViewController!) {
- Enter an instance of the
object inTokenizationModuleInputData
in thecardScanning:
let inputData = TokenizationModuleInputData(
cardScanning: CardScannerProvider())
If you'd like to use our implementation of payment confirmation, don't close the SDK module after receiving the token.
Send the token to your server and close the module after a successful payment.
If your server stated that the payment needs to be confirmed (i.e. the payment with the pending
was received), call the startConfirmationProcess(confirmationUrl:paymentMethodType:)
After the payment confirmation is completed successfully, the didSuccessfullyConfirmation(paymentMethodType:)
method of the TokenizationModuleOutput
protocol will be called.
Code examples:
- Save the tokenization module.
self.tokenizationViewController = TokenizationAssembly.makeModule(inputData: inputData,
moduleOutput: self)
present(self.tokenizationViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
- Don't close the tokenization module after receiving the token.
func tokenizationModule(_ module: TokenizationModuleInput,
didTokenize token: Tokens,
paymentMethodType: PaymentMethodType) {
// Send the token to your server.
- Call payment confirmation if necessary.
confirmationUrl: confirmationUrl,
paymentMethodType: paymentMethodType
- After the payment is confirmed successfully, the method will be called.
func didSuccessfullyConfirmation(paymentMethodType: PaymentMethodType) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
// Now close tokenization module
self.dismiss(animated: true)
You can enable logging of all network requests.
To do that, you need to enter isLoggingEnabled: true
when creating TokenizationModuleInputData
let moduleData = TokenizationModuleInputData(
isLoggingEnabled: true)
You can launch the mobile SDK in test mode.
In test mode, no network requests are made and response from the server is emulated.
If you'd like to run the SDK in test mode, you need to:
- Configure an object with the
let testModeSettings = TestModeSettings(paymentAuthorizationPassed: false,
cardsCount: 2,
charge: Amount(value: 999, currency: .rub),
enablePaymentError: false)
- Enter it in
in thetestModeSettings:
let moduleData = TokenizationModuleInputData(
testModeSettings: testModeSettings)
To launch the Example app, you need to:
- Make a
git clone
of the repository.
git clone
- Go to the project folder and run the following commands in console:
gem install bundler
pod install
- Open
. - Select and launch the
The blueRibbon color is used by default. Color of the main elements, button, switches, and input fields.
- Configure an
object and enter it in thecustomizationSettings
parameter of theTokenizationModuleInputData
let moduleData = TokenizationModuleInputData(
customizationSettings: CustomizationSettings(mainScheme: /* UIColor */ ))
- Create
let bankCardRepeatModuleInputData = BankCardRepeatModuleInputData(
clientApplicationKey: oauthToken,
shopName: translate(,
purchaseDescription: translate(Localized.description),
paymentMethodId: "24e4eca6-000f-5000-9000-10a7bb3cfdb2",
amount: amount,
testModeSettings: testSettings,
isLoggingEnabled: true,
customizationSettings: CustomizationSettings(mainScheme: .blueRibbon)
- Create
with the.bankCardRepeat
case and enterBankCardRepeatModuleInputData
let inputData: TokenizationFlow = .bankCardRepeat(bankCardRepeatModuleInputData)
- Create
and put it on the screen.
let viewController = TokenizationAssembly.makeModule(
inputData: inputData,
moduleOutput: self
present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
YooMoney for Business Payments SDK (YooKassaPayments) is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for additional information.