Multi-language full pipeline of MORpheme Segementor based on [1]
System Requirement
Linux enviorment with
- CUDA enabled GPU
- Recommended 32GB or more of RAM
Run python
with the following arguments. Values from default-config.json
will be used if argument is not given.
FASTTEXT MODEL mode(default mode):
-l <input language> Language to run Morse Segmentation
External MODEL Mode(when <external mode> is used)
-e <external model dir> Directory of the external model
-t <model type> model to load the external model (<fasttext> or <word2vec>)
General Configuations:
-b <batch size> Number of words to segment from model( -1 for full dataset)
-p <partition size> Number of words to group as a partition( -1 for no partition)
-m <external mode> <True> or <False> value if external model is going to be used
Output Directories:
-s <ss, score directory> Output directory for the support set and scores
-o <model output dir> Output directory for the model
--pw <base word> Minimum length of a word
--pe <edit distance> Maximum edit distance a word can have beween another word in a SS
--sw <base word> Minimum length of a word
--se <edit distance> Maximum edit distance a word can have beween another word in a SS
python -l korean -b 500000 -s korean_500k -o korean_model --pw 1 --pe 2 --sw 1 --se 3
Output Model in
model output directory
10 types of files in
ss score directory
.- [PRE + SUF]_ss[0-9] - Contains Support sets
- [PRE + SUF]_w_sem[0-9], [PRE + SUF]_loc_sem[0-9], [PRE + SUF]_r_sem[0-9] and [PRE + SUF]_r_orth[0-9] - Contains Scores calculated described in [1]
- Currently only support word2vec mode ( python fasttext needs to be updated)
- You should consider to use smaller partition_size if you want to run a bigger number of words
- Pre-Trained language are downloaded from
- With 16GB of RAM you should be able run a batch size of 1M (Can vary with base word and edit distance).
run python
with the arguments [model_dir,input.txt,output.txt]
python ../english_output input.txt output.txt
[1] Tarek Sakakini, Suma Bhat, Pramod Viswanath, MORSE: Semantic-ally Drive-n MORpheme SEgment-er
- Jong Yoon Lee(UIUC) -
Supervised By
- Tarek Sakakini(UIUC) -